Recent content by The Shoe

  1. T

    So I accidentally ran across a video of my friend's fiancee getting double teamed on a porn site lol

    In the future, respect her privacy. Her SO doesn't need to know this.
  2. T

    Shouldn't our goal be getting women to pick us up?

    I've been dropping by every now and then for about 15 years. I'm 50 now and have attractive women constantly hitting on me. I am not rich, I am fat and bald. My goal has always been to get women to hit on me, not for me to creep out and use weird tricks. I hear a lot about "pick-up artist", but...
  3. T

    When a woman tries to "out alpha you"?

    I've never had such an encounter. Maybe I don't see women and men as alphas. I also don't play games and wouldn't notice anyone trying to out alpha me because I don't give a ****. -- maybe that's why it is easy for me...
  4. T

    Is it just me or has online dating going down the tubes?

    Still the same here. I get regular offers to hook up, but a lot of them are involve the husband. :(
  5. T

    NoFap 90 days

    Oh for Pete's sake, fap. It'll do you good an take your mind of not fapping.
  6. T

    You Guys Need A Wakeup Call

    Exactly. Women are not robots, they should should be drawn to you. Tricks to get around defenses are nice and all, but any DJ that knows his craft will draw women to him like ants to a picnic. It's been said several times in this thread that the good seducers don't need to come here. I lurked...
  7. T

    You Guys Need A Wakeup Call

    I think you are confusing "borderline sociopathy" with confident assertiveness. This "conquest" mentality, while it plays nice to your ego, is not as effective as a more artistic mindset. (Is the term not "pick-up artist"?) I've never had to be a "borderline sociopathy" to get respect. Sure, I...
  8. T

    Is it creepy to keep track of dating experience in a spreadsheet?

    General notes, yes. Full details, creepy.
  9. T

    Cousin married last year divorced this year.

    I do pre-marital counseling which I encourage everyone to go through. You would not believe how many couples get married not having talked about living arrangements, finances, children, careers, etc. All of these are going to be very important, and I've seen couples break up after talking about...
  10. T

    Oh no, now there is a Miss Britain Curve contest!

    I'd like to be attracted to large women, because there are some with great personalities out there, but I am not.
  11. T

    Women REALLY hate facial hair

    Some women put up a poll and "demanded" I wear stubble. this look has gotten a better response than all my other facial hair arrangements.
  12. T

    Anyone else in their 30's and up NOT attracted to women their age or 1-2 years younge

    I tend not to like women in the 20s although I date a lot of them. Not enough to talk about as there are few shared experiences. They like me because I am worldly wise. I think it is like a dancer looking for a partner with equal or better dancing skills to challenge them. I tend to favor women...
  13. T

    Looking for tips on talking less

    Yes, listening and mirroring is key. It's not important that you hang on every word, just learn how to look interested and remember to listen from time to time so you can respond accordingly and make them feel like the most interesting woman in the world.
  14. T


    True and this is one reason why I havd avoided such situations in the past. But then again, some of the most stable relationships I know were ones that were plucked from disasterous relationships. I suppose if one did decide to pursue, infidelity and heartbreak are an increased risk. All is fair.
  15. T


    Here's the deal: I get a lot of action, so I don't mess with women who have boyfriends/husbands. But then again, I am looking for quality rather than quantity, and most quality women of my age are not on the market. Should I change my policy?