Women Aren't Emotional Or Logical, They Are Sociopaths (Proof)


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Interesting, in the grand scheme of things what does this mean? If this is truly women's nature to be hypergamous, sociopaths, etc what does it all mean?


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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Am I the only person thinking JJ's marriage was a contract job?


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Interesting, in the grand scheme of things what does this mean? If this is truly women's nature to be hypergamous, sociopaths, etc what does it all mean?
It means put a condom over your entire well being when dealing with women and protect yourself, not just over your d|ck when banging one.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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What does a woman's willingness to have sex have to do with her willingness to commit long-term?
Well, if she's willing to bang any dude at the drop of a hat, there is that old saying you can't make a ho a housewife. Of course, if she finds you a high interest high value guy, she will likely participate quickly. The question is: Is it high interest, or is she just easy?


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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One woman doesn't make the rule. One woman is usually the exception to the rule. I guess it's about what you are looking for.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
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I can't comment in depth right now, but I will respond to your previous question later.

Suffice it to say, I think you need to next all women who are easy to secks you up and practice cultivating relationships with the ones who say "no secks till I know you better"

THOSE are the females that are looking for a quality man, a long term mate, not Mr "hopefully it works out" right now dude.

Not the popular advice round these parts, I know BUT abstaining from secks allows both people to see who TF the other person really is, without all those endorphins interferig and causing illusion.
Actually, I have come to this conclusion also. The women who are going to give you casual sex are most likely messed up.

Why do men do it, and in the process mess themselves up? Because they are addicts. They lack self-control. ADDICTION IS NOT THE NORM PEOPLE. Get it under control, and then you are in a position of strength. You can rationally choose the woman you want to pursue. Simples.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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It means put a condom over your entire well being when dealing with women and protect yourself, not just over your d|ck when banging one.
That's obvious, I'm talking about the nature of women and how it contrast to men and how it relates to life


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
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I have concluded, after my 43 years of observing women and dealing with them, that good women are the EXCEPTION, bad women are the NORM. Until I swallowed the red pill, I thought the exact opposite of that.
The thing is, this applies to men too. I know there's a sense of brotherhood here, as we're all united in finding the right women for us, so it's easy for us to think we're all saints.. but just as there are good and ****ty women, there are good and ****ty men. So this idea that we're all entitled to good women just for being men is the same as women expecting their prince charming despite being a piece of sh!t.

I honestly believe like attracts like. If you're not getting the top quality women then it's because you're not a top quality dude, so you have to work on that.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Truthfully, any male sociopaths can easily outperform any female sociopaths. The extremes of men are much more distinct than the extremes of women. This is why men are still more dangerous than women. Everyone has the ability to become a sociopath. It just depends on the emotional trauma the person goes through. And typically, the pathology for men is to develop sociopathy whereas the pathology for women is to develop BPD. Now men can develop BPD and women can develop sociopathy, it's just that it usually doesn't happen.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
Well, if she's willing to bang any dude at the drop of a hat, there is that old saying you can't make a ho a housewife. Of course, if she finds you a high interest high value guy, she will likely participate quickly. The question is: Is it high interest, or is she just easy?
That is something you can find out after sleeping with her several times.

Still beats going on 100 dates and blowing loads of money just to be told she wants to be friends or she is not ready to be in a relationship lol.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Truthfully, any male sociopaths can easily outperform any female sociopaths. The extremes of men are much more distinct than the extremes of women. This is why men are still more dangerous than women. Everyone has the ability to become a sociopath. It just depends on the emotional trauma the person goes through. And typically, the pathology for men is to develop sociopathy whereas the pathology for women is to develop BPD. Now men can develop BPD and women can develop sociopathy, it's just that it usually doesn't happen.
The thing about this, is that womens acts can be done in clear sight of people and people will either not see anything or not care. So the entitlement advantage of woman allows her to raise her narcissism and sociopathy to incredulous heights.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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date 1: coffee for an hour or two to see if you jell.
Date 2: some inexpensive activity to continue the getting to know you/who TF are you really? Process. Preferably a common interest, an activity, no alcohol, outside.
Date 3: interest level is there, possibly high. Dinner, conversation, possibly secks.
Date 4 possibly secks, if you've made it this far with minimal money spent and continued interest, probably secks.

You don't have to invest a fortune in cash to get to know someone. In fact, if your goal is a real companion, it's a really good sign if she is still around for date 4 with minimal cash investment.

Again this is just my opinion.
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Jan 28, 2017
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The City
date 1: coffee for an hour or two to see if you hell.
Date 2: some inexpensive activity to continue the getting to know you/who TF are you really? Process. Preferably a common interest, an activity, no alcohol, outside.
Date 3: interest level is there, possibly high. Dinner, conversation, possibly secks.
Date 4 possibly secks, if you've made it this far with minimal money spent and continued interest, probably secks.

You don't have to invest a fortune in cash to get to know someone. In fact, if your goal is a real companion, it's a really good sign if she is still around for date 4 with minimal cash investment.

Again this is just my opinion.
This is the ideal situation for the woman, not for the guy.

For the guy, sex is the payoff for his time investment. Once sex happens, the guy breaks even or comes out ahead. He also knows the girl is attracted to him and that puts him at ease more. So it doesn't matter if she becomes a LTR companion later or not. But, if he goes through 100 dates with no sex, he just wasted his time and his money. Plus, he walks away with no companion. Isn't it better to at least get some action if you're going to walk away with nothing?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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For the sociopath uninformed read this: How to Spot a Sociopath.

I agree with what @SteR wrote above 100%. If you keep attracting sociopaths, take a long hard look in the mirror. Are you accepting responsibility for allowing yourself to repeatedly attract and date these types? I know you say your financially successful and in peak physical shape, kudos towards your SMV, @Tenacity, but how about your attitude? I've learned interesting insights from you before, yet for a while now, I've sensed a common theme of bitterness in most of your threads and responses. A lot of DJs here have chipped in their two cents, they want to see you succeed in your dating environment as well.

Getting your headspace fixed and healing the inner-child issues should be priority numero uno. You don't want to rehash relationship baggage over and over with each new plate. That frustration will only increase your cynicism towards women (including the psychologically healthier ones...).

I've gripped on this forum and in PMs about failed relationships and dropped plates. However, I do my best to learn from mistakes and correct the behavior and self-sabotaging patterns that pushed them away in the first place.

What's the best a DJ can do here? A DJ can only control himself, he can't control the outcome (her).

Take care of yourself first. Own up and accept the crap you let happen to you in the past and move on. Self-improve so you can cultivate self-assurance, self-respect and screen and drop those terrible plates before investing too much of your time, money, body, and emotions into them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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. I'm sick of you guys getting up here acting like Tenacity is making up shyt, about how this is the worse market of bytches ever and how I wish (100%) that there were more Elliot Rodgers out here blasting these bytches left and right.

I hate these fvcking bytches.
Rooting for Rodgers is pathological-based thinking. I couldn't disagree more.

Yes, women can be fvcked up, but I can assure you that I have been more fcked up than ANY woman I have ever met. So ... it's not a woman "thing," rather a human "thing."

Contrary, to what Tenacity writes, women will act toward you in accordance with what YOU offer. IF you are not appealing to all their needs, they won't offer you much. Herein is why we have such divergent opinions (Mine vs. Tenacity's) on women.

Tenacity (who will enjoy this as SoSuave's biggest attention wh0re) has decent looks and finance (for his age), but lacks the personality/thinking to incite the emotional polarity in his targets, hence why his microcosm of women prefer the thug. As opposed to Guru, who hits on ALL their needs, has women soldiers ready to fight and die for him at the snap of a finger. Two different individuals .. two different realities.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
The thing about this, is that womens acts can be done in clear sight of people and people will either not see anything or not care. So the entitlement advantage of woman allows her to raise her narcissism and sociopathy to incredulous heights.
It's only because women tend to have better social skills than men; they can explain and do things in such a way that is socially acceptable. The vast majority of men don't know how to do this. But those who do, well you never really hear about them because they're so high up on the status ladder that you just don't deal with them (i.e. Fortune 500 CEOs).

They just know how to persuade people better, usually because they can speak with emotion better and also tend to have better verbal ability than men.


Jun 23, 2014
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Problem here is that Tenacity would rather besmirch the Jacksons than actually discuss his own game in order to hone it. What the fvck does he even do with these women? No one knows. That despite making countless threads about how women are "low quality slags".
I do discuss my "game". I don't post copies of text messages on here because I just have a very natural flowing conversation, most of which on this forum (seeing as though you aren't involved in the convo) might not even understand it or it might come off as weird. The "game" isn't the problem.

Contrary, to what Tenacity writes, women will act toward you in accordance with what YOU offer. IF you are not appealing to all their needs, they won't offer you much. Herein is why we have such divergent opinions (Mine vs. Tenacity's) on women.
But here's my question Guru. What if their "needs" are incongruent with your values?

- I'm not hood, I don't "thug", and I don't know the lyrics to every stupid a.ss rap song on the radio. I'm not "about that LIFE" as they say. I don't have any prior kids from other women, I don't NEED a woman to "change me", and I don't smoke weed. Do you realize that this now makes me incongruent with 85% of black women? For me to CHANGE, would actually mean I would be changing for the worse, not the better. I would be changing into Ray Ray and Pookie.

- Do you see how I'm in a fvcked up situation here?

- Guru you are in a completely different market. You date majority non-black women who (according to prior criteria you listed such as them coming from stable homes, etc.) are NIGHT AND DAY compared to the black women I have to choose from no matter their level of education.

And I understand you might say, well, Tenacity go date non-black women. It's just not as simple as that. I've pulled non-black women before, but there is still this concept of racism that's alive today and many QUALITY non-black women (i.e. white women) are NOT going to choose Tenacity (other than just to fulfill some fetish) when they have the white version of Tenacity available (i.e. Guru).


Jun 23, 2014
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Take care of yourself first. Own up and accept the crap you let happen to you in the past and move on. Self-improve so you can cultivate self-assurance, self-respect and screen and drop those terrible plates before investing too much of your time, money, body, and emotions into them.
Every one of the over 200 women wasn't as bad. I've had some of them that didn't have kids from Ray Ray and Pookie, no weight issues, and no financial issues. Their interest level was good enough. But just from the left-over frustration from the OTHER WOMEN, I took it out on them and cussed them out too. It would just be a rage episode of me just going down the line CUSSING out every black woman in my phone.....INCLUDING calling my Mother and cussing her a.ss out.


Jun 23, 2014
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So, to answer your question - the theory is that people vocally state they are looking for one thing (probably the society recognized 'healthy' behavior/trait) and then gravitate towards something entirely different because they are looking to heal childhood wounds. The female that is promiscuous is maybe looking for male validation (one some level), the female that gravitates towards the thug may be white knighting it or trying to prove that she is worthy of, will be loved, by a man of that stature.
I have to disagree with you here Sazc. I believe black women dating thugs in MASS is a social/culture shift. Understand, to most black people, the types of black men like TENACITY are sell-outs and Uncle Toms.

I'm not the real black man. I'm the fake black man. I'm the black man who wants to be white. Ray Ray and Pookie are the real black men. This is one of the main reasons why black women choose Ray Ray and Pookie in mass.

TENACITY gets black women simply due to having good game, despite what others think on this forum about me not having game, my game is actually very STRONG and overcomes this social-cultural problem that I'm dealing with as a black man.

The problem is that the only benefit I get is dates and sex, I don't get the loyalty, love, support, commitment, etc. that Ray Ray and Pookie get until black women get OLDER and it's too late.

This is nothing I can change. This is nothing I can fix. It's just fvcked up all the way around today being a black man.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
I actually think what she said was quite reasonable.

Pretty much what I do, actually. Except that I add alcohol. And I've had stable plates without too much problems.

First date should be kissing though, IMO (not afternoon tea with grandma). And I think pushing for sex on date 2 is sensible.

Problem here is that Tenacity would rather besmirch the Jacksons than actually discuss his own game in order to hone it. What the fvck does he even do with these women? No one knows. That despite making countless threads about how women are "low quality slags".
I hear ya.

Just saying that when a guy spends too much time with a woman without her showing clear sexual interest, he risks wasting his time and money if nothing comes of it.

If I'm being honest, I don't follow any of these dumb, robotic dating rules anyway. I just try to have fun.