End of my 3 year relationship. Your perspective welcome


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Makes no sense.
We don't need to know 100% of what happened because OP leaked out key details in his post. You could clearly tell the female was over the relationship and had possibly successfully monkey branched based on her interactions with OP.

How he acted, he can boast about how alpha how he wants, but his true intentions and feelings hide behind these things he said:

This girl was my first everything and I hers. My first kiss, my first girlfriend, the girl who I lost my virginity to... everything. She cooked for me, drove me places, bought me gifts and overall in my eyes was just perfect. She was clingy, had to talk almost everyday for hours, told me about everything in her life, texting me all the time and other stuff.
I was in a 3 year relationship until a few days ago. She was my first everything and I hers. In these 3 years we've had a few arguments here and there but have always managed to work it out, but not this time. We had an argument over a week ago which goes like this:


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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And after he makes her aware that was disrespectful? Where is the apology.

She carried on and acted like nothing happened.

A chick doesn't know its disrespectful when she tell her man to STFU.. really
No, the problem is that he didn't respond immediately to the disrespect. She says STFU and he shuts the fvck up, so it's not strange that she thought it worked. Also, she was in an emotional state, crying et cetera, so inappropriate behaviour can be expected.

I can be rude sometimes as well if I have a headache and someone keeps jabbering at me, but I would apologise for offending or mistreating someone I care about.

If a woman would have the audacity to say 'STFU' to me, I would immediately show displeasure and tell her that she has to tell me she doesn't want me to speak anymore in a respectful way. She wouldn't have been able to continue like nothing happened.
That's how you assert your boundaries.

He simply should not have been silent in response to her STFU.


Sep 10, 2014
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No, the problem is that he didn't respond immediately to the disrespect. She says STFU and he shuts the fvck up, so it's not strange that she thought it worked. Also, she was in an emotional state, crying et cetera, so inappropriate behaviour can be expected.

I can be rude sometimes as well if I have a headache and someone keeps jabbering at me, but I would apologise for offending or mistreating someone I care about.

If a woman would have the audacity to say 'STFU' to me, I would immediately show displeasure and tell her that she has to tell me she doesn't want me to speak anymore in a respectful way. She wouldn't have been able to continue like nothing happened.
That's how you assert your boundaries.

He simply should not have been silent in response to her STFU.
Wouldn't have mattered. She decided she was done with him months ago most likely and this was the start of her causing the breakup.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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IDK a random comment to STFU out of nowhere? You STFU is not the right way to handle disrespect - you gotta nuke it.

But as much as I hate to say it, I think she found someone else she likes and she's acting out so you can be the bad guy to her. That way she's justified for leaving.

Women are never wrong in their own heads; they can rationalize literal murder.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
Women are never wrong in their own heads; they can rationalize literal murder.
They can rationalise cutting off your penis and putting that appendage through a trash compactor to make sure it cannot be reattached like with John Wayne Bobbitt.

Wouldn't have mattered. She decided she was done with him months ago most likely and this was the start of her causing the breakup.
I agree, that STFU didn't fall from the sky.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2023
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@soulforge : Thanks for your response. There are things I wish I could change but sadly what's in the past can't be changed so all I can do is learn from this experience and move on as a better person.

@Bigpapa : We met once or twice a week. The week we broke up, we'd met twice in two weeks. I was busy with college so we were talking every other day at best and sometimes even went longer without talking, but she always texted me to keep me updated on how her day went. I can't think of any instance where I could've come across as controlling in this relationship. I let her hang out with who she wanted, even her girlfriends who I know sh!ttalked me and are definitely very happy knowing we have broken up. I didn't control what she wore, but she did also always dress modestly. Forcing her to talk to me? Never did any of that either.

To address the "alpha" thing: I left this forum in 2016 and by the time I got into this relationship, I honestly could not even remember most of what I learned from this website except some basic principles. My approach to this relationship was never being "alpha." I loved her. I still do. As a matter of fact, quite a few things I did in my relationship would be labelled "beta" by other members here. But I didn't care about that. I was just focused on having a healthy relationship and enjoying her company. The only thing I did is whenever I felt she was being disrespectful or crossing a line, I retracted attention until she apologized.

