Recent content by Kevl01

  1. K

    For all the basketball players out there...

    Any chance you can post the leg workout routine for free?
  2. K

    Teeth Whiteners worth every PENNY

    Rembrandt Plus works great.
  3. K

    Ab routine

    I wasn't looking into building leg muscles, just toning it for basketball. Anyway, thanks for the advice.
  4. K

    Ab routine

    Can you list some leg exercises that doesn't involve using any weights? I don't have access to a gym and the only leg exercise I know are leg raises.
  5. K

    Ab routine

    One question, can you list all the exercises or routines that can strenghten the legs? Thanks in advance.
  6. K

    Ab routine

    Thanks for the advice.
  7. K

    Please help me talk some SENSE into this girl!!

    Sounds like jealousy to me. Maybe it's better off she goes through this proccess so she can learn something valuable from it.