One (Of Many) Reasons Many Women Go For Athletes


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2023
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I was recently talking with a female friend and she told me that: One of the reasons women, especially women that want a LTR go for athletes, is that it takes commitment to stick with a sport. The guys that stick with a sport, are in her mind the kinds of guys that will stick with a relationship.
Now, there are obviously other reasons women go for athletes (good genes, good bodies, et cetera), but the commitment one I had never thought of.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 17, 2021
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Rizal, Philippines
Women's opinions are often wrong, and you know most of what they say is not what they really mean. Still, there is truth in what she said... long-term, at least.

We can see how flawed the argument is, even if there is an agreeable similarity in both situations: sticking to a sport, and sticking to a girl, are skills that can be improved upon over time. There's a reason we call dating girls game. Still, very different playing fields.

She probably paused for a while when she told you, or she have had some time to think for it herself, indicating it's not an immediate reason.

Also, let's be real - most girls only care more about particular sports that, when associated with themselves, they would sense as if the idea of a man committed with such sport/s would bring her identity/value up.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Women like to date athletes because most are of average intelligence, physically fit, and easily (sexually) dominated. Their commitment to their sports does not translate to commitment in relationships.


Sep 10, 2014
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I was recently talking with a female friend and she told me that: One of the reasons women, especially women that want a LTR go for athletes, is that it takes commitment to stick with a sport. The guys that stick with a sport, are in her mind the kinds of guys that will stick with a relationship.
Now, there are obviously other reasons women go for athletes (good genes, good bodies, et cetera), but the commitment one I had never thought of.
I doubt it goes that deep.

Athletes are in shape, usually look good, are muscular and have endurance and stamina which translates to the bedroom to fvck the life out of them.

Plus they look great naked.

She gave you some logical reasons but women don't usually think with logic they think with emotion.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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She gave you some logical reasons but women don't usually think with logic they think with emotion.
Yes, always remember this.

Athletes are in shape, usually look good, are muscular and have endurance and stamina which translates to the bedroom to fvck the life out of them.

Plus they look great naked.
This is generally what it is.

There are other factors too. We would need to understand what's meant by athlete.

If we're talking about NCAA athletes on a university campus environment, there are some factors specific to that situation.

Professional athletes in big city environments have good physiques and often make very good money. There's a combination of looks & money here.

There are also former NCAA athletes who work white collar jobs due to the free education and not going pro in the sport. These males can seduce for many years after college based on their ex-NCAA athlete status if they stay in reasonable shape. I've seen men finish their NCAA athlete career at 22-23 and milk that accomplishment in the sexual marketplace until 30.