@CornbreadFed : I'm not sure what purpose your replies are meant to serve with comments like "I already know that you are going to do what you want to do and follow the advice that provides the most potential in getting her back." Obviously the only thing you, or anyone else replying, can do is offer advice. Which advice is followed is ultimately up to me. Maybe I'd follow yours if you were to offer it instead of coming across as some all-knowing asshat commenting just to sh!t on someone else.

@BackInTheGame78 : I never noticed any changes in her behavior at all. All our interactions were the same as they'd always been. She texted me almost everyday to keep me updated on how her day went, what she did, etc. When we met, her demeanor and behavior was also the same, except for the end. In fact less than a month ago she sent me a long text after a minor argument we had about how much she loved me, how she "found the right person for her," etc.

@AmsterdamAssassin : How do you suppose I should've reacted? Regardless I doubt my response to this was the reason she ended an otherwise unshakeable relationship.

@Money & Muscle : She hasn't found someone else yet. She might in the future but not yet. We shared our phones with each other (not as some method of providing either of ours' faithfulness, we just did) and there was nothing on her phone to indicate otherwise.
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Don Juan
Jan 24, 2019
Reaction score
Anyone who has been with women for a while knows that they can become irrational when they have their period (guys even make jokes about women becoming 'bitches' when they're 'on the rag'). So yes, I do think it's relevant that her STFU outburst happened the day she got her period.

Sounds like it escalated from there to the point where she re-assessed her relationship with you and figured she could do better.
I don't understand, women get horny when they are on their period. when they tell me they are on their period that's a green light for me to get it in :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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@AmsterdamAssassin : How do you suppose I should've reacted? Regardless I doubt my response to this was the reason she ended an otherwise unshakeable relationship.
Before any signs of disrespect, you should have a conversation about boundaries. I assume you didn't do that.
And at the FIRST sign of her breaking any of your boundaries, you should immediately assert that boundary. Which you also didn't do.

Women (actually people in general) have no respect at all for men who do not assert their boundaries. Fact of life.

Do better next time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I don't understand, women get horny when they are on their period. when they tell me they are on their period that's a green light for me to get it in :)
I'm not averse to surfing the crimson wave either, but for most guys the whole menstrual cycle is a mystery.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
We don’t know what happened and what the argument was about. The behavior she showed is unacceptable but it also depends what you said and did if it’s salvageable or not. If you did nothing wrong and she told you all those things I think I would just ignore until she apologizes.
This is true, we don't know the context of the disagreement, but I can't imagine the disagreement was that bad, that OPs chick resorted to straight up disrespect/abuse

Unless op told her, he focked her mom last night.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2023
Reaction score
This is true, we don't know the context of the disagreement, but I can't imagine the disagreement was that bad, that OPs chick resorted to straight up disrespect/abuse

Unless op told her, he focked her mom last night.
I'm about to graduate from college and we were talking about our future. I told her my plans. She told me hers. I offered my opinion on her plan at which point she exploded and everyone already knows the rest of the story by now.

If you want, I can go in more depth in PMs. Highly unlikely she or anyone she knows browses this forum since it seems to be a shell of what it used to be, but I'd still rather not take chances in a public setting


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
No, the problem is that he didn't respond immediately to the disrespect. She says STFU and he shuts the fvck up, so it's not strange that she thought it worked. Also, she was in an emotional state, crying et cetera, so inappropriate behaviour can be expected.

I can be rude sometimes as well if I have a headache and someone keeps jabbering at me, but I would apologise for offending or mistreating someone I care about.

If a woman would have the audacity to say 'STFU' to me, I would immediately show displeasure and tell her that she has to tell me she doesn't want me to speak anymore in a respectful way. She wouldn't have been able to continue like nothing happened.
That's how you assert your boundaries.

He simply should not have been silent in response to her STFU.
I have to agree with you on this.. OP should have Immediately checked her on the STFU
and then waited for her response. If she acknowledged that was wrong & apologised, then there is some grounds to move forward with the relationship.

