Recent content by AFC Championship

  1. A

    Girlfriend acting distant/cold

    wasn't there a Cosby episode that addressed this? Anniversary - comes from the word "annual", meaning "1 year"
  2. A

    What should I have said??

    Nice smile, why ruin it with a fag?
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    How many of you are into foreign women?

    me too, many British accents that I have heard from the female side seem to have that distinguished dash of innocence in the voice that i dig
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    How many of you are into foreign women?

    foreign cuisine > Hamburger Helper
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    Ex texted me out of no where

    My reply... "Ha ha, couldn't control yourself, could you? Yes, I'm that damn good. :)"
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    5 reasons why coffee dates kick a$$

    best coffee dates are the ones where you get to grind your own beans
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    fcked up. dropped the L word 1st.

    Might as well not get married then :D
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    fcked up. dropped the L word 1st.

    slightly off topic.... what if you threw out a line "i'd love to go the <something something> with you on Friday Night" to a girl i think if you said it in person, she'd immediately replace the word "love" with "like" but if you texted that line in SMS she might read too much into it...
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    do u pick up your phone or text back on friday-saturday nights

    Ha ha... you can't be serious? Talk about putting on a fascade. Just back to them the next day in the daytime, simple.
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    the most disgusting thing girls ever did to u

    date someone your own age
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    What kind of car do you think ladies revere most?

    I couldn't give a toss. You have to be the babe magnet, not the car.
  12. A

    im stumped

    this is a woman you are dealing with remember
  13. A

    Women are like...

    Women are like the Clone Troopers from the Star Wars Prequels. They will serve you well until something triggers Order 66 and they turn on you. :D
  14. A

    Guys getting married in their mid 20s. Why?

    Hi guys. Had a short chat with an old female friend in the U.S. from high school days over the 'net the other night (I currently live on the other side of the world) who informed me of several guys that I knew from back then around my age having already got married. These were guys I...
  15. A

    Cold Approaching Illegal???

    Security guard was insecure....and AFC.