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  1. N

    girlfriend feeling too secure and getting lazy

    I dont really know what she likes when i do.. shes pretty timid and doesnt express that. I have given her three orgasms though in the past 6 weeks (not everytime we make out though so i guess im cutting her off in a way). I kinda just realized that I think the problem IS me like ScrewIt said...
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    girlfriend feeling too secure and getting lazy

    I am new to the idea of having a girlfriend, I try to always do new things and keep it exciting, but I was just wondering what the difference in behavior should be when she is your gf. Should i show a lot of affection in public, like arm around her, hug her, maybe a small kiss.. will those...
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    girlfriend feeling too secure and getting lazy

    movies, mall, bowling, rent a movie, park the car under the moon and stars, go to parties, get dessert, [try to] teach her how to snowboard, wrestle im kinda out of ideas on that too, i try to do something different every time (except when we rent a movie at one of our houses late at night...
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    girlfriend feeling too secure and getting lazy

    actually, like i said, i do have a social life. I only hang out with her once a week. Maybe I am predictable in some areas.. which is what im trying to change. so back to my question: What do you guys htink i should do? how much contact? should i not hang out with her this weekend (i...
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    girlfriend feeling too secure and getting lazy

    basically this girl had a GREAT attitude when she was trying to earn the status of "my girlfriend", i let that drag on for almost three months, but since then (almost a month) she has gotten wayyy to secure and lazy. I dont want to break up wiht her just yet, but im unsure of what exactly to do...
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    how to get a timid girl to give head

    i have been seeing this girl for 1-2 months now and i have gotten her completely topless and have fingered her and gave her her first orgasm. she is inexperienced and has never done anything with anyone else. when we makeout she does nothing, im the one kisseng her body, etc. how should i go...
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    movie date in the back of an suv.. how to cover windows?

    This girl and I are going to be watching movies in my trailblazer, with the seats down in the back, with blankets and stuff like that. We will also be using the stereo system later to play music ;). The reason I am doing this is because i try to push her a little farther each time we makeout...
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    Getting a very inexperienced girl to open up

    About a week and a half ago this girl and I made out for the first time. She had never had her neck kissed (or anything else other than her lips), and she obviously loved that. I was trying to get her more and more turned on but when i got just a fingernail in her bra she says "your not getting...
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    Getting invited to parties

    I had the same problem my freshman year. Find a popular friend who goes to parties and go along with him. Get numbers and call people, you like to get calls dont you? so do others. Noone will care if you call them and ask if anyting is going on tonight.. call everyone. Once you start going to...
  10. N

    Best friend ends the competition because of a "crush"

    but what would you guys do in this situation. Lets take for granted that niether of us are going to tell anyone what we are doing. Woudl you: 1. Be sneaky and still keep her interest, but dont kiss her so that you are still "backing off" 2. Be the "good friend" and sabatoge yourself 3...
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    Best friend ends the competition because of a "crush"

    thanks but i didnt want a girls perspective, of course that is what you could do, cause you ARE a girl
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    Best friend ends the competition because of a "crush"

    My best friend and I were having a little competition on getting a particular girl. We have a checklist of what we have to do with her and the first one to complete it wins the competition. Well saturday we were going head to head (both of us were around her) and I was clearly dominating him, he...
  13. N

    i heard that a girl wont drop her bf unless she has another guy lined up...

    please dont respond with advice to forget about her, or she isnt good relationship material, or dont have onitis... i wont forget about her because i had something going i know she isnt a good relationship girl which is why i will avoid that i dont have oneitis for her, i go after many...
  14. N

    i heard that a girl wont drop her bf unless she has another guy lined up...

    If you KNOW a girl liked you before she got a boyfriend, and strongly sense that she still does like you a month after getting a bf (by constantly touching and flirting), and you know that the bf is not good for her (based on what he has done to her before), but she plays the whole "i love my...
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    in SERIOUS need of a QUICK bf destroyer

    sorry for posting in the wrong forum, if a mod could move it that would be great. and GTS Jeff why do you have to be negetive? I dont need to be put down and he hasnt gotten into her pants. The reason i want him to look bad is because he IS bad. He FORCES girls to do sexual things with him...
  16. N

    in SERIOUS need of a QUICK bf destroyer

    One of the girls that im going after is a really good friend of mine. We have made out a couple times recently and she is always interested in me so i have patience and play it slow. Anyways, this guy that asked her to homecoming (which is next week), called her on the phone lastngiht and asked...
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    how to "win" against another guy in the same night

    im going to be around this girl tongiht and so is another guy that likes her. Im usually a more passive person so i never end up with the girl. She says she thinks hes gay and doesnt like him at all anymore but i think she will still be into him if he puts moves on her. She dated him before and...
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    shes a compulsive liar, im VERY angry with her, i still want her, what would a dj do?

    ok well im cooled off now. and those of you who say she has low intrest level, you have nothing to base that on. she has high intrest level. she asked my friend today why i was being wierd (which i wasnt at all) and he said something to her but i dont know what. so i talked to her after school...
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    shes a compulsive liar, im VERY angry with her, i still want her, what would a dj do?

    i dont talk to her on aim, i was reading her aim conversations tonight and im not in college, i said when i get in college is the only time i will ever stop liking her thanks for the advice though, please leave some more thanks
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    shes a compulsive liar, im VERY angry with her, i still want her, what would a dj do?

    Ok there is this girl who i messed up with before i was practicing these theories and now lately she has shown major signs of intrest. Always talking about future things we will do together, always wanting to do stuff with me. We kissed once when we were drinking. Then at a party last weekend we...