Recent content by juicywa

  1. J

    Do you have a sister?

    I have one... to add to the question: How would you feel if a guy was doing (what you do to girls) to your sister? When in doubt, I always ask myself that question.
  2. J

    ask a guy thats been in GOD MODE all day anything

    dear diary: op was not a fag today.
  3. J

    No fap challenge: Seriously?!

    I was watching a documentary about mike tyson and in it he talks about part of his training was no fap or sex. So he didn't have sex for 2 years I think.. that's why he raped women afterwards, he thought they wanted his d1ck and was just playing hard to get. lol (ok I made that last bit up)
  4. J

    Good looks have hindered my game

    why fight it.. falling in love heads over heels is the best roller coaster ride on earth. Just keep going from one ride to the next. As long as you are aware of whats going on and know how to not get hurt. I'm on this ride as well.
  5. J

    Hot girl too easy?

    DJ Dave, it sounds like you are looking for the 1% aka good girl type. They are out there but they are rare. My sister is pretty hot and she never slept around, actually distanced herself from her long time friends when they became club skanks. She married at 25 and still married (I can almost...
  6. J

    Is that okay to be "Very Sweet" with a women?

    LOL that's when you lost the game. seriously bro, might as welll cut your balls off. why would you do this to yourself.
  7. J

    The Best Opener In The World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    it's uber gay. I would rather ask them what their favorite sexual position is.
  8. J

    POF ain't working anymore (1 month 3 hours a day)

    lool.. hey that's my plan, minus the marrying. I plan to spread my seed across the globe and hope they keep and raise the baby.
  9. J

    POF nerdy looking white guy experiment

    that guy is better looking than me. fml.
  10. J

    She wants a man with a real job but shes a social services worker!

    sorry but if I was a girl I would also look to secure my financial future to where I dont ever have to work. So my vag would be up for sale to the highest bidder. What's the problem exactly?
  11. J

    Hot Sonic waitress and tipping...?

    rofl, who's next
  12. J

    What Personality Traits Do You Like In A Girl? Which traits do you dislike?

    I like nerdy quiet girls. I dont like loud skanky/slvtty girls (but will bang them)
  13. J

    Women who do E

  14. J

    Too easy: impediments to progress

    im not sure i understand the problem i'll take any of those shortcuts so i can do other things. life is too short
  15. J

    Hot Sonic waitress and tipping...?

    woooosh.. rofl