I'm trying fasting again


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Not really, IF got me down 30lbs in 2 months, I ate plenty of protein and barely lost any muscles or strength.
Can lose the 30 lbs without fasting.

Uh...it's actually not. I do it regularly, twice a week around 36 hours at a time.

Been doing some form of fasting for 8-10 years.
Yes, that is anecdotal. What about fasting makes it better than following a healthy diet in deficit?


Sep 10, 2014
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Can lose the 30 lbs without fasting.

Yes, that is anecdotal. What about fasting makes it better than following a healthy diet in deficit?
It's the only way to burn almost pure fat without losing muscle at the same time. Or at least scientifically the weight lost via fasting was 90% fat versus 50/50 for pretty much any other method.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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It's the only way to burn almost pure fat without losing muscle at the same time. Or at least scientifically the weight lost via fasting was 90% fat versus 50/50 for pretty much any other method.
Most of those studies are garbage and used very inaccurate measuring equipment.

If you are getting sufficient protein and are above 10%BF, you are not losing muscle. Not that you ever really lose muscle anyways - it can all be reclaimed.

IF is only a superior diet in the sense that it is easily sustainable as a lifestyle change. A caloric deficit is a caloric deficit.


Sep 10, 2014
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Most of those studies are garbage and used very inaccurate measuring equipment.

If you are getting sufficient protein and are above 10%BF, you are not losing muscle. Not that you ever really lose muscle anyways - it can all be reclaimed.

IF is only a superior diet in the sense that it is easily sustainable as a lifestyle change. A caloric deficit is a caloric deficit.
Disagree based on lots of experience and trying it both ways.

And what cannot be disputed or downplayed easily is a sustained caloric deficit leading to a slower metabolism as the body tries to adjust downwards when doing long term caloric restrictions versus fasting for 2 non-consecutive days per week and then eating maintenance calories the other 5 days.

Metabolic rates after fasting even after 5 days straight have been found to be HIGHER than prior to fasting.

Couple that with the massive boost in growth hormone(up to 7x normal peaking at 24 hours and being released in pulses throughout the day) and that helps to explain why muscle loss is attenuated so well.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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And what cannot be disputed or downplayed easily is a sustained caloric deficit leading to a slower metabolism as the body tries to adjust downwards when doing long term caloric restrictions versus fasting for 2 non-consecutive days per week and then eating maintenance calories the other 5 days.
It actually can be disputed, with some significant evidence tbh.

Most of the metabolic baseline expenditure changes occur because the body is going into a state of lower energy expenditure - usually though small dialy tasks. Finding closer parking spots so you walk less, you aren't tapping your foot anymore, you don't get up quite as often to go pee, etc.

Couple that with the massive boost in growth hormone(up to 7x normal peaking at 24 hours and being released in pulses throughout the day)
This was debunked, FYI.


Sep 10, 2014
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It actually can be disputed, with some significant evidence tbh.

Most of the metabolic baseline expenditure changes occur because the body is going into a state of lower energy expenditure - usually though small dialy tasks. Finding closer parking spots so you walk less, you aren't tapping your foot anymore, you don't get up quite as often to go pee, etc.

This was debunked, FYI.
How does fasting for 1-5 days equate with fasting for 30 days?

Two different things evoking totally different responses by the body.

C'mon man...do better than that. That's not even worth me responding to.

Also I don't really care about your "theories" that sound good to you in your mind when I already know how they play out from actually doing them for many years and comparing them to other methods that I tried alongside them.

I will put far more stock in my actual experience than in your made up theories.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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How does fasting for 1-5 days equate with fasting for 30 days?
because if Basal Metabolic Rate was not significantly changed after 30 days of literal starvation, why would it significantly change if not starving but in a caloric deficit..?

You continually talk about IF as if it were some magic cure and refuse to see anything but good things about it.

It's a solid diet plan; it works for many people and often lends itself to the best long term results for keeping weight off after losing it. Not because of some mystical benefit though, it's truly just an easy to adopt lifestyle change - whereas things like Keto or IIFYM are not easily sustainable after you've lost the weight.


