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  1. terabyte

    Zodiac signs

    I can't do zodiak signs and horoscopes and women who base their dating life on them. Everyone is different and IMO a astrological sign is not going to change that.
  2. terabyte

    Should I ignore dating for about 10 years??

    How do you know the dating scene won't be worse in 10yrs? Social media has already taken over a percentage of it.
  3. terabyte

    She forgot our date?

    I've had that happen with a women I had a solid interest in, twice she forgot about dates we had planned. And these were setup a few days prior, gave her the boot after the 2nd one. People make time for people they want to spend time with, no point in wasting yours.
  4. terabyte

    Breaking her of the phone habit

    Texting is usually a good problem to have, it's when they stop then you know its a problem.
  5. terabyte

    Case Study: Made a fake bumble account for 2 days

    I often wondered how that app would do with women not being the ones to approach.