No-Fap in relationships


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
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Anyway what I'm saying is it's not going to just keep building and building. We're not volcanoes. I'll get more T production from steady weight lifting and cardio than from not jerking off.
I know. That's why I said when things level off I used to fap for a day or a few then stop to start the cycle again. Now I found ways to restart the cycle without fapping. And I never stop lifting.

To the rest of your post yea I guess different strokes for different folks(pun intended). Fun little distractions can be great, but for me fapping isn't even on the list. I personally gain too much by not doing it. I'd rather hold out and learn to direct that crazy energy.

And funny, I was the exact opposite of you as a teen, I'd beat it 8 times a day and brought girls over so often my parents started to complain.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
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Here's my take:

Masturbation can be healthy if done sparingly and with minimal amount of porn. If you end up doing it too much, it will lower your drive/incentive to seek out actual real life partners and if/when you do get a partner, it could prevent you from getting rock hard or maintaining erections.

I can't tell you guys how many stories I've heard from younger gals where they said guys couldn't get it up easily or maintain an erection for any length of time. And these are guys that are in their 20's and 30's. You don't want to be one of those. Most gals automatically tell me this because I usually can last 1-2 hours easily and is something they're not used to.

With that said, I used to masturbate every day from 12yo to 45yo, even when I had sex with girls/gf's. That's how high my libido was. However I noticed it trailing off around 45yo so now I hardly masturbate and save it for the lucky girl I can unleash all my pent up sexual energy on. Luckily I've been able to maintain a 2-3 plate rotation for a couple years now and only have masturbated maybe 3-4 times in 2 years.

I advocate saving your sexual energy for actual girls when possible. It will make it that much better.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
Never had an issue when I wanted to rub one out and was/is in a relationship. However, I have insanely high testosterone levels (always had), so it's not been an issue. The nofap is BS and has no scientific backing in doing anything. If you want to do a knuckle shuffle once a day or every few days, it's all good. If a dude cannot get it up or is soft after a knuckle shuffle, then he should get some blood work done. Seriously, get your blood work done to make sure all your numbers are where they should be.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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Fapping tends to erode my state of mind for real sex, ie I might start thinking about porn during sex which affects my ability to deliver the goods to the woman I'm actually with, however there are times when I can have sex every day and still want to fap between.

This isn't limited to fapping though, any kind of thought process that is taking place in my head during sex tends to affect my ability to deliver. This can be true if I've watched TV before getting busy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2020
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I wonder how much money has been saved in one century with "Dinner & a movie & fap and popcorn" as opposed
To a pricey waste of time with a dingbat? Things to ponder..


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Excuse my ignorance, but what is Homeostasis?
Self-regulatory systems. For instance if you set your thermostat to 70 degrees. If it feels it start to get colder, it will pump a little heat until it hits 70, then turn off.

The body auto-regulates. It does its best to stay in a "normal" survival state. An example is if you eat less to lose weight, eventually your body will catch on and burn calories at a slower rate.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Yes. Let's do a quick example. A week in the life of 3 men.

Man 1: Not in a relationship. Few, if any prospects. Watches porn on all 7 days in the week and faps to completion 17 times during the week.

Man 2: In a relationship with same woman for 1 year. She's "cute". Almost no man would rate her below a 5, and most men would rate her in the 6-7 range. She's typical height (around 5'5"), and she works out a little bit and has a normal BMI. They have sex at this stage of their relationship 2-3 times on a week on average. She's not menstruating this week and they have sex on 3 separate days, going multiple rounds each time but fewer than the 17 orgasms of Man #1.

Man 3: This guy is not in a relationship right now. He drives a sports car. He has a nice bachelor pad apartment in a larger city. He has sex with 3 different women this week, including a 5'10" woman with a Victoria's Secret model type body (slender, large breast implants), an ex-college athlete, and another fit, feminine, beautiful woman. All 3 women are in the "hot" range, 8+ to most men. He has sex with these 3 women on 5 separate days, and all 3 have been in his rotation for a 1-4 months.

Man #2 and Man #3 will have a much different energy in the world than Man #1.
Man#1 will probably have awkward and potentially creepy body language from watching so much porn. If he meets a cute busty chick in real life, is he really going to be able to make solid confident eye contact with her lol?
Man #1 will not be well positioned to achieve success. Man #2, once his relationship comes to an end and assuming he stays away from porn has a fighting chance. Man #3 is best positioned for success.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Never had an issue when I wanted to rub one out and was/is in a relationship. However, I have insanely high testosterone levels (always had), so it's not been an issue. The nofap is BS and has no scientific backing in doing anything. If you want to do a knuckle shuffle once a day or every few days, it's all good. If a dude cannot get it up or is soft after a knuckle shuffle, then he should get some blood work done. Seriously, get your blood work done to make sure all your numbers are where they should be.
There actually is science showing fapping and sex affect the mind and hormones differently .


