The Danger Of Girls With Many Male Friends?


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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I understand all that @Be, that's not what I object to.

It was your delivery - "F*ck off, who the hell are you to tell me who my friends are?"

There's a much more gracious and less aggressive way of sending that same message Be.

I think it's sad with all your intelligence and social grace you claim to possess, you fail to grasp that.

All you needed to say was "that doesn't work for me so I'm moving on. Wish you the best."
Yes my dear but I’m not involved with you or anyone else around here, so I’m more unvarnished here to emphasize the point.

No man I’ve been involved with has objected to my male friends. I think that is a product of both my transparency and my character.

I’m quite feminine in my relationship. But again, I’m not involved with anyone here.


Yes my dear but I’m not involved with you or anyone else around here, so I’m more unvarnished here to emphasize the point.
I see. So you're different here than outside the forum, in the 'real' world? Uncensored, unvarnished?

OK that's fair. We all need an outlet. Appreciate the clarification.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Rian Stone has a good method of how to discuss these topics with women.

Man: "Women are solipsistic and mate opportunistically, meaning they are blind to the fact they are all h*oes".
Woman: "wElL iM nOt LiKe ThAt ThOuGh."
Man: "You're right. YOU aren't like that, you're different. But other women are like that."
Woman: "Oh yeah, absolutely. All those other women are total sl*ts."

... Because solipsism and lack of accountability.
"I'm not like other girls." ~ all women age 18-25 agree.
No, IMO. She's either a hoe, which has been mentioned by several posters already or she's a masculine woman (surprisingly no one touched on this possibility so far) and I think @BeExcellent falls in this category. :oops:
Having 1-2 guy friends you went to kindergarten, primary school with and you keep in touch into adulthood, that I understand. Once a girl is over the age of 15 or so, I don't get this guy friend thing ... from that age onwards normal male-female relationships beside romantic would be as class mates, work colleagues ... but male friends? That's highly suspect. :rolleyes:
I can only go by personal experience.

My ex had much more male friends than females.

Several things stood out about her.

01. Masculine & Combative traits
02. High Body count
03. Random dudes calling her up, even when she was casually seeing me


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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The absolute Holy Grail Of Red Flags...

If you're girlfriend has lots of male friends, it's time to bounce!!!



Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Avoid woman with male friends. Not many woman will ever admit this since it is seen as a secret between them..
Woman with male friends usually aren’t relationship material, if its only for hook up then go for it.
Feminine woman you want to have a longterm relationship with don’t have male friends, its actually one of the best red flags to spot and avoid

maybe good to point out to not take any advice from a woman who pretends to have a good past by living a masculine lifestyle and is married to a beta male.
I agree... I take females advice with a pinch of salt. Solipsism! They tend to look at things from there own personal perspective, rather than the overall male epxercise.

chicks simply don't understand the male experience. They will look at there own lives and come to some fvking crazy conclusion.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I feel sorry for the insecure men worried about women having guy friends. Just cuz you can't make female friends, doesn't mean the other gender shouldn't.
IF you have ever dealt with a hot chick you know that most likely she has guy friends
ANd if you ever dealt with a hot chick most likely the guy friends are in the friendzone not by choice

I remember I used to see this one chick who was always on the scene with different guys, she had a boyfriend good guy but I know she was in a position that a woman with a boyfriend shouldn't have been (alone with another guy friend of mine at the time). The mutual friend said that he felt like she was trying to come on to him but he didn't want to push it

Is this appropriate for a woman to be alone with another man in a house when she is in a relationship?
Or is it insecurity?

I know my answer to this question but I'll let you decide


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Some of you guys are something else.

Most women need to be told how to behave and they adapt to whatever you say or they just break it off if it disagrees with them. In committed relationships they need to be told what you find acceptable and the two of you have those discussions.

A lot of you must be 20 years old or less. Eventually you have long term girlfriends and you have wives and you see enough of your own relationships to know what is expected.

Women practically always have more flexibility in following a man. They follow his clothes, his interests, his food, his entire lifestyle melds into her like butter. The second she ditches the guy, she suddenly takes on new traits of another guy.

You guys keep sticking up for the Peter Pan lifestyle and the wonderful world of Disney. When you shack up with a women or in a committed relationship, she knows the Peter Pan guy friends need to go bye bye.

It‘s often dictated by the man and woman by conversations. There’s not many relationship conversations that a woman cannot handle. It is up to the man to open up the floor about this whole Peter Pan lifestyle and tell her it won’t fly.

