Preparing for a LTR Burial


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
So here I am on a Saturday night, vomiting out my thoughts. My kid's upstairs trying to avoid going to bed.

I've hinted in a couple of spots that I'm about to cut my LTR loose. I'm not sure if the 8th month counts. She went to Cuba for two weeks on vacation. I saw her once shortly after. I'm about to head into week 3 of not seeing her. The last contact she had with me was on Thursday. She claimed that she was really busy with work that week. The only reason she called me was because I ran into her best friend who asked how she was doing. I told her I really didn't know because I haven't seen much of her over the past month. We all know how fast news travels with women.

In the past, I think I've been a bit too quick to cut women off, so I'm giving her until the end of Tuesday to initiate something. I've done enough of the recent initiating with little results, so it's time to sit back, wait a bit, then make my final decision. I'm pretty sure this is done, but I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and wait a few days. I'm not in a hurry. There's women waiting to pounce on me once my Facebook status screams "Single" at them. Even if I don't desire any of them, I'm fine with being purely single again.

Her 11 year old daughter will be missed. The girl obviously had a crush on me. I only need to wait 7 more years until I can date her :D

I'm just venting. There's nothing to be had but disappointment once a LTR is either dying or has already passed on. I've been through so many women who are just not cut out to be companions. There's a lot of things I won't miss about this chick. She certainly wasn't the hottest thing I've ever dated. She also wasn't the youngest either. She also wasn't the most respectful. The sad part is she was better than a lot of the other trash that I've dated.

We had fun, we had sex. There wasn't all that much else to highlight. She was kinda boring actually. She threw around the M word a few times. It's funny how some women can just throw around that word like they mean it, and then toss the guy away like a broken vibrator.

Anyway, I suppose I should prepare for the LTR Funeral on Tuesday. It's unlikely that I'll even message her. I'll probably just nuke her off my Facebook and say nothing. If she texts me, I'll just tell her that she obviously doesn't have time for me and I'm moving on. I expect weeks of no contact from someone I'm casually fvcking. When that happens in a LTR, it's either a sign of disrespect or low interest. I put up with enough of that during my marriage. I don't need to put up with it from a woman I'm not legally bound to.

As it's been stated before, a woman with high interest will make excuses to spend time with you. This one isn't making any excuses.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score

I have to agree. Sounds like its over. Hopefully you're not too emotionally attached.

I'm just coming out of a 5 year LTR myself. And while logically I know it's over, the emotional part is much harder.

And.. she was the hottest woman I've ever known <sigh>.

Good luck man.



Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
After a while, you get invested, no matter what else is going on. I think about this with plate #1. I've been lucky with her. If we split, it would hurt like a *****. With the others, it would take some adjustment but not much.

Time does things, all by itself. Doesn't mean you can stand where you shouldn't.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Hopefully you're not too emotionally attached.
I'm certainly not. I just don't want to jump to conclusions a bit too quickly in case I'm wrong.

I'm just coming out of a 5 year LTR myself. And while logically I know it's over, the emotional part is much harder.
Good luck with that. It gets easier as time goes on. Five years is a long time. The longest I've ever been with a woman was 8 years which was my ex-wife, but I was relieved when it was over.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
be prepared for a mind fvck "why haven't you been texting me?" lol
If I get that, then it's one of the following:

1) The lack of contact gave her interest a jump start
2) She found out the other guy she's interested in isn't interested in her
3) She's truly been busy and is starting to worry about our relationship

Option #3 is the rarity. I realize that, but I'm not opposed to believing it can happen. We usually see each other on Mondays. She cancelled last Monday. She cancelled the Thursday that she scheduled. Then she's posting pictures on Facebook about the birthday party she and her daughter attended during the week. She sure as fvck made time to attend that. That's why I'm not fully buying her "I've been busy with work" excuse.

Again, I'm pretty sure it's time to get the shovel, but I'm not in a hurry for anything. Better to let the situation reach my mental deadline and then take action. I've always been better off thinking before I act.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
If you're going to break up anyway, why not just tell her what you told us? What do you have to lose? NC is silly. Just say "hey, love you forever, but we're just not meant to be. Keep in touch." She should respect that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
If you're going to break up anyway, why not just tell her what you told us? What do you have to lose? NC is silly. Just say "hey, love you forever, but we're just not meant to be. Keep in touch." She should respect that.
Does she deserve that much?

I'll do something like that if I'm just no longer interested in her. If she has time for other 5hit and no time for me, then it's inconsiderate to just keep me technically attached for the sake of avoiding being technically single. We both know that women like to keep their existing men around while they're checking out other prospects.

I have no problem keeping her around, but that's if she's actually making the effort to spend time with me. However, I haven't been laid in over a month. I haven't seen her in two weeks. If she thinks this is acceptable behaviour in a relationship, then she's not worthy of my attention nor my respect, let alone an "official" breakup message.