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Here's my take:

Masturbation can be healthy if done sparingly and with minimal amount of porn. If you end up doing it too much, it will lower your drive/incentive to seek out actual real life partners and if/when you do get a partner, it could prevent you from getting rock hard or maintaining erections.

I can't tell you guys how many stories I've heard from younger gals where they said guys couldn't get it up easily or maintain an erection for any length of time. And these are guys that are in their 20's and 30's. You don't want to be one of those. Most gals automatically tell me this because I usually can last 1-2 hours easily and is something they're not used to.

With that said, I used to masturbate every day from 12yo to 45yo, even when I had sex with girls/gf's. That's how high my libido was. However I noticed it trailing off around 45yo so now I hardly masturbate and save it for the lucky girl I can unleash all my pent up sexual energy on. Luckily I've been able to maintain a 2-3 plate rotation for a couple years now and only have masturbated maybe 3-4 times in 2 years.

I advocate saving your sexual energy for actual girls when possible. It will make it that much better.
Its true! The only time it's not true is if you get all the pvssy you want and occasionally


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I've spoken to many docs on this, they do not agree.
It's not doctors, but nueroscientists understand how these things work better. How what stimulous affects the mind, the memories and thus the feelings and hormones.

Real life sex is something different. There are tests with digital EEG probes hooked up to the mind which show the difference. There are certain regions of the brain which are stimulated, memories and "acknowledgements" in the human mind which are filled and triggered by real life sex vs jagging off to a porn image.

Many of the guys here who "pay attention" and even dating coach AMS had noted, that in a sexual "drought" one of the worst things you can do is masturbate. However, with The procurement of real sex with a lady who desires you has this side effect of feeding your "sexual image", and you will move and have a swagger of a "desired man", your pheremones will raise, and so will your confident. jagging off to porn can't do that, it actually degrades your sexual self image. It feeds feelings of inadequacy and is teaches you failure.

A man that gets enough sex on demand is viewed as "arrogant" by the world, because he moves with a sense of entitlement, and all of his energies are tuned on that wavelength of being an sexual attractant.

BTW, "doctors" aren't always "right". They know their larea and what schooling has told them. For many years body builders and high performance atheletes where way ahead of the "docs" on what's possible how how to achieve cutting edge results in the body composition and atheletic performance.

Actual sex affects hormone levels in the human body:

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Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
It's not doctors, but nueroscientists understand how these things work better. How what stimulous affects the mind, the memories and thus the feelings and hormones.

Real life sex is something different. There are tests with digital EEG probes hooked up to the mind which show the difference. There are certain regions of the brain which are stimulated, memories and "acknowledgements" in the human mind which are filled and triggered by real life sex vs jagging off to a porn image.

Many of the guys here who "pay attention" and even dating coach AMS had noted, that in a sexual "drought" one of the worst things you can do is masturbate. However, with The procurement of real sex with a lady who desires you has this side effect of feeding your "sexual image", and you will move and have a swagger of a "desired man", your pheremones will raise, and so will your confident. jagging off to porn can't do that, it actually degrades your sexual self image. It feeds feelings of inadequacy and is teaches you failure.

A man that gets enough sex on demand is viewed as "arrogant" by the world, because he moves with a sense of entitlement, and all of his energies are tuned on that wavelength of being an sexual attractant.

BTW, "doctors" aren't always "right". They know their larea and what schooling has told them. For many years body builders and high performance atheletes where way ahead of the "docs" on what's possible how how to achieve cutting edge results in the body composition and atheletic performance.

Actual sex affects hormone levels in the human body:

Everyone's chemical and nurotransmitters are different. I can only speak for myself, and I've never seen the difference.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Everyone's chemical and nurotransmitters are different. I can only speak for myself, and I've never seen the difference.
Its a real difference on me. I'm a pvssy magnet when I'm getting alot of pvssy. Much less depressive.

If I drought I lose that in 30-60 days. Jagging off prolonged the drought and kills the urge to be more social.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2020
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I recently just started experimenting with this as I am beginning to date again (currently separated and getting out of a sexless marriage where I would fap at least 2x/day), and let me tell you, I have never been more rock solid and engaged in sex. I met up with a girl and ended up banging her on the first date and it was amazing. I realized I hadn't fapped in at least 3 days. I am seeing her this Friday and it has been at least a week since I have. I think I could get used to this...


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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I recently just started experimenting with this as I am beginning to date again (currently separated and getting out of a sexless marriage where I would fap at least 2x/day), and let me tell you, I have never been more rock solid and engaged in sex. I met up with a girl and ended up banging her on the first date and it was amazing. I realized I hadn't fapped in at least 3 days. I am seeing her this Friday and it has been at least a week since I have. I think I could get used to this...
I'd fvck her as often as possible in the next 30 days.