Recent content by Mikey C

  1. M

    Feel like a bit of a chump

    You got it right sodbuster. It's my fault too for not striking while the iron was hot. I'm just 3 months out if an 18 month relationship. Rusty. Anyway, she rescheduled for tomorrow and when I texted to confirm she put it off to Thursday. I'm free Thursday but I said I was busy, and for the...
  2. M

    Feel like a bit of a chump

    Thanks. I contacted her on Monday. Probably should have waited. Anyway, we arranged for tomorrow and she's just texted saying she can't. She countered with next Tuesday which is 6 days away. I feel it's losing momentum as I was getting psyched up to escalate for tomorrow. Let's see what happens.
  3. M

    Feel like a bit of a chump

    Cheers man. If she doesn't contact in a couple of days do you reckon I should open up contact again? I'm definately giving up alcohol after this. Just too messy and leads to poor decisions.
  4. M

    Feel like a bit of a chump

    I met this girl in an intensive english teaching job. We hit it off and I make her laugh. She's asked if I was seeing anyone and has demonstrated the typical IOIS. She's 10 years younger as well. She plays the guitar as I do and has asked me to come round to hers to change her strings.."and we...
  5. M

    Should I have handled this differently...?

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I know in my gut she's not right for me and I've been thinking of finishing anyway. Just wanted a bit of feedback. I phoned 3 days ago to clear things up not so much to get things back on track but try out the afc thing glumix mentioned. "How you doing? Thought...
  6. M

    Should I have handled this differently...?

    On Saturday I had arranged to stay over at my gf's. On the morning I texted her and she seemed a bit distant. I asked what was up and she said she hadn't slept the night before and was "exhausted". This has happened before and a bad time was had. Anyway, I got ready and set off. Before I left I...
  7. M


    I bet you take it out for walks more. If you do the dog likes you more.
  8. M

    How to end it?

    Thanks for all the advice. Have just done it. I said don't think it's working, compatible etc. She said can we talk about it etc and I stood firm. She asked why don't you think we're compatible and I mentioned her bossy tone and attitude. She then says...I don't think you ever...
  9. M

    How to end it?

    Just writing this thread to get some confirmation of what I'm going to do because I know things will get worse. Long story short. I've been with a woman since March, she's two years older and divorced with a 7 year old girl. She lives 45 minutes away and we alternate weekends. Mine and...
  10. M

    Online question.

    Just been back online after a layoff. Messaged a woman after reading a great thread here about just asking women straight out online. Can't find it again, though. Anyway, she's into Pink Floyd like myself. Me."Fancy a drink and a chat about Floyd sometime? " Her." would love to.. can...
  11. M

    Didn't get number, but..

    Yeah, I'm feeling good about myself. I got divorced nearly 2 years ago, so I was pretty miserable leading up to the divorce and a good year afterwards. Now I'm exercising, drinking rarely (never at home) and buying new clothes regularly. A group of women (wives of friends) complimented me on my...
  12. M

    Didn't get number, but..

    Thanks, good advice. Thing is, the night was in full swing when she arrived and I was a bit drunk. I was in a great mood and was enjoying the night with friends, trying to pull women wasn't on my mind to be honest. Suppose you must always be prepared though. The number thing just passed me...
  13. M

    Didn't get number, but..

    I was at a birthday party last night and a friend of a work collegue came later in the night. We got on well, I didn't crowd her and spoke to other girls in the group. I thought there was feeling though. At one point she says, "you've probably forgotten my name"... Anyway to cut a long story...
  14. M

    Decent date that fizzled out

    Think you're right Danny. When she flaked I was totally motivated by this site and forgot about her. Was surprised when she got back in contact and wanted to ask about it. Mike.
  15. M

    Decent date that fizzled out

    So, got a message from her today, nearly three weeks after she flaked. "i hope you're not angry with me, call me whenever you want." So, what next? To be honest I wasn't thinking about her since she flaked. I took the advice here and moved on. P.S, note to mods. This was in the mature...