Sep 10, 2014
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because if Basal Metabolic Rate was not significantly changed after 30 days of literal starvation, why would it significantly change if not starving but in a caloric deficit..?

You continually talk about IF as if it were some magic cure and refuse to see anything but good things about it.

It's a solid diet plan; it works for many people and often lends itself to the best long term results for keeping weight off after losing it. Not because of some mystical benefit though, it's truly just an easy to adopt lifestyle change - whereas things like Keto or IIFYM are not easily sustainable after you've lost the weight.

Well if that's true then you just proved my point even more.

Because numerous studies show that calorie restricted diets cause metabolic slowdown(up to a 20-25% slowdown of metabolic rate), so if fasting for 30 days doesn't then there is a clear advantage to shorter fasts.

You inadvertently proved my point for me.


Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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dude, you gotta stop reading these things and taking them at face value.

The article summary:
Severely restricting your calories can decrease your metabolism and cause you to lose muscle mass. This makes it more difficult to maintain your weight loss in the long term.

No one was advocating for severely restricting calories, but even if they were - where do you think [not eating for 2 days straight] would land in the severity of caloric restriction?


Sep 10, 2014
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dude, you gotta stop reading these things and taking them at face value.

The article summary:
Severely restricting your calories can decrease your metabolism and cause you to lose muscle mass. This makes it more difficult to maintain your weight loss in the long term.

No one was advocating for severely restricting calories, but even if they were - where do you think [not eating for 2 days straight] would land in the severity of caloric restriction?
The body does not treat that the same. That is what you don't seem to be understanding.

Eating lower calories for months at a time has a MUCH WORSE effect than not eating for 2 days.

Similar to a person who is working a job where they are in a negative balance at the end of the month every month versus a person who is off work for 2 days and doesn't get paid but is in a monthly surplus normally. Which is the bigger issue? The body views it the same way.

I've been doing this stuff since you were in diapers. Maybe you can go talk circles to people who have never done any of these experiments on themselves over 15-20 year time frames but you can't do that with me who has.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2021
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Most of those studies are garbage and used very inaccurate measuring equipment.

If you are getting sufficient protein and are above 10%BF, you are not losing muscle. Not that you ever really lose muscle anyways - it can all be reclaimed.

IF is only a superior diet in the sense that it is easily sustainable as a lifestyle change. A caloric deficit is a caloric deficit.
Most of them are garbage? Which one's are garbage, do you have an example? Is it the studies that support fasting as an intervention or the studies that don't support fasting as an intervention that are garbage? Were they epidemiological studies or were they RCTs? If they were using "inaccurate measuring equipment" then it must be RCTs. What is the equipment they are using? If it is inaccurate why do the researchers keep using it? Is it inaccurate cause it supports the intervention? Can equipment proving fasting is bad be inaccurate? Why do the peers in the peer review not call this bogus research out? Is this "measuring equipment" more or less accurate than the FFQs that epidemiologist like to use to mold public opinion?

Seriously though, there are a lot of reasons other than weight loss to fast. When I think of the benefits of fasting, weight loss is far down on the list. Fasting may not be the most ideal way to lose fat but to many it's the simplest. Why? Because once they're told not to fast, just eat a calorie restricted healthy diet, then all the dogmatist begin evangelizing vegan this and carnivore that vs Mediterranean this and keto that. Fasting can be accepted, I said "can," by vegans and carnivores alike. Rare is it that pro fasting or anti fasters are willing to die on their "fasting hill." That goes for researchers also. There are no fasting lobby groups or special interests padding universities pockets.

With what we know today about fasting, which is a broad term, generally speaking the the positives of occasional fast far outweigh the negatives. The awesome thing about living here in the good ole U.S.of A is that we have a choice in the matter so do whatever you want. Me, I like the benefits and the occasional discomfort of fasting. I also enjoy listening to non fasters freakout if they're late or miss a meal as if the world is ending and they're near death.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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It actually can be disputed, with some significant evidence tbh.

Most of the metabolic baseline expenditure changes occur because the body is going into a state of lower energy expenditure - usually though small dialy tasks. Finding closer parking spots so you walk less, you aren't tapping your foot anymore, you don't get up quite as often to go pee, etc.

