Recent content by mojo16

  1. M

    Just launched my website 'the friend zone'

    haha what on Earth are you talking about Gambino? Did you even read my post?
  2. M

    Just launched my website 'the friend zone'

    Hi lads, I built this site a few years ago, I've just relaunched it. I know the site looks like it was built in the 90's... ha! It was actually the first website I built, when I was 16 years old. Since then I have launched my own web design company, running out of...
  3. M

    at the lowest point of my life

    hey fellas, this will be very similar to a lot of posts you read on here! but i messed up bad and need to vent ha. I'm sure you've all had a oneitis in your time, i managed to tune mine and started seeing her 2 years after we became friends. when i met her she was an innocent shy girl who...
  4. M

    how to get your girlfriend back after you dump her

    i broke up with my girlfriend because i got bored. now I'm regretting it haha. she came over last week, i chomped out and told her i miss her. she said she "kinda got used to just being friends" and said no. what do you guys think is the best way to win her back?
  5. M

    how to handle a flake, when she is your girlfriend.

    calm down guys she only flakes once every month or so. the question wasnt why does she flake.. it was how should i RESPOND. jay dee: how does one backoff now, once a week? wut
  6. M

    how to handle a flake, when she is your girlfriend.

    title explains it all. really. my girlfriend flakes on me. in every other area the relationship is normal and stable. when she flakes it is always for a legitimate reason, but i think, and i hope most of you would agree that she should be jumping through hoops to see me all the time. or...
  7. M

    how to end an on-and-off relationship with a girl?

    pretty weird situation, ive been hooking up with this amazing girl who im pretty crazy about, but she plays a lot of games with me.. not sure if she does it as an attempt to make me like her more, or just because she is a girl, either way it has gone on for long enough and i want to put my...
  8. M

    How to ask out a hairstylist at work?

    go get your haircut by her again. after it is finished and you have paid her, you could say something like: do I have to wait until my hair gets too long to see you again? !then do not speak! wait for her to answer, which you will obviously get. if she turns you down, you can always just ask...
  9. M

    Make a friend a girlfriend
  10. M

    This is Alpha as fuk, it deserves to be posted in ths section

    answer: yes you are, you retard
  11. M

    Friends to Lovers
  12. M

    hooking up with friends little sister

    I am currently hooking up with hottest girl ive ever scored. strangely she happens to be my good friends little sister. (both are girls) she is also a really nice/good girl. has never had another guy before me so yeah she is really shy and nervous about the whole thing. ok so we both really...
  13. M

    Hottest Girls

    StevieD... after reading all of your posts, i have come to the conclusion that your name is actually Marissa, and that you have some self-esteem issues. If you want heaps of guys to tell you that you're beautiful, wear less make-up, and maybe a nose job. Sincerely, MoJo.