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  1. T

    Lack of Attraction Towards Menopausal Women

    Dating women around the age of the menopause is going to be around the right age match for a man of my age. However, I don’t find women around this age bracket sexually attractive. The changes to their bodies from the menopause are a turn off for me. I like women with curves such as a small...
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    Married Men on Dating Apps

    I’ve heard directly from women and read about married men being on dating apps. Impossible to know how much this affects the male / female ratio on the apps. Married men going after single women is a pet peeve of mine as the mistress will often seek out another man to fill in the gaps in her...
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    How Sensitive Are Women To The Crazy Label?

    Generally speaking are women sensitive to being thought of as crazy? If a women picks up on a little something you said and then think that you think they’re crazy - even if you don’t. Has this happened to you? I’m also seeing a lot of OLD profiles where they say they’re “easy going” as if...
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    Returning Flakes

    Have you guys had a flake that returns months later? If so how have you dealt with them? I had one in a mutual friends group that I had re-established contact with. Long story short, she asked me out to dinner to thank me for something I had done for her. Then flaked and ghosted. 10 months...
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    Glamorising Craziness?

    Just came across this song by Doja Cat. “Walk On By” is an old song that has been covered many times and I find this one quite catchy, but after watching the video it comes across to me that Doja Cat is glamorising craziness in women and making it look cool for a woman to be crazy. Maybe I’m...
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    Greying Hairy Chest - good or bad look?

    I’m 54 and I have a greying hairy chest. I did dye it with beard dye when going on beach holidays, but the grey / white area is getting larger now and more difficult to cover up. When wearing medium cut T-shirts there is an area of white hair on show. Is this a good or bad look for a guy of my...
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    WhatsApp Status Updates & Facebook Stories

    I’ve come across women who seemingly post these updates on WhatsApp or Facebook because they can see who viewed them and use this as a way of seeing who is interested in them. I had one a while back that posted daily WhatsApp status updates and to begin with I stumbled across this feature and...