This was debunked, FYI.
In this study they were fed low quality carb heavy diets like bread. High carb is antithetical to fasting, let alone eating at all.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2021
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It actually can be disputed, with some significant evidence tbh.

Most of the metabolic baseline expenditure changes occur because the body is going into a state of lower energy expenditure - usually though small dialy tasks. Finding closer parking spots so you walk less, you aren't tapping your foot anymore, you don't get up quite as often to go pee, etc.

This was debunked, FYI.
Please provide the evidence debunking the fact that GH increases during a fast. Hopefully they didn't test with some of that inaccurate measuring equipment thingymajiggers you speak of.


Sep 10, 2014
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Please provide the evidence debunking the fact that GH increases during a fast. Hopefully they didn't test with some of that inaccurate measuring equipment thingymajiggers you speak of.
I'd like to see this also since there have been many, many, many studies done on it and all show the exact same thing.

Apparently his one, yet unseen, study "debunks" 100 others that show the opposite?

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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If either of you two want to actually get good information, you're much better off watching what Dr. Layne Norton for up to date information. He provides studies linked in his video description, since you're so interested in those.

I never said fasting does not increase GH, I said it doesnt increase it this much:

the massive boost in growth hormone(up to 7x normal peaking at 24 hours and being released in pulses throughout the day
Ive said repeatedly that IF is superior to most other diet methods due to it's ease of adoption and continuation as a lifestyle change, whereas other diet methods are very hard to adopt as a lifestyle. I don't know why y'all are so invested in it.

But you both will continue to only read what you want to believe (which apparently is healthline and yahoo articles, in reference to our renowned moderator), because confirmation bias has you two by the nutsack.

I genuinely don't care if you agree or disagree with me - no one should be coming here, of all places, looking for tips and tricks to being in better shape. Furthermore, no one should be taking advice from those who will not post their own physique whilst claiming unreasonable successes. Do as you will, I don't care; just know that y'all are disseminating inaccurate information to suit your own personal agendas.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2021
Reaction score
If either of you two want to actually get good information, you're much better off watching what Dr. Layne Norton for up to date information. He provides studies linked in his video description, since you're so interested in those.

I never said fasting does not increase GH, I said it doesnt increase it this much:

Ive said repeatedly that IF is superior to most other diet methods due to it's ease of adoption and continuation as a lifestyle change, whereas other diet methods are very hard to adopt as a lifestyle. I don't know why y'all are so invested in it.

But you both will continue to only read what you want to believe (which apparently is healthline and yahoo articles, in reference to our renowned moderator), because confirmation bias has you two by the nutsack.

I genuinely don't care if you agree or disagree with me - no one should be coming here, of all places, looking for tips and tricks to being in better shape. Furthermore, no one should be taking advice from those who will not post their own physique whilst claiming unreasonable successes. Do as you will, I don't care; just know that y'all are disseminating inaccurate information to suit your own personal agendas.
I have no issue posting my 55 year old physique. You make a lot of assumptions. Go back and read your "debunked" statement. Not sure how asking you to bring receipts that back up your statement qualifies as misinformation. I've been coaching athletes for 30 + years including 2 Collegiate national champions. I lived the training life since I was a boy. I've participated in several studies for the local university. I'm adept at reading and analyzing research. I know more than most and experienced more than most, but not all. I still try to keep the beginners mind. Layne's a smart guy. I see why you like him as he lacks humility also. More people would listen to him if he wasn't such a douche. We all get it wrong sometimes unless you're Layne. Even when 3 Ph.Ds. pointed out he was wrong about a statement he made about thermodynamics and calories. He finally took the video down and went about his business as if he never made the statement. Or when Lyle McDonald challenged him on a statement he made. Layne just made personal attacks but never produced the evidence to back up his claim. We're all brothers on this forum and we share many common goals. You may not think there is anything to learn from anyone here, but if anything we try to hold each other accountable. By challenging each other we all become better and more competent. I'm very careful about the words I post and am prepared to back my statements up. If someone proves me wrong, I'll admit it. On that note, you are claiming that I am giving disinformation and have confirmation bias. If you can give specifics that would be helpful.

