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  1. J

    She's sick, what should I do?

    Thank you guys. I'm being AFC with this girl, and I'm aware of that. This is not me, I'm doing it as a last resort to get this girl on the horizontal in a near future. Maybe I should dump her right now... You made me think about that.
  2. J

    She's sick, what should I do?

    Thanks Quick. Cheers
  3. J

    She's sick, what should I do?

    Guys I thank you your insights. I'm really not chasing girls or this one in particular at his moment of my life. I just keep this "spiritual" thing on facebook mostly because she started, and if it ends well it's ok, if not, I don't care. I'm not really rationalizing this relationship.
  4. J

    She's sick, what should I do?

    I want her. But I'm not forcing, it's an investment for the future. Because of personal circumstances I don't want to advance right now. I'm in the process of a divorce with kids... We are going to study together at night in September, so I'm aiming to that period to make more sexual moves.
  5. J

    She's sick, what should I do?

    Guys, I have this "spiritual" thing with a 34 years old woman. We are not in an official relationship, never had sex, but we connect by signals (mostly on facebook) and brief personal tense encounters (we have reasons for this behaviour). Please beware that this is not the average bitc**...
  6. J

    PART 1 - I guess I'm dating a chick with BPD, please help if you have experience

    My friend, about 5 years ago I started to date a BPD (at that time I didn't know nothing about BPD). About 8 months on the relationship, I started to observe some strange behavior on her, and in the middle of great drama, I broke with her. But in a moment of weakness, on the same day, I call her...
  7. J

    35 y/o just divorced, feeling depressed

    Hi guys, I’m a charming 35 years old guy who just got free from a BPD wife. Although the divorce bureaucracy is still ongoing I’m already leaving alone. At the present I’m feeling down and depressed, most at night. I don’t have single friends and don’t have activities except work… I...
  8. J

    Hesitated, and now?

    It was about 8 photos, on paper... She talked some 10 minutes about it, also because I have dogs and prefer them to cats. She also had her nails painted with different colors... She looks a bit like a Gothic. I find all that also strange, but I just want sex and pleasure, I don't mind too much...
  9. J

    Hesitated, and now?

    You are right, I shouldn't have picked the phone. I think she was really interested. She's not a great looking girl, a bit fat, and I felt she was really excited by my talk and my charm towards her. She shown me her cat's photos, and told me she sleeps with them... hehehe I'm just afraid of...
  10. J

    Hesitated, and now?

    Hi, I'm a divorced 35 years old good looking guy and been reading DJ stuff since my twenties, although not much lately. Today I went to a new hairdresser to cut my hair. There was only a girl working, we made great conversation, she was really into me, and she signal she was available to...