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  1. N

    What do you guys think of this?

    The fact that he/she is married doesn't necessarily mean much of anything about 'character'. They could be seperated for example or they could be legally married but have no relationship. There are several possiblities.
  2. N

    Xmas psychosis or something

    Ha ! What a load of nonsense.
  3. N

    what path is my ltr going?

    What she said about 'wanting her personal space' could mean just about anything. Most of the intepretations here are just possiblities. She could be telling your friend that to get you motivated or to add a little drama to things; she could be in a bad mood, she could be saying she want's a...
  4. N

    Is it ever ok to ask why?

    I agree with you that the situation sounds somewhat ambiguous. She sounds like she likes you (as a friend) and if you like her too why not keep the friendship? She might even be able to give you advice on attracting someone else (and in asking questions of that sort, you could gauge whether she...
  5. N

    when she comes running back

    I largely agree with this, but it doesn't have to happen this way. Do you both understand what the problem was before? Have you talked about it or somehow come to an understanding? Even the best of couples break up and get back together again stronger than ever. It almost seems like a...
  6. N

    Best Casual Shoes?

    I agree !
  7. N

    A question on internet dating

    If you look at the statistics of online 'dating' they are pretty miserable. Match has millions of members but maybe 5 people a month get married on average having met on that site (according to business stats I saw a while ago). That's not eveyone's goals but it's the goal of most women on...
  8. N

    A question on internet dating

    Don't waste too much time with the 'internet'. Probably most of the photos are the best they'll ever look (if it's even their photo) or they'll turn out to be crazy. Sounds like your getting exposure to that with the Ug's.
  9. N

    What's your oppinion on DocLove? Is he right as he thinks he is?

    He understands the concepts better than anyone I've ever seen. I've been very impressed with some of his interpretations of events (in his tips), and I can think of several that have really helped me out.
  10. N

    Female acting weird

    Ha ! It's unlikely a girl that was popular would spend time on this site. In fact, to me that sounds like a guy responding as if a female.
  11. N

    USERS freak me out.

    A woman who visited this site would be disturbing.
  12. N

    Bedding the BPD chick

    Interesting post, but are we talking about bi-polar disorder or borderline personality?
  13. N

    What to do when a net girl, comes chasing you!

    Have you talked with her on the phone, or just communicated via the net?
  14. N

    For the guys doing online dating

    Alot of people try online introductions, a few people do pretty well with it, but I would say for most people (95%) it's either a waste of time or that time would be better spent meeting people in other ways.
  15. N

    Tactics Aws/manipulators employ to deceive people!

    DJDamage, I agree with you 100 %. And in our common quest what I find most useful and interesting is real accounts from guys about the problems/successes they're encountering. What better way to learn than from your own experience or from someone elses!
  16. N

    Tactics Aws/manipulators employ to deceive people!

    Yes, by academic I mean exactly how the term is normally used. It has little or no applied value. I wish that wasn't the case, but the analysis you cite is all over the place as I've said. Interestingly, 'academics' (professors and other educators) often believe they have a great command of...
  17. N

    Tactics Aws/manipulators employ to deceive people!

    I took a look at the link you mentioned Blue Phoenix. Once again, I have to say, too 'academic'. If you read it closely, it reminds me of astrology or trying to make sense of John Kerry. For example: It spans healthy to pathological ? Why not just say that everything is relative (trite)...
  18. N

    The Jerk and The Attention Wh*re...Seperate Yet Equal

    Interesting reading but not worth much I say. For example, both disorder definitions say and then give a long list. Sounds as valid as astrology (which is also interesting and predictive at times). Earlier this century, psychologists believed that intelligence related to national ancestry...
  19. N

    Tactics Aws/manipulators employ to deceive people!

    To me this sounds too academic to be of much use. A quick look down the list of 'tactics' and I see behaviors that could be a sincere expression by someone (with no tactical or manipulative intent) and I wonder if these could apply to most people at some point in time.
  20. N

    Opening car doors and pulling seats!

    I was clueless on this conduct until a girlfriend told me she really liked this. I still don't understand why, but I do it. If she says she is 'traditional' or something along those lines, she expects this. Why not - they do things for us they probably don't understand too!