YouTuber Claims Dating Women In the 1990s Is No Different Than Dating Today's Women


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
HIV / AIDS was a bigger scare in the 1980s and 1990s. It's still relevant today. Heterosexuals have learned how to deal with it. Use protection and don't use intravenous drugs/share needles.

By the time of my freshman year of college in 2001-2002, I don't recall anyone on campus being all too concerned about HIV.

Birth control pills have been around since the 1960s for women. It was common for women in the late 1990s/early 2000s to be on birth control.

I think it would be interesting to compare stats of birth control use in the 1995-2004 era to 2015-present.

When I was in college (2001-2005), I never had birth control get in the way of sex. I was using condoms then and still use them today. I was following Iron Rule of Tomassi #5 (NEVER allow a woman to be in control of the birth) many years before it was mentioned. I was more fearful during my days on campus on unintended pregnancy than I was about STDs.

I don't recall now but I believe most women I had sex with during my college years were using birth control too.

When I think about the women I've had sex with in the past 10-15 years (post college), the majority of them have been using birth control too. There have been a number of instances in the past 10-15 years where the woman was not on birth control. I was using a condom so it wasn't even the slightest issue.
I don't have the stats either, I do know unprotected sex is on the rise with teens. It wouldn't shock me if it's on the rise with adults as well. I can only recall one woman who was adamant of me putting a condom on in the last 2 years, most women truly don't care kind of scary, personally I always try to use one unless I know for sure the woman I'm dealing with is exclusive but the amount of women who have no issues going raw especially the first night is insane.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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Women are the same just that they are way more spoiled than they used to be, mainly by the guys who always complain about women :)

Women did not change or the change is minimal but guys did in a bad way. The average guy is a simp these days


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Fundamentally things are the same but a lot has changed, and continues to get worse every year.

I've noticed a big change just in 15 years, let alone 25+


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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It wouldn't shock me if it's on the rise with adults as well. I can only recall one woman who was adamant of me putting a condom on in the last 2 years, most women truly don't care kind of scary, personally I always try to use one unless I know for sure the woman I'm dealing with is exclusive but the amount of women who have no issues going raw especially the first night is insane.
As far back as 2010, Roosh wrote an article about called "American Girls Don’t Use Condoms Anymore".

It's possible to have unprotected sex with many women, but it's not a good idea.

I've noticed a big change just in 15 years, let alone 25+
I noticed differences from my dating in the 2000s as compared to the 2010s and 2020s.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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started dating in late 2000s in HS.

The only difference dating now is more is required by both sexes.

I do though think we are hitting a tipping point from the last decade and the market is starting to sway in favor of men. Mostly because the 20 something are looking to settle down after the last decade of thotting.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
I do though think we are hitting a tipping point from the last decade and the market is starting to sway in favor of men. Mostly because the 20 something are looking to settle down after the last decade of thotting.
I don't think we're near a tipping point. Men are drastically outnumbering women on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. That's telling me that there are still way too many thirsty men out there.

There's a surplus of thirsty, unmatched men out in the market.

We have to remember why online dating websites and apps originally took off. It's because doing non-bar approaches and bar approaches in real life is low reward and high effort.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
started dating in late 2000s

The only difference dating now is more is required by both sexes.

I do though think we are hitting a tipping point from the last decade and the market is starting to sway in favor of men. Mostly because the 20 something are looking to settle down after the last decade of thotting.
I agree we are on a tipping point as well, a lot of guys aren't factoring in outside conditions that influence dating as well such as tech and the economy yes right now most guys aren't dating cause they ain't got money to date. A recession is highly likely in the next 6-12 months, coupled the fact that inflation isn't going to stop anytime soon. We already know historically women's mating strategies change during a recession changes and they tend to focus more on LTR's then short term relationships.

I don't think we're near a tipping point. Men are drastically outnumbering women on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. That's telling me that there are still way too many thirsty men out there.

There's a surplus of thirsty, unmatched men out in the market.

We have to remember why online dating websites and apps originally took off. It's because doing non-bar approaches and bar approaches in real life is low reward and high effort.
You're right that approaching in person has now become a dead art, men far outnumber women on dating apps, and there are thirsty men on the market, but I do think we are on a tipping point as mentioned above in my previous paragraph. Gen-Z is starting to slowly exodus dating apps because they know it's rigged I'm not saying dating apps will die but they are in a bubble. Eventually, there will be a movement that will promote traditional relationships again we saw this in the late 90s early 2000s with the "Purity Movement" the last 15 years it's been nothing wokity woke crap and even young people are slowly rebelling against this hence, for example, you saw the crazy rise of Andrew Tate back in 2021.

Time will tell, things may get worse before they get better though!


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
You're right that approaching in person has now become a dead art, men far outnumber women on dating apps, and there are thirsty men on the market, but I do think we are on a tipping point as mentioned above in my previous paragraph. Gen-Z is starting to slowly exodus dating apps because they know it's rigged I'm not saying dating apps will die but they are in a bubble.
Gen Z men are not going to start approaching strangers in bars or non-bar venues. If the Gen Z men stop using dating apps, they'd likely go MGTOW or go to sexbots. Approaching strangers in person was tough for Gen Z's parents (Generation X'ers) and the intermediary Millennial generation.

