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  1. W

    Gaming with style: too much for a lot of women?

    I'm 21 now, and for the past several years (since 15), have been working on my game, from the approach, to the close, the date, etc, and have become quite good. I don't "play" women, but I am confident to approach women when I want to, and I have developed a unique style that works for me...
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    Car Loan Question

    I'm a 21 yo guy looking to purchase his first car. I'm looking for something extremely modest, but economy quality car. The reason I'm getting a car is because it would help me with other things in life, particularly towards employment and helping me leverage my time a little...
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    Handling Confrontation in Public

    How do you deal with guys who make comments or try to start confrontation when you're with your girl in public? I've known all types of guys who handle the situations differently. Some will just go up and knock the guy down and others will just ignore it (if let's say it's just a comment.)...
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    Why worry about women when we have Robots? i'm in.
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    How I Gained 25 lbs this Summer

    In short, I went from 5'8 150 to 5'8 175 this summer, between June and now. I'm 20 years old. I've always worked out, but I was never really serious. I would do complex exercises, etc, but they would be inconsistent and so on. I was 160 at one point but began eating badly (not enough) and was...
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    Similairity with younger women...

    Lately I've been realizing an issue I have when it comes to women: a lack of common interest between me and them. I'm 19, but I have a wide variety of interests. I'm trying to become financially free by the next decade and hence am heavily interested in small businesses, investments, etc...
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    I want to DUMP her, but WON'T?!

    I've been going out with this girl for the past year or so. She wen't to Europe for a quarter, was faithful to me, but I ended up hooking up with a couple different girls. Anyway, she's back now, I told her about the things that happened, and we continued going out. THe problem is that...
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    Russ Whitney's "Building Wealth"

    I'm interested in getting into some small real estate ventures. At only 19 and having very little credit or income, I decided to first read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and now, Building Wealth. I like the mentality he portrays in the book. Some of his claims seem a bit distorted (like how he turned...
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    Creative Business Name Ideas

    A good business starts with a good name. I recently interviewed for a sales position in a major litigation copying firm that is trying to currently change its name. Its current one is too limiting. But as you can imagine, it's a big job. Many millions need to be spent in order to effectively do...
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    Suits: What to buy and what to avoid

    I have a couple entry-level sales interviews this week, and need to get a good-looking suit. Problem is I can only spend around a couple hundred bucks for one. Ideas? Went to JC Penny's and they looked pretty crappy. I'm thinking of some outlet stores...
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    Entry Level Sales Position

    Little about myself. I'm 19. I'm a university student, but am taking a break and working full-time for a while. The reasons are many-fold. I began to feel like I was stagnating in school, not having a solid direction because I had no reference points to base the different directions on...
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    Making money on Black Friday

    Since I really don't have anything to this holiday weekend, but would love some extra cash, I'm thinking of camping out this Thursday night at Best Buy in order to buy a good deal of hugely-on-sale goods, in order to resell them on Ebay. Anyone tried this before? Any opinions?
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    When Women Cheat
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    Dislike GF's Friends

    I've thought about this a while dating my gf, and I'd like to hear some comments. What do you do when you simply do not enjoy the company of your gf's social circle? I'm not advert to them, but whenever I hang out with these people, it sucks because they are boring as hell. Her female...
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    Is it possible to change an exclusive relationship into an open relationship? I have a gf right now (she's abroad for a couple months), and despite me really liking her, I've been noticing other women. At age 19, there is simply so much potential to date that I'm beginning to feel TIED...
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    Getting too LoveyDovey with my GF

    My gf is away until December, we're close, and we've been dating since last November. Anyway, I feel like I've become too loveydovey with her. In other words, I almost feel like I'm falling into that "adorable," stable, comfortable guy mode rather than the sexy, mysterious, dangerous mode I...
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    How can you ENSURE there's no CHEATING?

    How does a guy ensure that his gf won't cheat/leave him...that's WITHIN your control? First, within your control means that sometimes you CAN'T control her. Not going too much into philosophy, we can be taken as unique entities with at least some sort of private individuality that you will...
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    BJJ/Boxing killing me

    I've started BJJ again, and it's pretty f*cking intense. I train three times a week minimum, usually for about 2-2.5 hours, at a Carlson Gracie Academy. Today I fought just four 5-minute bouts, but I felt like I was going to die at the last one. I'm 160, but pretty f*cking strong...
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    How to get over waves of feeling down

    This month hasn't been the best for me. My gf of 10 months is gone until December, I have a hard school load, I crashed my motorcycle, and I'm running into financial issues. All these things combined--and especially not having my gf around--has left me feeling fairly down about life at...
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    Depressed about gf leaving...and how to be resilient.

    As my previous post has described, my gf is away studying abroad for a couple months, until the middle of December. We've been dating for about a year, and we're definately in love with each other. The issue is that I'm seriously down about it at times. I'm use to being with her a lot...