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  1. D

    Male-to-Female ratio in clubs

    it's weird tho, all these chicks seem obsessed with clubbing on social media especially in the uk/us. You think it might be regional? or just them being dramatic lol
  2. D

    Male-to-Female ratio in clubs

    how do you think ratios like these exist when the promoters cater to women so much?
  3. D

    Male-to-Female ratio in clubs

    In most nightclubs that aren't holding events specifically catered to women, what do you think the usual ratio of men to women is?
  4. D

    Gender and cheating

    Do you guys think men or women cheat more? Do you think gender is even significant, or do we cheat equally as often? Personally, I know of more guys who have cheated, but my actual friends have gotten cheated on more than they've cheated. Hence the curiosity.
  5. D

    Attention seeking

    Why is it that women seem to be such attention seekers compared to (straight) men? Really seems like only women (and flamboyant gay guys) dress provocatively, post skanky chit on insta, etc. and it's fkn annoying. Is there some science behind this or something?