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  1. A

    Openers and creating value for anywhere, anytime

    Oh, one more thing... if you really are 27... don't post in the high school forum. It's creepy. ;) (See kids? This is what happens when you reply to a post you found via searching.)
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    Openers and creating value for anywhere, anytime

    You’re doing just fine. Your post makes it sound as though you have the openers working quite well for you. You just don’t know what to do after that, right? Remember that openers are just for opening. You demonstrate your higher value in what you say after that. The response that you get...
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    Im always on the oustside and it drives me nuts

    Good! Keep it up! Turning around your mental state takes time and persistance. Work on it every day for an hour or two... It takes time to make big changes in your life. I should know... it took me years. It's very akin to learning a foreign language. You'll spend a lot of time...
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    Im always on the oustside and it drives me nuts

    You're off to a good start. You can admit that your life isn't where you want it. Sounds like most of your problem is with "self-talk". Basically, you're too hard on yourself. If you're comfortable with the notion of self-help books, I'd really recommend this one...
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    Appealing to her...without her knowing it...

    Timster, it's not that complicated. She's giving you every sign short of skywriting that she's ... really interested in you. Period. If you don't initiate something physical, she'll probably end up feeling rejected by you.
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    am I just completely dense...

    Meh. I don't think she's too young for you. I know this type of girl. She's saying "no" when she means "yes". It may not make sense, but I assure you that there is a method to her madness. She is offering up token resistance as a test to see if you're "the man". She wants you to take...
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    hey dj's i need some pointers!

    I might need a little more information about the subject matter when you're talking to these women. My instincts tell me that you're boring these women. You're on the right track of "keeping it interesting". Do NOT ask about her hobbies. Don't ask about what she does for a living. Don't...
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    do you have to be good looking to bag an 18 yr old ?

    Oh, and just to go back to the original topic of the thread: No, you don't have to be good looking to be get an 18 year old girl. You just have to be a real man. Please see Brother_Rapp's first post for more information, or go read the DJ Bible. ;)
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    do you have to be good looking to bag an 18 yr old ?

    I'll jump in here on the issue of flakes real quick. There are a couple of things to keep in mind here. First of all, flaking is completely acceptable to most women. They don't think anything is wrong with making plans with a guy and either being late or not showing up at all. Understand...
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    Yep. You're not the only one.
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    Can you restore High interest level?

    Squirrels, I think your observations are spot on. I slept with this girl a while back just to prove my "sexual attractiveness" to myself after being rejected by someone else. It helped for a short time and I ultimately came to the same conclusions as you.
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    How to proceed from here?

    Under most circumstances, I think that you're right. People around these parts are too quick to issue the recommendation of "Next!" It's understandable though. For those who are feeling powerless in the dating game, telling a women to hit the road is a neccessary confidence building exercise...
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    How soon to call him?

    I'd have to disagree. The rules of challenge and scarcity go both ways. I've been involved with a number of girls who "queered the deal" by calling me every day or IM'ing me at every opportunity. I won't speak for all guys, but it's a sure-fire way to drop my interest level. Dreamy, I...
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    How soon to call him?

    Ah. You're in luck. I have a few more minutes for the dispensing of advice before I have to leave the computer. I don't know the details of the situation, but most guys don't run around giving out their number to women towards whom they have very low interest. They're content just seeing...
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    Girl in class: Got the number, call tonight?

    Donnie, you're right. This is absolutely golden textbook material. Your advice is very clever and I got a good chuckle out of it. But I wouldn't recommend it in this situation. Going to a strip club for the first time with a girl you're interested in is simply too much pressure. Dave, you...
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    How soon to call him?

    There are no hard and fast rules about when to call. As it has been said around these parts before, the reason for the rule of "waiting to call" is fight off the AFC urges to be clingy and needy. This is great advice for both men and women, because every mentally healthy person will rapidly...
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    How to proceed from here?

    Danger, Danger, Will Robinson You haven’t painted a hopeful picture, Ronin. I took a few moments to carefully review the history of this situation. The standard “Ultra-Magic DJ Bag of Tricks™” for getting women isn’t going to be of much assistance here. Let me make sure I have the key...
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    Is broken heart the catalyst to become DJ?

    I agree with RKTek. I would venture that an overwhelming number of DJs here started off in situations like those portrayed in the famous Charles Atlas muscle building ads in the back of comic books in the 60s ( "Tired of hearing...
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    Dealing with a shy girl

    Open ended questions aren't likely to work with a shy girl. You need to strongly lead the conversation with specific questions, while raising her comfort level to get her to open up more. Assuming you don't want to get LJBF'ed, you need to make sure you don't aren't too "soft and supportive"...
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    My recent experience that I must express

    Ah, the "genuine" LJBF. She says "I don't want to date you, but I still want to spend time with you." It's a classic mind-f*ck. It sounds like gibberish to most guys, including myself when I first heard it. I've come to understand the '******** to english' equivalent of that statement...