Heck maybe the two of you are just both young and dumb Peter Pans who want to learn the hard way. But the magical world of Disney is not going to refund your money after that hoe decides to go back to the annoying guys who are her “best friends“.

That includes the silly gay dudes she says are “just my friends”. Listen, the truth is most of her single pals were for that temporary stage of single life. Once she has a man they all know it means a change of pace and a change in lifestyles and people.

Then there is the immaturity factor. If she is some bipolar, off her meds, dad committed suicide when she was 13, and she just got out of rehab 6 months ago, she’s not going to be Allowed to hang out with her ex best guy friend who happens to deal coke too. It is just common sense relationship building,

Most women might gripe about having some man who says No, you can’t hang out with that dude anymore, but the truth is women like having a relationship building exercise like that to display you have some backbone.

It’s not like she will be stuck in no friend land forever because she can call all the losers and the abusers once you two break up, every loser and user guy she ever had clinging to her will be back hanging out together again once you are out of the picture.

man you guys have this “It means that you are controlling and insecure“ BS all wrong. It’s not like that. It’s called relationship building and moving on from her singledom friends. It is making a new life together and selecting which relationships are not useful.

Most men have issues with women in 2023 because they don't have boundaries and standards, If you are a man who is self-aware and on your purpose and move like one a woman will know. To many men are afraid of "Rocking the boat" in fear of losing potential sex or losing said women due to being insecure.

I will tell you fellas straight up when I deal with women whether it's a FWB or a LTR i tell them my boundaries and standards and I reinforce them through my actions. If there are situations that come up that haven't been discussed, I check them as a man if a woman has a problem with my standards or boundaries she can kick rocks

I don't run 50/50 relationships I'm Kim Yung Un it's my way or the door is right there
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Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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IF you have ever dealt with a hot chick you know that most likely she has guy friends
ANd if you ever dealt with a hot chick most likely the guy friends are in the friendzone not by choice

I remember I used to see this one chick who was always on the scene with different guys, she had a boyfriend good guy but I know she was in a position that a woman with a boyfriend shouldn't have been (alone with another guy friend of mine at the time). The mutual friend said that he felt like she was trying to come on to him but he didn't want to push it

Is this appropriate for a woman to be alone with another man in a house when she is in a relationship?
Or is it insecurity?

I know my answer to this question but I'll let you decide
Hot girls who have male friends... You gotta be out of your mind, if you don't think those male friends are not trying desperately to smash her.

My ex & her friend.. both hot.. got inside a "male friends" car while they was both drunk after a night out. Apparently he was a friend doing them a favour, driving them home.

Guessing being against that type of behaviour, is also very insecure of a man


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Most men have issues with women in 2023 because they don't have boundaries and standards, If you are a man who is self-aware and on your purpose and move like one a woman will know. To many men are afraid of "Rocking the boat" in fear of losing potential sex or losing said women due to being insecure.

I will tell you fellas straight up when I deal with women whether it's a FWB or a LTR i tell them my boundaries and standards and I reinforce them through my actions. If there situations that come up, I check them as a man if a woman has a problem with my standards or boundaries she can kick rocks

I don't run 50/50 relationships I'm Kim Yung Un it's my way or the door is right there
I am exactly like this too.. I don't give a chit how hot she is. I'm willing to give them a couple of chances, however if they don't respect my boundaries, they don't bring peace to my life or insist in causing problems. They are gone!


Mar 6, 2017
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Is this appropriate for a woman to be alone with another man in a house when she is in a relationship?
Or is it insecurity?
I dont think its as binary as that, bro. You could be the most secure guy in the world, there are still things that are considered innapropiate.


Mar 6, 2017
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Apparently he was a friend doing them a favour, driving them home.
And expecting absolutely nothing in return!? So he would do this same favor for a couple of 90 year old men? What a kind hearted soul.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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And expecting absolutely nothing in return!? So he would do this same favor for a couple of 90 year old men? What a kind hearted soul.
He sounds like a true man of god lol

I can imagine him driving around picking up drunk old men and driving them home.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2023
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Hot girls who have male friends... You gotta be out of your mind, if you don't think those male friends are not trying desperately to smash her.
But why assume her male friends, have to be single? Couldn't hot girls have guy friends, whom also have girlfriends?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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I dont think its as binary as that, bro. You could be the most secure guy in the world, there are still things that are considered innapropiate.
Yeh absolutely. You can be a super secure man... However her actions are displaying that she is a low quality woman.