Recent content by K2000kidd

  1. K

    Single mothers. Listen and learn.

    I had a thing for this grl i went to school with and ran into her years later with two kids in tow and about thirty extra pounds of gut and azz. she had the audacity to tell me how she used to like me in high school but never had the nerve to say anything. I told her the kids were...
  2. K

    I canceled First date with girl. Will she see me again?

    This could go either way 1. You had the balz to blow off a hot asian chick on a first date and may have her thinking "damn he MUST have options so i need to step it up." 2. She's moving her head about like an owl saying "Oh no he didn't dispesect ALL THIS!!" as she waves her hand in a...
  3. K

    Using your laptop to increase challenge

    I once had some girl checking her facebook on mine at work and she started commenting it was worlds faster than hers. I says "it better be, it's a core i-7" and she asked where i keep the prn. I told her i keep it on my mom's PC got a giggle, then we got into a whole geeky tyrade, her...
  4. K

    NC after rejection

    Never take advice from a woman on how to attract women. I have tried "fighting" for women and all it got me was walked on If a woman IS interested in you she will be eating out of your hand with hardly any effort on your part not making you jump through fkn hoops. This is all fed to us to...
  5. K

    where was your last successful cold approachthat was not in a bar, club, party??

    I would imagine 21 since you're serving alcohol. But it could vary by state and 18 might still work if you were just doing security/DJ. I almost forgot to mention, the guy at the door likely gets a ton of azz too If you're the guy that lets them in the club to begin with women will often...
  6. K

    How big is your ****?

    Women often only brag about that ONE guy with a whale dk but have more often than not, been with guys in the 5 to 6.5 range NOTE: A woman will say her bf has a 9 inch dk when he's more like 6.5 It is also a well known fact that women don't make good carpenters
  7. K

    She is close friends with her ex

    If she kept hanging out after you've slept together this isn't a good sign UNLESS she's using him for money and lets him think he still has a shot Women usually won't remain friends unless their getting something on their end
  8. K

    where was your last successful cold approachthat was not in a bar, club, party??

    That my friend is like shooting fish in a barrel. Being in a position like club security DJ (the guy playing tunes) or bartender is almost like having the puzzy handed to you. Aspiring DJ's take note. Take a class and get a Saturday night shift at a hot club
  9. K

    Disrespect from one of my gf's guy friends, advice needed

    What a woman can get away with is often directly linked to how hot she is. Not saying this is the case. Im just sayin'
  10. K

    Got rejected by every single girl I've approached

    Probably not the greatest advice but are you only approaching super-hotties or 7-8s? You seem to have your sights set on chick 1, 2 or 3 maybe there are scores of chicks who wanna bang YOU but you wouldn't give them second look. This is how it all started with me. I don't believe in dating...
  11. K

    Girl keeps blabbering about guys that hit on her daily.

    Probably just testing you to see if you value her enough to get miffed by the possibility another man moving in on her. They say they hate jealousy in a relationship but it REALLY makes them feel all pretty inside.
  12. K

    How to respond to this sh1t test?

    Yeahh you negged kind of early, Try this DJ "reply with your digits or i'm through with you" HB "through with me? You don't even know me." DJ "why would i even want to know you, if your copping an attitude this early in the relationship" HB "are you serious!!??" DJ "Of course not...
  13. K

    Did I mess this up

    You're right i just came off as RUDE (being drunk AND around my friends didn't help) I guess i wanted her sht test to blow up in her face and i doubt she'll be asking random guys to buy her drinks. Looking back maybe she was just shy and wanted to get to know me, but typically in a bar/club...
  14. K

    Did I mess this up

    went out after work last night and grabbed a few beers with a couple co-workers. some random girl approaches me and says her friend (had a cute face but a little chubby, looked like that singer Jewel+25 pounds) wants me to buy her a drink. i walked over half buzzed and introduced myself, then...