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  1. D

    How are any of you not resentful?

    Are you resentful towards dogs? Are you pissed that they bark and leave their fur everywhere and piss in the corner? If you are then you have a problem. A dog is a dog, it can not change it's essence and the same is with girls. Girls are girls and you have to accept that. If you accept it then...
  2. D

    Just launched my website 'the friend zone'

    Yea, I agree with adam225. Don't focus on the things you have little to no power over. FriendZone is a mixed stuff, some say you can get out, some say it's impossible - I agree more with the last one. Good work on the webpage though :)
  3. D

    Girl Asks, "Was This just a one night stand?"

    Dude, she wants you hardcore. I don't know what's the problem here.. Never believe anything girl says, she just rambles some **** that's on her head that even she does not understand. Seems like she is insecure so don't be overly ****y with her.
  4. D

    This girl's profile annoys me...

    Her head is a bit weird, funny :D I think she would be adorable trying to act all *****y and high value :D
  5. D

    Should I just say nothing?

    Dude, you can not do anything about it. Attraction isn't a choice, let her be and choose a new girl.
  6. D

    Judge nismo's post #2,500! A major, MAJOR review!

    Repped and Funny as hell :D
  7. D

    The New DJ Bible

    Wow that's a ton of material and the best part - it's all free :D
  8. D

    Please can someone slap some common sense into me

    I suggest calling as it's more personal but at the same time it requires more effort on your on her part. If she is shy a bit or smth then go for the text.
  9. D

    Pof - Best Opener!!

    Damn, I wish people would use POF where I live. We have like zero serious dating site that everybody uses, only facebook.