I should know, because this is the EXACT thing that happened with my ex.. She told me to STFU over some minor disagreement.. I immediately checked her on her disrespect. She did not acknowledge any wrong doing, did not even apologise & simply went to sleep with her back to me all night.

I walked away.. And now she is my ex, because I dumped her lol


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2023
Reaction score
Before any signs of disrespect, you should have a conversation about boundaries. I assume you didn't do that.
And at the FIRST sign of her breaking any of your boundaries, you should immediately assert that boundary. Which you also didn't do.

Women (actually people in general) have no respect at all for men who do not assert their boundaries. Fact of life.

Do better next time.
In the past whenever she did anything I perceived as disrespectful, I retracted attention until she apologized and cleared it up. Does that count as setting boundaries?


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
Reaction score
@Bigpapa : We met once or twice a week. The week we broke up, we'd met twice in two weeks. I was busy with college so we were talking every other day at best and sometimes even went longer without talking, but she always texted me to keep me updated on how her day went. I can't think of any instance where I could've come across as controlling in this relationship. I let her hang out with who she wanted, even her girlfriends who I know sh!ttalked me and are definitely very happy knowing we have broken up. I didn't control what she wore, but she did also always dress modestly. Forcing her to talk to me? Never did any of that either.

To address the "alpha" thing: I left this forum in 2016 and by the time I got into this relationship, I honestly could not even remember most of what I learned from this website except some basic principles. My approach to this relationship was never being "alpha." I loved her. I still do. As a matter of fact, quite a few things I did in my relationship would be labelled "beta" by other members here. But I didn't care about that. I was just focused on having a healthy relationship and enjoying her company. The only thing I did is whenever I felt she was being disrespectful or crossing a line, I retracted attention until she apologized.
Then for sure her behavior is weird, as usually what I said is the mistake that the vast majority of guys do in relationships but in your case it does not Seem to be

for sure it is something that was annoying her, just that is difficult to put the finger on it

maybe this will be of help if you want to get her back eventually



Don Juan
Nov 6, 2023
Reaction score
I will have to admit my fault in not properly communicating in this one. Maybe I should've immediately asked her to apologize or something right then and there, instead of thinking she'd realize her mistake. I hadn't had the time to properly analyze the argument in detail until it was brought up here but now that I think about it, when she responded in that manner when I was talking about the future, I started thinking that maybe she wasn't the one. After all, our plans would practically force us apart in the future, and her behavior on top of that (which was a hit to my ego) further convinced me to agree with that thought.

I must also concede that it was a huge hit to my ego after she was the one to eventually break off the relationship even though I crumbled and was willing to give her a chance even after already considering breaking up with her myself.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
Reaction score
Maybe I should've immediately asked her to apologize or something right then and there, instead of thinking she'd realize her mistake.
Yeah, no.

Asking for an apology is a b!tch move. She says STFU, you tell her to GTFO of your house.

She can apologize with suction.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I'm involved in kink relationships with women in a power dynamic that requires respect for each other's boundaries. Without the respect for boundaries, you cannot develop trust. Some of my kittens are a bit bratty, but they will get an earful if they cross my boundaries.

It's like with children. Children learn how to converse from/with their parents. When a child is impolite/rude, most of the time the parents don't rebuke the child on crossing boundaries, thereby normalising impolite/rude communication.

With a woman who crosses your boundaries, you know she never learned manners from her parents, so now she has to learn them from you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 14, 2020
Reaction score
This is true, we don't know the context of the disagreement, but I can't imagine the disagreement was that bad, that OPs chick resorted to straight up disrespect/abuse

Unless op told her, he focked her mom last night.
haha you’re exaggerating a bit but I get your point. I was always good at treating girls very bad that were into me. Did that with my last girl too. If he’d always show insecurities and pick up fights with your girl or whatever, she would have a valid reason to act like this at some point especially after 3 years. Women tolerate our bs when they are into us but if you spend 3 years with her it’s almost impossible to keep the attraction level so high that you can keep doing it .
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Don Juan
Nov 6, 2023
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@Baibars : Post #32 for a better explanation of what led to the argument. I'm also not sure I understand what you mean with your third sentence?

@Bigpapa : Thank you. I'll check it out for sure.