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  1. C

    Need expert opinion of this situation with a girl...

    Alright I started talking to this girl I knew from school, went to eat breakfast, texted, but she dropped the class and basically stopped talking to her. Towards the end of the semester I got her number again after we talked for a long time in the library. I called her and we began talking...
  2. C

    Need Advice on whether or not I should call this girl...

    Long Story short. Met this girl at my job. She is quitting to leave for an internship for the summer. I worked one day with her and got her number. We text back and forth for a few days, and meet up with others at her place and go out to a bar. We get back to her house and make out, but...
  3. C

    When you randomly approcah a girl and she gives you her number...

    what is the likelihood that she is just giving it to you because she is afraid to say "no" or just doesn't want to hurt your feelings.. Just wondering, because I seem to have no trouble number closing(*knock on wood*), but it usually doesn't go much further than that...
  4. C

    Critique this conversation(yes over-analyzing)

    Alright, so I just got a part-time job at the gym I work out at. Anyways, there's this girl that works there that looks pretty damn good, and I had noticed her before I got the job there. So, the second night I work there, it's her that I'm relieving and she's just like "is there anything you...
  5. C

    Alright Playas, need some opinions...

    So, I met this hot waitress the other day. She seemed really cool so I got her number. Anyways, we begin texting each other and she eventually tells me she thinks I should know that she a has a bf. I respond "well then it's time for an uprgrade" haha. Anyways, we continue to text the...
  6. C

    Alright Playas, Need Some Experienced Opinions

    Alright guys, I'll try to make this as short as possible. I met this girl in one of my classes at my university. We start to get along really well and talk. Right off the bat, when we get dropped off of our bus where her car is parked and my next bus picks me up, she waits there with me for...
  7. C

    Need Advice on this Situation

    Ok, so I have never done this before, but I got bored one night and started talking to this girl through an on-line dating website. I start talking to this girl, eventually e-mailing this girl daily and talking to her on the phone for like 2 hours a night. I have now been dating her for...
  8. C

    I Have A Problem: Need Quick Responses

    Alright, I'll try to make this as short and sweet as possible. I just started a new university. I talked to this girl from my apt. at the bus stop, ended up talking to her alot, hanging out alot, and messing around several times. She tells me she has a boyfriend that she is in a...
  9. C

    Totally Bummed Out

    What's up guys? I just transfered universities this semester and everything started great. As early as a week ago, I already had a really good looking friend with benefits from my new school, a pretty girl I was gaming that I felt was interested in me, and I got another girl's number I met...
  10. C

    My disabled friend

    I have a friend who got in a car accident his senior year of high school. He had no problems getting girls and we have been best freinds since middle school. He had his right leg amputated after the accident and hasn't had a date since his girlfriend broke up with him ten months after the car...
  11. C

    waiting on call

    I met this girl at my college apartments and we chit chatted for a few days on the bus while commuting to school. We talked about where we were from, family, as well as the local bar scene. This past Thursday while conversating, she asked for my number and said "maybe we can hang out this...