Again, Mondays are usually the days we spend together. If I get nothing for Monday, then the message will be loud and clear.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
She's gonna turn it onto you and you are gonna fall for it.

"You seem distant since I got back from Cuba. So I became distant too because I didn't know what to expect from you anymore... I don't get the feeling you want me anymore!"

Crap like that... And then you're gonna give her more attention and try harder to make her feel "wanted". But while you're doing that, she's gonna fvck someone else...


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
She's gonna turn it onto you and you are gonna fall for it.
I am?

And then you're gonna give her more attention and try harder to make her feel "wanted"
I will?

I know better than to fall for this crap. I've done enough initiating since she got back. She's the one who hasn't had the time. I haven't fvcked her in a month. My interest in her is pretty low. There's other women in my life who have been making it quite clear that they're interested.
Let's see... Guilt trip from existing GF who doesn't have time for me - vs - a blank slate that wants to spend time with me. This is a fvcking no-brainer.

This is all hypothetical though. I haven't received the guilt trip yet. If she makes no effort in the next couple of days, I won't have to worry about the guilt trip because I'm just going to cut the rope.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Good, man! I formulated it like you are surely gonna fall for her bullsh!t, exactly to trigger this "Hell no, I'm not gonna fall for that sh!t" response inside of you ;)

To be honest, I don't think it's useful to wait for her the next couple of days. Sh!t has already gone too far if you ask me...


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
To be honest, I don't think it's useful to wait for her the next couple of days. Sh!t has already gone too far if you ask me...
I have a history of jumping to conclusions a bit too quickly. This is more than her ignoring me. This is me working on a personal problem. The deadline I've set is reasonable.

I've dropped some subtle hints on Facebook. The women who are interested in me are curiously sniffing around for more clues. If my GF sees the subtle hints, it might give her a jolt or she'll just ignore it. Whatever happens, it will work out to my advantage.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
She just called and asked if she could come over for an hour or so this evening. She didn't sound serious or anything, so I'm guessing it's not a breakup meeting. I'm guessing she wants to fvck.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
We had fun, we had sex. There wasn't all that much else to highlight.
My friend, this is the reality of the market in general. A section of guys on this Forum vehemently disagree with me, but 95% - 98% of the women you get with will just only be good for SEX and companionship.

It's the other 2% - 5% are the ones that you "might" be able to do something serious with as long as you can manage and risk mitigate all of the other "factors and variables" present.

Because at least 95% of the women have absolutely no real value outside of entertainment (sex and companionship), that right there should be ENOUGH to rule this market as bad and inefficient.

I've updated my thread where I'm going through an experiment to only focus on the girls that fit my "quality stance" and to throw away the others that don't. I'm giving up A LOT of pvssy in the process, I had to let go of a couple of recurring plates and newer plates for this experiment. I'm trying it for awhile to see where it goes. I'm also just honestly not interested in fvcking these other chicks anymore, I need something with more substance but damn is this market difficult to FIND THAT.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
95% - 98% of the women you get with will just only be good for SEX and companionship.
...and that's exactly what I'm focusing on. As long as this chick can provide those two things, I'll keep her around. The fact that she wasn't providing those two things is what made me consider dropping her.

I've genuinely been taking your position on what women are good for. I've been repeatedly disappointed when looking for that real connection with a quality woman. Looks have become less relevant because the pretty and the plain girls are on the same playing field with the same skills (or lack thereof). As long as I find someone I can tolerate, sex and companionship is all I expect to get. If she starts to piss me off, then find another one I can tolerate for the exact same ability to provide sex and companionship.

Dude, you really hit the nail on the head with this one.

There's less disappointment, less time wasted searching for that ideal mate (or soulmate which we've been bull5hitted about for so long), less energy wasted in gaming the bytch, and less frustration when she turns out to be the typical average defective woman you hoped that she wouldn't be.

However.... If that ideal woman should ever come along, she'll need to prove her dedication to me if she wishes to share a life with me. Given the amount of women I've been through, I'd say it's a safe bet that I won't meet one anytime soon.

Once I become debt free in the next decade, I will start travelling. Perhaps on those journeys I shall meet a good woman, but that's a few years off still.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah, I believe LiveFree might be correct in that guys like us need to start looking at foreign women more. But guys like T.O., Hithard and the others believe that going foreign isn't required and that "quality" is abound in this American market if you have certain levels of game.

I honestly don't know what else I can fix on myself?

- My finances are together with a nice car, nice place, stay in the suburbs

- My looks are together

- My personality is strong, people enjoy being around me, I'm usually the "life" of the party. Women that go out with me are laughing and having a good time.

