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  1. D

    Single Life in London

    1. Puerile. Such a generalisation for a city of 8 million people is frankly ridiculous. 2. I seriously doubt it. 3. Not really. Most foreigners are, well, foreign. I could find you 100 eastern European illegal immigrants for every one French exchange student. 4. Very true.
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    How to Be a High School mogul...(pt. 1)~

    So if I buy a cetain brand of shoes, walk in a certain way, and have 2 friends I am a "mogul"? What a useless thread.
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    WOndering what the take is on the whole "pimp culture" emerging here...

    Well, if you want to listen to a bunch of wiggers talking crap, I guess that's your choice.
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    WOndering what the take is on the whole "pimp culture" emerging here...

    It's all idiots trying to copy what they see on MTV. Personally I think it's absolutely disgusting and has no place here.
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    WOW... for anybody who needs some motivation losing weight...

    Hey GropeDope, this is from the FAQ of the very website sonick182 has advertised (which is really cool, by the way, thanks): Q: What the stupidest question you've even been asked? That's a tough one. Whoever coined the phrase "there's no such thing as a stupid question" was either...
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    Concept II rowing machine

    The correct grip is one that one would use for a motorcycle. Don't worry about initial blisters, by the way. They'll disappear.
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    Are you a nietzschian "SuperMan"?

    Let's face it, the average man on the street will not appreciate Nietzsche. I have no interest in trying to educate others about his ideas.
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    Are you a nietzschian "SuperMan"?

    Um, people who can't even spell his name aren't really overmen, are they? I have all of his works in my personal library. He was certainly an interesting philosopher; his ideas on nihilism, the revaluation of all values, the death of God, and attacks on 'slave morality' and décadence are...
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    Wiggers in Highschool

  10. D

    On Girls' hair.

    Hey, VN, it's cool to a have a German-speaking moderator. Just one slight correction, if I may: your Nietzsche quote is from Jenseits von Gut und Böse. My English translation (Hollingdale) actually contains the original French; but the German is obviously translated. Ded_Skin_Mask13, if...
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    On Girls' hair.

    Terrible; I'd advise against it unless it's a definite C&F comment which you know will be received well. Odd (and wrong) comments in a foreign language can make you look silly if you're not careful.
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    Pimples, blackheads and zits, Oh My!

    As Nicholas said, diet has everything to do with acne. It's just so complex that there's not much you can do about it. Read the link I left behind in my previous post in this thread.
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    Pimples, blackheads and zits, Oh My!

    The first thing one has to realise is that everyone's acne is different. What works perfectly for one person may cause a breakout in another. However, there are some basic facts that can be used to your advantage. Here are some tips: See a dermatologist. This is the single best thing you can...