Search results for query: college/

  1. B

    We need an equivalent of The Free Speech Union In The US, perhaps other nations Currently, the only civic organization of any consequence on this subject which exists here in The US* is FIRE, and their approach remains a highly legalistic one That won't diminish...
  2. Solomon

    A Tip That Helped Improve My Game By 9000X!

    Hello Gentlemen, First, I know this is a long post, but I believe some folks need to read and internalize this(heck even myself cause I have tendency to forget)what I'm about to type is nothing new to most of you. It may even sound rehashed or like the "same old, same old." However, I found...
  3. B

    Attractive Charissa Thompson Getting Divorced for 2nd Time at Age 40 & is Childless

    Sucks for her, and is of no consequence to us
  4. AmsterdamAssassin

    About marriage

    We don't feel so much different about marriage, I think. It can be blissful or a total mistake. And how you write about it can make a different perspective. When you wrote: In this description the guy sounds like a real catch and his ex-wife like a vapid person. In your current post, the...
  5. Divorced w 3

    About marriage

    I am not as his worth as that’s a lifetime achievement but I feel this still.
  6. B

    Fb groups I see for females looking for roomates rooms.

    Quite strong, IF you're a married man, and you and the missus have resolved to be contemporary versions of Fred and Rosemary West
  7. BeExcellent

    About marriage

    To respond to @AmsterdamAssassin about the couple who divorced: They were a very attractive young couple, college sweethearts. They were both upper middle class backgrounds. He was extremely ambitious and was driven to financial success at any cost. Honestly he can be a major ass hole...
  8. AureliusMaximus

    Fb groups I see for females looking for roomates rooms.

    Sounds kinda creepy to me tbh. Female room mates/tenants are nothing by trouble by the way. I tried it and will never to do again.
  9. AmsterdamAssassin

    About marriage

    So, a rich and intelligent person married a vapid model and got burned. Marrying this woman was a mistake, yes? An LTR might have exposed her without him having to go through an expensive divorce. So he found a new woman, but hasn't wifed her up yet. Maybe he's a bit more wary of entering into...
  10. D

    About marriage

    @BeExcellent or anyone else who knows the answer: What if a billionaire who made his money on the stock market wanted to remain single, but wanted to enter into business deals with married billionaires, would his being single hurt him in the business world? Also, I wonder how common it is among...
  11. BeExcellent

    About marriage

    Lol. My view of the rich & famous is not exalted. However men who have unlimited options, there must be reasons these men choose marriage over debauchery or some other alternative. My political views are counter to yours to say the least but we must leave that aside. So let's get back to...
  12. AmsterdamAssassin

    Fb groups I see for females looking for roomates rooms.

    I'm pretty sure you're the first 'hard up' guy to think about this. ;)
  13. I

    Fb groups I see for females looking for roomates rooms.

    Anyone else awe these groups popping up on their feed? Groups for women, mainly college chicks and mid 20s looking to rent a room while in school or looking for a roommate. I notice a lot of the girls are hb 7 to 8 range. I Inherited my mom's house and it's 4 bedroom. So let's say you rented it...
  14. D

    About marriage

    @BeExcellent I hope your son and DIL have a long and happy marriage! What I'm gonna write next is my thoughts and observations on marriage to you and anyone else reading: I'm Jewish, but a friend of mine and his wife are both Christians and he is an Army officer. They met in high school and...
  15. MatureDJ

    NEETCels could cause housing prices to drop 30%
  16. CornbreadFed

    Girls value emotional orgasms over physical orgasms

    I think guys who struggle with women fail to realize this. They see everything as physical and external, completely neglecting the internal and emotional aspects. Raw physical attractiveness will get you one-night stands, a lot of failed first dates, and a smoldering relationship at best. If you...
  17. D

    About this 9/10 girl

    Yeah yeah whatever next time I need help here or when I do an effort post once my game is refined I will write better jeeze I'm just not used to these old ass forums.
  18. B

    About this 9/10 girl

    Brother. Might I suggest. The Enter key. You're in college man, cmon...Jesus Christ.
  19. SW15

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    Some of this was going on in 2004-2005 when I was 21-22. It's likely gotten worse since then. If someone did start in the early 2010s, then that would be a common perception. I turned 21 in 2004. I noticed some changes in the overall mating environment between 2004-2005 and 2011-2012. I don't...
  20. FlexpertHamilton

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    I noticed a decline in nightlife even before Covid, and thought it was a problem unique to my city. But I saw RooshV writing about the same thing as early as 2017 or so, which is about the time I started noticing it, and was really cemented after travelling and moving and seeing how ubiqitous it...