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  1. S

    The Ultimate Break-up Guide...

    The Ultimate Break Up Guide… Intro Okay so it’s always bound to happen, you meet a great girl, go out a few times have a ball, and then the ball starts rolling down hill and the inevitable happens, you break up. This happened to me recently, say 2 months ago, with the only girl I’ve ever...
  2. S

    Get out of my head girl!

    This is a post aimed at some of the more experienced people out there that have been throuhgh girls and breakups... How the hell do you stop thinking baout them?? I've done: Cutting off all social contact w/ her Gotten rid of anything that reminds me of her Leading a pretty active...
  3. S

    Little bumps on the manhood

    Just wondering about a little medical advice here. All over my penis are these little bumps and I'm just presuming its normal and I've heard that its just a temporary form of "acne" people get, but I'm very uninformed here. They're not red or irritating or anything, no STD's or anything...
  4. S

    The ex won't leave me alone...

    Well some of you may already know my story, but in general I just broke up w/ a gf of 6-8 months or so and have been doing the usual stuff to distance myself from her and whatever, and I'm feeling great for it. But what's really getting to me, is she's started being a bit clingy. During our...
  5. S

    Broke up with the GF... and regretting it

    Okay guys, I guess I just sort of need a rant or something here, but I'm a bit lost right now. Well I just broke up with my gf of about 6 months because she was very, well sunshine girlish. We went to this party and it was great until this other guy started hitting on her, flirting his arse...
  6. S

    Constant Mood Swings...

    Okay, well here's my little story... As of late I've been having thunderstorms worth of moods and been all over the place, I can go from feeling absolutely **** one morning to being onto of the world, going around chatting up every girl I see the next. Now I know this is probably a normal...
  7. S

    Slut Defense or Not Ready?

    Hullo all, Firstly congratulations on the great board you guys have got here, I've been reading all this for quite a while and its really good stuff ;) Anyway, a brief overview of my problem... Recently went to a movie with my girlfriend, who I have kissed quite a bit, but nothing more...