The woman should come out and tell us when they want sex


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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It would make a lot more sense (for both parties) if the woman would come out and tell us when they want sex. I can explain.

A lot of guys are reluctant to propose sex too soon (as we don't want to potentially scare her away). We're forced to read her clues of whether she wants sex.

Here's the problem, however: Guys aren't mind readers. I have no doubt there have been many cases where a woman wants sex from a guy, but ends up not getting sex from him (because he isn't 100% sure whether he should propose sex).

The solution? The woman should propose sex. Hardly any men will say no. The woman ends up getting the romp she wants. The guy isn't forced to rely on reading clues. Win-win for both parties.


Mar 6, 2017
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Bro, Get off your butt and find a girl who has genuine desire for you. There are billions of girls in this planet, Odds are you can find at least one.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Bro, Get off your butt and find a girl who has genuine desire for you. There are billions of girls in this planet, Odds are you can find at least one.
This thread isn't just about me. Lots of guys have undoubtedly let dtf gals get away because he wasn't aware she was dtf.

I've gotten romps with gals who genuinely desire me. It's happened fewer than 20 times total, however (and I'm in my 30s). My romps have mostly come from escorts (I've lost count of how many escort romps I've gotten).


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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And my life would be easier if there were 7 digits in my savings account instead of 5…
The idea I came up with on this thread doesn't only make the guy's life easier though; it makes the gal's life easier too. She'll no longer have to wonder if the guy will read her clues; the guy will no longer have to wonder if she's dtf.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Women don't really worry if a guy can read cues or not a woman in 2023 could have sex 50 times a week if she really wanted to make it that simply

But the suspense and indecision is all part of the fun for them " how much do I like and far is this guy going to go to try and bed me" is their primary thought when it comes to sex , women are not logically wired like men they like mystery , suspense , teasing

Women will get a rush just from teasing a guy with sex , men just want to strip them naked and nut in them as quickly as possible

Its not something that will ever change


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Women don't really worry if a guy can read cues or not a woman in 2023 could have sex 50 times a week if she really wanted to make it that simply

But the suspense and indecision is all part of the fun for them " how much do I like and far is this guy going to go to try and bed me" is their primary thought when it comes to sex , women are not logically wired like men they like mystery , suspense , teasing

Women will get a rush just from teasing a guy with sex , men just want to strip them naked and nut in them as quickly as possible

Its not something that will ever change
I know a woman can easily get sex.

From what I've heard, however, an emotional connection is a huge priority for a woman when it comes to sex. She could bed 50 guys a week, yeah. But how many of those 50 would she have an emotional connection with?

I still stand by my premise. If a woman feels an emotional connection with a guy, she should make it known she wants his meat in her.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2023
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This thread isn't just about me. Lots of guys have undoubtedly let dtf gals get away because he wasn't aware she was dtf.
My opinion, if a girl is actually DTF and a guy can't figure it out, that is 100% the guy's fault. No sympathy here


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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My opinion, if a girl is actually DTF and a guy can't figure it out, that is 100% the guy's fault. No sympathy here
I'm on the spectrum.

Additionally, there have been times in the past where I falsely believed a woman was dtf. So I'm doubtful of my skills of being able to sense when she's dtf.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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I know a woman can easily get sex.

From what I've heard, however, an emotional connection is a huge priority for a woman when it comes to sex. She could bed 50 guys a week, yeah. But how many of those 50 would she have an emotional connection with?

I still stand by my premise. If a woman feels an emotional connection with a guy, she should make it known she wants his meat in her.
There are many things that should happen that don’t actually happen. What exactly is your point?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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I'm going to share a story that happened 5+ years ago.

A woman took a liking to me when we were both in line to buy some merch at a festival. She ended up spending the rest of the festival with me. She was handsy with me throughout the festival.

We went out to dinner afterwards.

For those of you reading the story, it probably sounds like she was dtf, right?

