Recent content by Amateur_FOR_NOW

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    What are some pointer for having sex the first time?

    Look, I am not tell her that I am a virgin and that is not the point of this... Now guys, please give me some pointers for first-time sex...
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    What are some pointer for having sex the first time?

    I am a virgin and this girl doesn't know it, we are not in a relationship or anything, let' say that she is a friend with benefits... Anyway, what are some main things I should know about having sex with her for the first time? (she got her period yesterday and I heard that I have to wait...
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    How the game changes based on your looks

    SICKBOY is a PUA who is a very good-looking male model and he specializes with game for good-looking guys, does anyone have articles or anything by this SICKBOY PUA?
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    How the game changes based on your looks

    True, btu how long do I wait??? Do these dating gurus have answers to this question, what is their stance on it?
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    How the game changes based on your looks

    True, btu how long do I wait???
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    Good Sex books?

    which Are The Top 5 Best Sex Books?
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    Why isn't the DJ Bible put together as a book?

    Why isn't the DJ Bible put together as a book instead of a bunch of articles? I have a hard time printing it out
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    Good Sex books?

    I'm waiting.... By the way,I've only got Sexual Mastery System by Robert Irwin
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    Good Sex books?

    C'mon guys, help me here!
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    Good Sex books?

    Do you guys know some high-quality sex books,either from the famous dating gurus or anyone else? Or, are there some good videos of it?(of educational sex,not porn!)
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    How long did it take for you to become DJ's?

    for the guys that made it: How long did it take for you to become DJ's? (from AFC to DJ)
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    Coming acrros as too loopy???

    I was a shy guy before and now I am relaxing more and more...but my best friend says that I come across as too loopy to girls and people in generel(they kind of think I am crazy or something) Is this bad for women and DJ-ing in general??? What can I do about this??? P.S. While I was...
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    Confusion over bootcamp WEEK 4/5?

    Thanks a more long should it take me to talk to her so I can #close and it is very hard to find an opener for talking to her and even if I do open, it's hard to continue talking more than a minute
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    Confusion over bootcamp WEEK 4/5?

    Aha,so I don't proceed to week five until I get at least one number?
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    Confusion over bootcamp WEEK 4/5?

    C'mon people, I'm confused over this really!