I honestly don't know what "game" they are talking about. I'm starting to think that it's a geographical issue we are dealing with as the market we are playing in has been tainted a lot by feminism and gynocentrism. The quantity of quality women in my opinion are going to come from markets globally that haven't been tainted "yet".

What I'm saying is that we only have so much control over this stuff. It's as if all we can do is fix our Looks, Personality and Finances to where the majority of women say we are "attractive". It's like after THAT, there's nothing else you can do to change the personal moral, values and character of a woman, which is usually based on programming by the Feminist Movement.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
I jumped on the foreign women bandwagon for a little while and wound up getting thrown right off. Foreign women are every bit as disgusting as U.S. women. They just don't have as much opportunity to act out on their bull**** back at home. Everyday I see foreign women (in their 20's) that lived in the U.S. for 3 - 5 years and while they may initially display desirable traits they're also quick to adopt hyper materialism, hypergamy and riding the **** carousel. Whatever they see U.S. born and raised females living and partaking in they'll become covetous and copycat the lifestyle.

I also realized that women, by default, think they're better than you regardless of where she's from. In the U.S. and other western countries this natural arrogance is only magnified. So beware. It's all the same sh*t no matter where you go.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
I have a history of jumping to conclusions a bit too quickly. This is more than her ignoring me. This is me working on a personal problem. The deadline I've set is reasonable.
Riiiiiight.... You don't know what you want, do you?!

* First this bytch disrespects you with that whole birthday party of the older guy she used to have a crush on and all that.
* Then she goes to Cuba for 2 weeks and when she comes back she has no interest in seeing you.
* Bytch gives you bullsh!t excuses about being busy all week. She has time to attend birthday parties but doesn't have time for you.
* You haven't had sex with her in over a month.
* You haven't seen her in two weeks.

Any guy with an inch of self respect would not tolerate this sh!t, unless he totally doesn't care about the girl at all. HOWEVER..... YOU DO CARE! Let me quote you:

"I expect weeks of no contact from someone I'm casually fvcking. When that happens in a LTR, it's either a sign of disrespect or low interest. I put up with enough of that during my marriage. I don't need to put up with it from a woman I'm not legally bound to."

"If she thinks this is acceptable behaviour in a relationship, then she's not worthy of my attention nor my respect"

"If she has time for other 5hit and no time for me, then it's inconsiderate to just keep me technically attached for the sake of avoiding being technically single. We both know that women like to keep their existing men around while they're checking out other prospects."

Now why the fvck do you even come on here to express your concerns? Why do you even express the above statements if you really don't care about her and this stuff? Man, it's pretty obvious that her behavior is bothering you, you're just trying to act tough and trying to rationalize your own frustration away.
Her behavior indicates either a lack of interest or disrespect...however you put it, her behavior is insulting to you. Your own girlfriend isn't interested to see you, what a poor guy does that make you?!?! Obviously that bothers you, you have every right to feel bothered when some bytch treats you like that! And in spite of your tough remarks about not being that attached to her and how little she actually had to offer and all that yaketee-yak where you try to convince yourself that it doesn't bother you, it's pretty clear that IT DOES BOTHER YOU.

But what do you do? You convince yourself that SHE is not doing anything wrong, but instead YOU are doing something wrong by "jumping to conclusions too quickly" and referring to your past tendency of being too quick to cut women off. Wow, you really have a talent for brainwashing yourself and backwards rationalizing her bad behavior, don't you?

I told you in Tenacity's thread a while ago, you've become a loser, someone who has GIVEN UP, and you've decided to travel a very sad and pathetic road, man... You let low quality bytches treat you like sh!t and then convince yourself it shouldn't bother you, so you don't have to stand up for yourself. But in the meanwhile, deep down, it does bother you.... Really unhealthy behavior if you ask me, you remind me of a kid who gets bullied by his classmates so much that he eventually embraces all the negativity and starts to think it's the way things should be. The kids spit on him and throw urine on his clothes, so eventually he decides to spit on himself and throw urine on his own clothes before going to school, convincing himself that if he gets used to that, he won't have to feel bothered anymore when the bullies do it to him...

If you throw someone on the floor and start kicking him, at first he will try to defend himself or at least put his arms around his torso to lessen the impact of the blows on his body. But if you keep doing this daily for a few months, eventually the person will just lie down on the floor by himself and won't even try to protect his body from the blows landing anymore. He just lies there, NUMBED, like some zombie, gazing into the nothing, feeling nothing, just being a numb object...

Well, that's you Des! Like I said to you before, all the negative experiences with women have beaten you into submission and it's really sad to see what you've become... But do whatever you like, man. Keep following this pathetic path and keep reading Tenacity's wonderful insights and advice. I'm sure the pessimistic and nihilistic approach of you guys will lead to a happy love life, while the positive approach of guys like Rollo, Sl!ckster and Guru1000 leads to unhappiness....:rolleyes:

You should read up on Learned Helplessness:


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Die Hard,

Do you have a "quality woman"? If so, do you care to provide some details on:

- How she looks
- How many kids she has
- Her financial situation
- How she treats you
- Her past relationships, ONS, etc.
- Maybe a pic of her (use something like Photobucket so it doesn't come up in SEO)

Do you care to share this information? I would just like to know because guys like you, T.O., and my good buddy HitHard keep promoting this "quality woman". I just want to know who the hell this woman is, where the hell this woman is, and how in the hell I can get in contact with a bunch of women like her?

As I said in my thread, I've cut out fvcking a lot of the other chicks I've been fvcking (missing out on some GOOD PVSSY BTW) to focus in on girls I believe are more high quality. I've been trying this experiment for a solid 9 days so far so it's still very early, but so far I've gotten a good amount of numbers but these chicks have extreme levels of fickle-ness.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Women are trained when they want a ring/marriage and are not getting it, on the timeline they want it, to distance themselves. The expectation is the man will miss them (and/or their pvssy) enough, to quickly remedy the woman's want/'need' for a ring/marriage, in order to regain her attention/potential pvssy access again.

Do not be manipulated.

Stay true to yourself, always!
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
New York, USA
Riiiiiight.... You don't know what you want, do you?!

* First this bytch disrespects you with that whole birthday party of the older guy she used to have a crush on and all that.
* Then she goes to Cuba for 2 weeks and when she comes back she has no interest in seeing you.
* Bytch gives you bullsh!t excuses about being busy all week. She has time to attend birthday parties but doesn't have time for you.
* You haven't had sex with her in over a month.
* You haven't seen her in two weeks.

Any guy with an inch of self respect would not tolerate this sh!t, unless he totally doesn't care about the girl at all. HOWEVER..... YOU DO CARE! Let me quote you:

"I expect weeks of no contact from someone I'm casually fvcking. When that happens in a LTR, it's either a sign of disrespect or low interest. I put up with enough of that during my marriage. I don't need to put up with it from a woman I'm not legally bound to."

"If she thinks this is acceptable behaviour in a relationship, then she's not worthy of my attention nor my respect"

"If she has time for other 5hit and no time for me, then it's inconsiderate to just keep me technically attached for the sake of avoiding being technically single. We both know that women like to keep their existing men around while they're checking out other prospects."

Now why the fvck do you even come on here to express your concerns? Why do you even express the above statements if you really don't care about her and this stuff? Man, it's pretty obvious that her behavior is bothering you, you're just trying to act tough and trying to rationalize your own frustration away.
Her behavior indicates either a lack of interest or disrespect...however you put it, her behavior is insulting to you. Your own girlfriend isn't interested to see you, what a poor guy does that make you?!?! Obviously that bothers you, you have every right to feel bothered when some bytch treats you like that! And in spite of your tough remarks about not being that attached to her and how little she actually had to offer and all that yaketee-yak where you try to convince yourself that it doesn't bother you, it's pretty clear that IT DOES BOTHER YOU.

But what do you do? You convince yourself that SHE is not doing anything wrong, but instead YOU are doing something wrong by "jumping to conclusions too quickly" and referring to your past tendency of being too quick to cut women off. Wow, you really have a talent for brainwashing yourself and backwards rationalizing her bad behavior, don't you?

I told you in Tenacity's thread a while ago, you've become a loser, someone who has GIVEN UP, and you've decided to travel a very sad and pathetic road, man... You let low quality bytches treat you like sh!t and then convince yourself it shouldn't bother you, so you don't have to stand up for yourself. But in the meanwhile, deep down, it does bother you.... Really unhealthy behavior if you ask me, you remind me of a kid who gets bullied by his classmates so much that he eventually embraces all the negativity and starts to think it's the way things should be. The kids spit on him and throw urine on his clothes, so eventually he decides to spit on himself and throw urine on his own clothes before going to school, convincing himself that if he gets used to that, he won't have to feel bothered anymore when the bullies do it to him...

If you throw someone on the floor and start kicking him, at first he will try to defend himself or at least put his arms around his torso to lessen the impact of the blows on his body. But if you keep doing this daily for a few months, eventually the person will just lie down on the floor by himself and won't even try to protect his body from the blows landing anymore. He just lies there, NUMBED, like some zombie, gazing into the nothing, feeling nothing, just being a numb object...

Well, that's you Des! Like I said to you before, all the negative experiences with women have beaten you into submission and it's really sad to see what you've become... But do whatever you like, man. Keep following this pathetic path and keep reading Tenacity's wonderful insights and advice. I'm sure the pessimistic and nihilistic approach of you guys will lead to a happy love life, while the positive approach of guys like Rollo, Sl!ckster and Guru1000 leads to unhappiness....:rolleyes:

You should read up on Learned Helplessness:
You sound like a douche.