Here's where the plot twist comes in. After dinner, I told her there's a good view from the rooftop of my building. And I commented I have a fridge to keep her leftovers from spoiling. So, without coming out and telling her I wanted sex (to avoid looking desperate), I was at least hinting.

She ended up going straight home.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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There are many things that should happen that don’t actually happen. What exactly is your point?
My point is, a woman ends up hurting herself if she refrains from flat-out saying "I want sex" to a guy she feels an emotional connection with. There's a good chance the guy will refrain from making a move (because he's not 100% sure whether she's dtf). Then she ends up getting robbed of an opportunity to shag a guy she feels an emotional connection with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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OP use KINO (progressively sensualized touching) to find out if she's down


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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This thread isn't just about me. Lots of guys have undoubtedly let dtf gals get away because he wasn't aware she was dtf.

I've gotten romps with gals who genuinely desire me. It's happened fewer than 20 times total, however (and I'm in my 30s). My romps have mostly come from escorts (I've lost count of how many escort romps I've gotten).
You have many escorts who genuinely desire you?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Anti slvt defense prevents women from saying that. As a man you have to lead and an experienced guy is able to pick up on cues and the confidence to take calibrated risks. You at least have exposure to allot of escorts and you still need a minimal game to deal with them (after all they are still women). More should be rubbing off to benefit with civvie women.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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You have many escorts who genuinely desire you?
No. Even though I have somewhat of a friendship with this one escort (I've been with 16 escorts total), I have my doubts any escort genuinely desires me.

Some of my lays have come from non-escorts. That's what I meant when I said some of my romps came from gals who genuinely desired me. I've had sex with 9 non-escorts (Do the math though. I've had free sex less than 20 times. I've had 9 free partners. This means even my free partners haven't given me much repeat business, even if they desired me enough to give me a one night stand for free).

And even with the 9 non-escorts, I met 7 online. There have only been 2 women who shagged me without payment and without the help of the internet. They were both one and dones.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Anti slvt defense prevents women from saying that. As a man you have to lead and an experienced guy is able to pick up on cues and the confidence to take calibrated risks. You at least have exposure to allot of escorts and you still need a minimal game to deal with them (after all they are still women). More should be rubbing off to benefit with civvie women.
You're right about how you need at least rudimentary game to get escorts. Some guys can't even get laid by an escort (these guys are referred to as truecels). And no, not for racial reasons (no matter what race you are, you can find a willing escort, even if the pool of willing escorts is smaller for certain races). Some escorts are simply so repulsed by a certain guy, they won't shag him even with payment.

Your theory is probably right (my experience with escorts pays off at least somewhat). Which is probably why, even after discovering escorts, I've still managed to get some free sex. Ever since discovering escorts 8 and a half years ago, there have been 3 free women I've been with.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Here's the problem, however: Guys aren't mind readers. I have no doubt there have been many cases where a woman wants sex from a guy, but ends up not getting sex from him (because he isn't 100% sure whether he should propose sex).
Maybe guys who aren't mindreader should learn how to read the signs and take action. If they are too lazy for that, maybe their genes shouldn't infect the gene pool.

Oh, and you don't have to make 'getting sex' easier for women. They don't need any help with getting sex, trust me.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Maybe guys who aren't mindreader should learn how to read the signs and take action. If they are too lazy for that, maybe their genes shouldn't infect the gene pool.

Oh, and you don't have to make 'getting sex' easier for women. They don't need any help with getting sex, trust me.
I'm on the spectrum. Reading signs is always going to be a challenge for me.

My case is mild enough I'm pretty good at reading social cues in certain other contexts. Signs she's dtf though? Guys on the spectrum are prone to being viewed as creepy as it is. The last thing I need is to make myself appear creepier by making a move on her when I'm not 100% sure whether she's dtf.

I know a woman can easily get sex. Sex with a guy she feels an emotional connection with, however? That's more of a challenge. Yeah, just about any guy will shag her, but the typical woman finds sex pointless if there's no emotional connection.