Drunk texted EX from 6 months back.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
So I lost a plate and was drunk last night and text my EX who I haven't spoken to or seen since like October. Told her I wanted to meet up and drink. I sent it at like midnight too lol..she text me the next day about 11 when she typically wakes up and seemed very excited to hear from me and agreed to meet. Had alot of smiley faces and junk in her replys.

I kept it short and sweet and won't text her any in between until tomorrow night on where to go. I'd totally love to bang this girl again We didn't really have normal problems. Just grew apart after dating for a few months. I don't think I'd date her again but she was very good sexually and I would go there again if it came up.

So, visually I'm wondering what to look for when we meet up. Obviously if she's dressed poorly she is not interested in impressing me. If she's smelling great and looking great and has her eyes locked on mine when we're talking that's and clear sign. What other signs do you guys think I should be on the look for? Should I meet her at the bar? Or suggest we take the same vehicle since she's on the way to the place we're starting at and we'll be jumping around to different spots.

I've also said I'd totally play it cool and casual, act not interested maybe just a hug towards the end of the night and possibly set up another meet up down the road if I think she'd be interested in putting out. I was always very sexual and maybe not trying to mess with her the first night would spin her mind, or maybe she'll think I'm friend zoning her by doing that.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2014
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New York
Honestly , don't go out of your way to expect too much. Have fun on the date and when the time is right , let her know everything you FEEL ( not in a complete AFC mode ; needy clingy plea that you want her back )

Just state your intentions and be willing to walk at the same time. That's why it's better to sit down and become one with your intentions before going , don't go there with the intentions of smashing and quiting but telling her you want a relationship again. I figured a MANLY honesty is the way to go with women , ofcourse backed by actions that are congruent with your initial goal.

Ex. One of my ex ' s was a plate till she decided to get into a relationship with another dude. I let her know off the bat she can do that when ever she felt ready ...dangerous game but it teaches you how to not become emotionally dependent.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2015
Reaction score
Feel it out through the night. If she's dressed to impress like she was at the beginning of dating that's probably a good sign. Feel it out and see if you're friend zoned or not. Possibly not since you haven't spoken in 6 months.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
My expectations are get drunk and have fun. If it goes anywhere else that's cool but if it doesn't it's nothing I haven't been without the past 6 months. She might have a BF or be dating someone for all I know, I don't really care. If it is the case it's shady of her because it wouldn't fly with me. One of my rules is no EX's.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
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Yorkex said:
Honestly , don't go out of your way to expect too much. Have fun on the date and when the time is right , let her know everything you FEEL ( not in a complete AFC mode ; needy clingy plea that you want her back )

Just state your intentions and be willing to walk at the same time. That's why it's better to sit down and become one with your intentions before going , don't go there with the intentions of smashing and quiting but telling her you want a relationship again. I figured a MANLY honesty is the way to go with women , of course backed by actions that are congruent with your initial goal.

Ex. One of my ex ' s was a plate till she decided to get into a relationship with another dude. I let her know off the bat she can do that when ever she felt ready ...dangerous game but it teaches you how to not become emotionally dependent.

I disagree with most of this. I say, state nothing verbally, but, instead, be normal, comfortable, funny, and HEAVY KINO! Seriously, with a long lost ex, HEAVY KINO is the way to go. Escalate all night and get those juices flowing. OWN! State nothing. Make her wet with action! You already 'had" her. If she is agreeing to meet with you, she is agreeing long before she arrives, to sleep with you. IF...you lead her to it.

Nothing else matters. BF, Grandma just died, just got fired, LJBF, hates you for old reasons. No excuses. She is a woman. She was once your woman. Her subconscious knows this. Abandon all logic with this interaction and be primal. If you do that, she is yours for the taking. If you display any weakness at all, she will be there to disqualify you immediately, that she indeed made the "right" decision. If you are owningly ****y she will respond as "yours" once again.

I say in the first half hour you should be rubbing your finger on the inside of her waist line and rubbing the inside of her leg. Seriously, make her feel irresistible. Smell her hair, whisper hot sh!t in her ear and rub her legs like you used too. Do not take her questioning this behavior as a deterant. Remember, she wanted you once, she already decided to f^ck you. Its yours for the taking. Get it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
As usual, solid advice salinechow.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
Sounds about right. I want to hit up more than one spot and move around a bit. Maybe 3 different locations. I'm going to just tell her I'll pick her up instead of both of us driving around. More logical and probably would be beneficial in the late night.


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2015
Reaction score
You REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY want that girl:). I am just saying what is my conclusion while reading your messages. Anyway, I think that you will know what to do when moment comes. You even don't need much of advice if she was your gf.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
miketan70 said:
You REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY want that girl:). I am just saying what is my conclusion while reading your messages. Anyway, I think that you will know what to do when moment comes. You even don't need much of advice if she was your gf.
Haha man I'm just being realistic. She's smoking hot and if I can get back in that once again, why not. Like we say, no reward gained without risk and trying. And like my man said above. Own the night and be the man you were.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
Girl text me, ask what time we're meeting up. I said 730-8 I'll scoop you up so we can take one vehicle to the different spots. She asked if we can go earlier has a meeting in the morning. Womp womp womp I.E "I won't/can't be staying out late getting drunk with you" hahahaha oh well, don't go in expecting much and you won't be let down! It is what it is, she'll stay out late if I play my cards right most likely.