Speaking of Millennials, there are still a ton of Millennials on the market, especially the latter part of the Millennial generation (1990-1996 births). The 1981-1989 born Millennials are slowly starting to form LTRs and have children, but there are still a lot of 34-42 year old single people out there. Plenty of 34-42 year olds are on the apps right now.

a lot of guys aren't factoring in outside conditions that influence dating as well such as tech and the economy yes right now most guys aren't dating cause they ain't got money to date. A recession is highly likely in the next 6-12 months, coupled the fact that inflation isn't going to stop anytime soon. We already know historically women's mating strategies change during a recession changes and they tend to focus more on LTR's then short term relationships.
Always good to factor in the outside conditions. I agree with you that a recession is likely in 2024. I don't see the typical woman dropping their standards in 2024 to get into an LTR during the next recession though.


Sep 10, 2014
Reaction score
HIV / AIDS was a bigger scare in the 1980s and 1990s. It's still relevant today. Heterosexuals have learned how to deal with it. Use protection and don't use intravenous drugs/share needles.

By the time of my freshman year of college in 2001-2002, I don't recall anyone on campus being all too concerned about HIV.

Birth control pills have been around since the 1960s for women. It was common for women in the late 1990s/early 2000s to be on birth control.

I think it would be interesting to compare stats of birth control use in the 1995-2004 era to 2015-present.

When I was in college (2001-2005), I never had birth control get in the way of sex. I was using condoms then and still use them today. I was following Iron Rule of Tomassi #5 (NEVER allow a woman to be in control of the birth) many years before it was mentioned. I was more fearful during my days on campus on unintended pregnancy than I was about STDs.

I don't recall now but I believe most women I had sex with during my college years were using birth control too.

When I think about the women I've had sex with in the past 10-15 years (post college), the majority of them have been using birth control too. There have been a number of instances in the past 10-15 years where the woman was not on birth control. I was using a condom so it wasn't even the slightest issue.
HIV is still an issue but it's one that is treatable with anti-retroviral drugs which end up making it undetectable these days.

No longer a death sentence, no longer really anything as long as you continue taking the drugs.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
Reaction score
HIV is still an issue but it's one that is treatable with anti-retroviral drugs which end up making it undetectable these days.

No longer a death sentence, no longer really anything as long as you continue taking the drugs.
This is why using protection and engaging in safer sex methods is a good idea.

I was more fearful during my days on campus on unintended pregnancy than I was about STDs.
I was thinking about both issues while I was in college and I still consider both today.

When I was under 30, I was so concerned about an unintended pregnancy affecting my lifestyle. I heard stories of people I didn't know having unintended pregnancies at a young age and it altering their lives. It was important to me to finish college and get my career going. I didn't want anything to prevent that from happening. I was putting too much effort in school and there was a high tuition cost. I realized the stakes were high. In my 20s, I saw a few people I knew personally cause unintended pregnancies and the woman elected to keep the pregnancy.

After 30, the people in my local area social circle started having children intentionally. This thread below is about numerous intended pregnancies of couples in their 30s.

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Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2023
Reaction score
I don't think we're near a tipping point. Men are drastically outnumbering women on Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. That's telling me that there are still way too many thirsty men out there.

There's a surplus of thirsty, unmatched men out in the market.

We have to remember why online dating websites and apps originally took off. It's because doing non-bar approaches and bar approaches in real life is low reward and high effort.
All true. If anythng, the odds are continuing to mount in the favour of women.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 27, 2022
Reaction score
All true. If anythng, the odds are continuing to mount in the favour of women.
of course I get laughed at, but society worships at the feet of “female empowerment.” The power and privilege of women is literally defined as the moral good over and above anything else . As long as that’s the case, this will continue.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2023
Reaction score
of course I get laughed at, but society worships at the feet of “female empowerment.” The power and privilege of women is literally defined as the moral good over and above anything else . As long as that’s the case, this will continue.
I know what you mean.

I don't want to see women exploited or discriminated against but increasingly females are advantaged at the expense of boys and men nowadays - and here I mean at school, in the workplace, via the legal system and much else, not just in terms of dating and relationships.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 27, 2022
Reaction score
I know what you mean.

I don't want to see women exploited or discriminated against but increasingly females are advantaged at the expense of boys and men nowadays - and here I mean at school, in the workplace, via the legal system and much else, not just in terms of dating and relationships.
If you don’t “discriminate” against them, they’ll take your magnanimity and strangle you with it.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2023
Reaction score
Gen Z men are not going to start approaching strangers in bars or non-bar venues. If the Gen Z men stop using dating apps, they'd likely go MGTOW or go to sexbots. Approaching strangers in person was tough for Gen Z's parents (Generation X'ers) and the intermediary Millennial generation.

Speaking of Millennials, there are still a ton of Millennials on the market, especially the latter part of the Millennial generation (1990-1996 births). The 1981-1989 born Millennials are slowly starting to form LTRs and have children, but there are still a lot of 34-42 year old single people out there. Plenty of 34-42 year olds are on the apps right now.

Always good to factor in the outside conditions. I agree with you that a recession is likely in 2024. I don't see the typical woman dropping their standards in 2024 to get into an LTR during the next recession though.
I used to think the MGTOWs dropping 'they'll just go to sexbots' was a fantasy. After the introduction of 'real girl dolls'...

Hiding In My Room gets more pvssy than most guys on this forum and he still uses them, lol.