Recent content by Poll

  1. P

    HOT, Cute AFC Women? Do they exist?

    If a hot chick acts AFC, you won't want her? Yea, whatever... With your line of thinking, I guess you would be all over the fat ugly chick who acts like a female DJ.
  2. P

    Uni Chik

    You sound like a backstabbing friend, why even bother questioning your intentions. Get the chick, friends are a dime a dozen...
  3. P

    Im leaving the country, i just ****ed a 15 yr old im 21

    The truth of the matter is... if a 15 yr girl looks 23 and is a solid 9, I'm sure even knowing she is underage, most here will still bang her.
  4. P

    Sex with my ex

    Sounds to me, she sees you as a human dildo, it means you're are quite boring if she's not horny.
  5. P

    Are you a player?

    It's only bad if all the girls you are rumor to have fvck are hippos.
  6. P

    Relationship Falling Apart?

    when my girl said the same things to me, it usually means she wants my credit card.
  7. P

    Feeling so bloody insecure.

    I will give you the truth. LDR with a hot girl is like leaving a porno magazine in the men restroom, it won't last long, everything will get nasty and the whole thing will start to fall apart.
  8. P

    Judging Interest Level

    If you want to know the answer fast, just touch her boobs, if she slaps you, then she thought of you as a friend, if she grabs your package and starts caressing it, then you are in.
  9. P

    Young girls and the law

    anyone under age of 18 can't enter any legal contract, so even if you have her sign a formal consent to fvck form, with her blood finger print on it stating she is 18 will not hold up on court. You might as well screw her and run...
  10. P

    Eye contact: looking down or looking to the side

    here's what you do. Wait for the group to come toward you, then walk directly to their center, forcing them to split apart to let you through, then as they divide, you grab her wrist, and whisper "come with me". You pull her in the opposite direction of the group's movement, and when the...
  11. P

    Macking at WORK?

    Bang the boss too... your job is secured.
  12. P

    Leather Couch/Futon?

    leather couch or futon? Man, you spoiled. I used phone books I collected around the apartments to make my sofa.
  13. P


    You should have replied "your vibrator can't be that good"
  14. P

    Friend zoned and I don't know why...

    Maybe you should just date your in laws. :up:
  15. P


    does your woman's scent smell as good as your sister's? I like the smell as well, nothing beat's the stinch of rotten fish in the morning. :up: