Recent content by Lloyd.ambert

  1. L

    if you wanted to give your best advice about health and fitness, what would it be ?

    PairsPlus RoyalFlush: //2. You don't need creatine// //5. Hammer curls- do them// Yes, yes! My adds- Pick good parents; much of your capacity to train is genetic, trying to significantly exceed that capacity is akin to attempting to add an extra 4" in heighth. Do lots of aerobic base...
  2. L

    Shoud a man hit his woman to establish bad boy game cred?

    Agree. Otherwise, hell no. Why would you wanna go do something criminal and stupid, just to make a weak attempt to emulate a "thug"? That sounds ultimately weak.
  3. L

    Dating younger girls

    I'm older; I have a soft rule that the lady cannot practically be my daughter (32) Physically possible, puberty, it would be 39. I just don't mentally parse possibilities this closely, though. Thirty-two is my soft limit, I don't know what the hard limit is; Perhaps 25? Honestly cannot...
  4. L

    married woman.

    Geez, I just won't date married women. Intentionally ;-P Find someone else, but see if you can use the dummy for false competition or social validation.
  5. L

    51 Year old chump

    Yep. Got a couple of options going on. I can still get interest, fun, hard smelly sex from different women, but just don't wanna. I always thought that using seduction lore as a means to an end, never intended to "stay in the game". *sigh* Oh, well, that ain't too bad. It can be rather fun...
  6. L

    51 Year old chump

    How does an old man, with a big social circle, lots of date options, several sex options, fall into the trap of "oneitis"? Easy. He stops living an interesting life, and endeavors to include his lady in every aspect of his life. She absolutely refuses to commit to the old guy in an exclusive...