Recent content by Sincere

  1. S

    She LJBF me, I told her otherwise..

    iggi has a good point as far as faking genuinely bein interested in a girl to get some azz, but heres how to prevent all that... me being a recent college graduate, i'm gonna use the analogy of getting a job I applied to several jobs, and whenever I applied, I had to put exactly what...
  2. S

    help w/ flakiness thing about flaking is I don't take it honestly...When I first even suggest hangin out and they sound a little fishy, I say "man if you don't wanna hang then just let me know cuz i'm not with that flaking stuff, I can make some other plans..." and l've been flaked on hours before a...
  3. S

    Is her Interst level dropping??

    yea I believe IL is real fickle anyways...drop her and get on with the next chick
  4. S

    facebook/myspace approaching

    Man I suck at it...I'm pretty decent with in person approaching, but sometimes I be seeing some fly azz women on fb and myspace and I want to get at em! If there are threads concerning tips with this I apologize for being lazy and not searching, help me out and link me an article if one is...
  5. S

    "Natural" friend, actually an AFC?

    I mean he's being his natural self obviously, which is the point of Don Juanism anyways...I think you should just stay in your lane and stop pickin his brain because essentially what you're doing is trying to become HIM instead of becoming an improved YOU
  6. S

    Too Picky?

    lol! i hate weave!!!!! I don't know what the solution is honestly
  7. S

    More ex-girlfriend stuff...

    yea gotta live life and just really take it one day at a time...because you don't feel like moving on or hooking up right now but who knows the next girl you might meet before you move back to the west focus on that career and that money and let things work out for ya
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    Too Picky?

    That MIGHT be it...but ok thats a lost cause if I'm doin it like that because my ex is hispanic and I've been messin wit all black girls...and yea I mean how do I get over that if thats the case of trying to find a clone of my ex
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    Too Picky?

    Its been a while since I've posted so let me provide ya'll with some background info -Graduating senior -Apart of Fraternity -Popular at my school -yadda yadda yadda Anyways was in a relationship, relationship didn't work out, in the few months we've been broken up I've banged 5...
  10. S

    what if they avoid eye contact? and some other stuff

    well....i'm black and i mean i'm dark skinned but not super black i'm pretty good lookin got a short clean cut haircut i had braces so my teeth are straight and no pimples. but ANYWAYS even if i was ugly there would be nothing i could do about that the whole don juan theory would be pointless...
  11. S

    what if they avoid eye contact? and some other stuff

    hey i'm 20 yrs old from texas 5'9 185. i've been readin your DJ Bible and the sosuave tips and they have all helped, but being a newcomer I've just tried to work on one aspect at a time. The first aspect is the eye contact. Now this is a problem because eye contact is the first part to an...