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  1. M

    How Quickly It Drops

    without getting too much into who did what here (personally i dont think 4 days without contact is a problem in itself but this is also highly contextual and dependent on what went before), just want to point out that while she might be acting differently (or at least your perception is that) -...
  2. M

    Guilt from cheating on LTR

    this one is a real 50-50 call imo Personally i wouldn't, if i make a mistake then (rightly or wrongly) I don't want to dump this on someone else - i can see how telling her might lessen my feelings of guilt, but i can't see how telling her would do her any good. Ultimately i think this kind...
  3. M

    LTR ex-gf married and still wants me

    but unless a girl is a virgin some guy will always have been up all in her, no? not sure its practical to limit yourself to virgins actually i dont find this all that incredible. I tend to think people marry whoever they are with at a certain age (or time in life). also i think that by the...
  4. M

    Women are always late.

    im almost never on time for anything, including my job - so I can never blame another person for doing the same!
  5. M

    Help wd b much appreciated. It's driving me insane...

    you are focusing too much on the time inbetween the dates, and not the dates themselves. i feel like i say the same thing too often on here but its really because its the same problem repeated over and over again (i really suggest you read other peoples threads and see what you think!) why so...
  6. M

    NO IDEA what went wrong

    its great that you have mutual friends - and also reading a couple of your other posts you seem like you are a normal person that prefers composure to histrionics - so you should be capable of handling this without doing anything silly, because now is the time for composure
  7. M

    Am I being afc here, do you ever ask questions?

    concentrate on the times she is with you not the times inbetween! dudes are too fixated on messages and texts and calls, they demand all this attention inbetween, but why? shes coming to see you isnt she? why do you need a bunch of texts inbetween? are you frightened she'll forget who you...
  8. M

    friendzone escape.. again.

    i dont really like number 3 very much but dont see any other problems, friendzone is something of a myth anyway imo (or at least its just self inflicted)
  9. M

    is being called "nice guy" always bad?

    people (not just girls) distrust kindness because too often it comes with implicit strings attached (and is therefore not 'kindness' at all)
  10. M

    A nice guy that gets the babes?

    nice guy, emotional sponge, shows his feelings, feminine ive seen plenty guys who are all the above get girls the whole time....and you know why because they're not needy, they don't pressurize, they don't make everything incredibly serious, their niceness comes with no strings attached...
  11. M

    Still a little pissed...opinions please

    ok was maybe a little bit harsh - its more that it was fine and then for him to react like that at the end was just aargh I dont think there's any evidence to suggest this girl was playing any kind of games or trying to make him feel jealous. She was talking to him and it was grand but...
  12. M

    Still a little pissed...opinions please

    I literally cannot believe how badly you handled this! all the things that happened in your post were irritating, yes! And i might well have been annoyed if i was in the same situation - but! not annoyed at her! None of this was her fault, and she isn't obligated to you in any way And then...
  13. M

    Reciprocation Issue

    good - sometimes people are a little thoughtless and things like this can happen with no real intention, which is why it should be brought up early - and then slate wiped clean try look at this way - 2 months isn't really that long a time and you must have already done almost half of it
  14. M

    Need to know asap please =)

    he does have a point, you are already meeting on saturday so there's no real need to call tonite. if (IF) she then asks why you didn't call, then you have to be like "oh man, got back so late from xyz, all i could think about was sleep" - you're not apologizing, but you are being upbeat...
  15. M

    Reciprocation Issue

    its true he is relying solely on her for his emotional attention (and under the circumstances not only to understandable - but even to be expected - is a major reason i could never work in one of those countries), and really perhaps something that ideally should have been discussed before...
  16. M

    Need to know asap please =)

    call her by all means but i wouldnt at 6 i would do later on you are already seeing her saturday, dont try cram in another thing inbetween - where is there space for her (or you!) to look forward to saturday?
  17. M

    Reciprocation Issue

    you have to present how you are feeling rationally and calmly, say you don't mean to make her feel guilty but at same time it is better for issues about this to be raised now rather than let them fester and grow till they are more difficult to address. i would say that although you both...
  18. M

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    in most of these cases I would replace "nice" with "boring" Its the reality of a dude starts to become more apparent and while girls can be quite good at pretending dude is something he isn't, it wears off around this period dudes actually do the same its just a) they are able to pretend...
  19. M

    NO IDEA what went wrong

    its not neccesarily dead (though it may well be) firstly - clearing the air, explaining, telling her stuff - all this is a bad idea! this is just more seriousness, a common failing - dudes do this a lot, turn something fun into some kind of summit level discussions almost overnight. continue...
  20. M

    Does the truth cure Oneitis?

    i think it really depends on your personality type - for some it is better to move on, and for others it is better to normalize imagine girls were alcoholic drinks and you are in a bar drinking them. all is fine, but later that week you are at home and have work later, and there is some...