Recent content by Yorkex

  1. Y

    Ever taken an Ex back ?

    Under what circumstances and how did it play out ? 1) You broke up with them 2) She broke up with you 3) Mutual agreement
  2. Y

    A girl's perspective on boundaries

    So what's the final verdict ? Boundaries or just accept that people will do what ever the fucckk they want & it's up to you to walk away ?
  3. Y

    Afraid she'll leave me

    If she gets mad because you are busy or working you really want to marry a woman like that ? Take this mindset , nothing expressed through text messaging is important. I believe if someone truly needs you , they will pick up the phone and call rather than text. All my friends know me...
  4. Y

    Afraid she'll leave me

    When you asked if you were busy you shouldn't have said NO ! You mixing and doing something you enjoy has to be placed above her. Next time , admit that you are busy and you will msg her after ...then stretch out that tension and wait till she reaches out. Make her feel replaceable but...
  5. Y

    Drunk texted EX from 6 months back.

    Honestly , don't go out of your way to expect too much. Have fun on the date and when the time is right , let her know everything you FEEL ( not in a complete AFC mode ; needy clingy plea that you want her back ) Just state your intentions and be willing to walk at the same time. That's why...
  6. Y

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Haven't updated in a while. She has a new boyfriend for about 4 months now but I made a mistake of sleeping with her when she was dating the new guy :whistle: Somehow my ex found out I'm having a birthday dinner with friends next week. ( Thanks alot friends ) Was NC for 3 months and today...
  7. Y

    Women are BPD because they don't respect you

    Having dealt with one , I will agree with the OP and others inputs as well. Ultimately came down to me allowing it , my main problem is the reason behind it. For me I had numerous options so it can't be her puxxy alone. Recent soul searching and honesty led me to believe I have some issues I...
  8. Y

    Women are on a RAMPAGE ! Not sure if some of you are following this story but in summary she posts a picture of her self in her PERIOD BLOOD on Instagram and they deleted it - so she went on a feminist rant and it's catching wave. The rise of social media is making protests...
  9. Y

    *****How do I respond? Please help ******

    Stick to your first thought. Add a funny flair to it. You are right , changing your words mean you submit.
  10. Y

    *****How do I respond? Please help ******

    Never push for nudes. Try to see her in person. Some of the best nudes I got were sent randomly :yes:
  11. Y

    Whats with the BPD obsession on these forums?

    haha good one. But nah I don't share ideas with kids.
  12. Y

    *****How do I respond? Please help ******

    Say by crazy chance I decide to take a chance and marry you ...will you still love me when I'm fat ?
  13. Y

    Whats with the BPD obsession on these forums?

    Have you been with one ? If not I can't discuss with you. Your line of logic sucks , stating the obvious and talking bad about someone is two different things. You don't see me going around spilling her deep secrets. When the first input most of you have is " how come you didn't see that" ...
  14. Y

    Crazed Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz who killed 149 had just been dumped by fiancé

    No background check by the flight company ? People with depression should not be handed high intensity jobs like this.
  15. Y

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Keep it this way , you he stated you want her and she decline. Chances are she will try to get info from your close friends , don't spill your secrets to them. If they ask just say you saw no point staying friends because you wanted more then switch topic. Don't reveal your weak moments to any...