Wikileaks: The Naughty Ninja/Bellesing94 file

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Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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cordoncordon said:
Really?? Guys are sending cawk shots to your sister all the time? Classy sister you have there.

And in this case it was different anyway. We are talking about an online website that is supposed to help improve mans standing in life and with the fairer sex, this isn't a chat room for sex starved teenagers or something done between two people who know each other.

Your use of the word IF in this debate is simple minded and middling at best. The reason why I said IF was because I know how people tend to vilify others and to hold grudges (like what you do for me for who knows what reason) on this site and therefore they are capable of saying and doing anything to get back at whomever they feel has wronged them. So I thought there was a good chance she was just making it all up to get back at NN for whatever reasons. Obviously I never in a millions years thought the girl was really a guy and NN was trolling Sage. That is beyond strange.

my sister is a virgin by choice and my mom was as well until she got married...a tradition/religous matter...u really have no idea about anything you are saying...weirdos just send them uninvited after first acting nice guy BS....

Also...just like every other WK you are not the good guy that you are pretending to be...

You challenge a stranger to a fight over the net and then insult that person's family member who has nothing to do with this...

You are nothing but a roided up meathead who can't control your emotions nor your ego...anyone with a brain can see right through you for what you are...
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Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
Now I understand why you guys never manage to score above 5.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
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living in the middle of effing nowhere
my reaction :



Oompa Loompa doompadee doo
I've got another puzzle for you
Oompa Loompa doompadee dee
If you are wise you will listen to me
Who do you blame when your kid is a brat
Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese cat?
Blaming the kids is a lion of shame
You know exactly who's to blame:
The mother and the father!
Oompa Loompa doompadee dah
If you're not spoiled then you will go far
You will live in happiness too
Like the Oompa Loompa doompadee do


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Hahaha ninja makes me laugh my ass off.. He should be a moderator?

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
You know, I just posted on two respectable sites that men should pay a visit over here to see men discussing ways to better themselves, and now I'm embarrassed to have sent them here.

Like one poster said, this place really is going into the sh!tter lately. Maybe we should think about rising to a higher level as men and leave the sophomoric drama behind. There's nothing wrong with humor, but the general vibe around here lately is extremely weird. Let's go for higher ground.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
You know, I just posted on two respectable sites that men should pay a visit over here to see men discussing ways to better themselves, and now I'm embarrassed to have sent them here.

Like one poster said, this place really is going into the sh!tter lately. Maybe we should think about rising to a higher level as men and leave the sophomoric drama behind. There's nothing wrong with humor, but the general vibe around here lately is extremely weird. Let's go for higher ground.
My point exactly in my original post about the sending of a cawk pic to who was then someone thought of as a girl. Is this a site for the bettering of men or a teen boys chat room? Apparently some of the guys here think the latter.

Danger said:
It's called white-knighting because one would never do such things for a guy getting such treatment. But if it's possibly a girl......then look out.


Some people will just not get along on this site. The wiser ones you send here should understand what is useful, and what is just in-fighting.
Danger there is a difference between treating a woman (or anyone for that matter) with respect and common decency, something any human being should do, and going over the top in their praises and afc behavior to try and make a girl want to be with him. Guys sending pics of their cawks to girls on this site is juvenile at best, and idiotic at worst. IF guys want to do that type of thing, there are plenty of dating and sex websites for that. Not here.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
The mods should probably be a bit more strict.
But that would probably destroy what makes this forum good.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
You know, I just posted on two respectable sites that men should pay a visit over here to see men discussing ways to better themselves, and now I'm embarrassed to have sent them here.

Like one poster said, this place really is going into the sh!tter lately. Maybe we should think about rising to a higher level as men and leave the sophomoric drama behind. There's nothing wrong with humor, but the general vibe around here lately is extremely weird. Let's go for higher ground.
In an online world full of trolls and trolls and trolls; mixed with a few complete newbs who just seem like trolls; mixed with people who like to treat this like's misc section.... I think that's too much to expect... Mainly because there's not really any written rules... And because obvious trolls are left to do their stupidity...

I'd personally rather have a 10,000 character rule writeup like this.... But i already know how most mods feel about that idea of writing out rules...


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Danger said:
I agree.

But the difference is, you would never have said anything if a man encountered this sort of problem. This is called white-knighting.

You responded by apologizing on behalf of all men to a poster who claims to be a girl while making other dubious claims alongside it.......

Your white-knight protection tendencies overwhelmed the blaring troll radar. Had it been a man, you would not have even bothered stepping in because your white-knight response would not have been triggered, and yo0u mostly likely would have recognized the trolling for what it was. That is how much of a white-knight you are.

I am not saying this to be a d1ck, but to point out how you are likely being manipulated on a consistent basis by women, whether real or imaginary. Learn from it.
I apologized because:
A) This is a predominantly mens website so any woman sticking her neck out to post here is usually met with childish trolling and insults. I'm not even saying women would want to post here, if I was a women I probably wouldn't, but there is no reason to chase those away that do just because they are women. And again, this is a website that is supposed to be about the bettering of men, not something like that.

B) Women in general are subjected to that kind of thing (sexual harrassment) all of the time. It is much more personal to them and emotional than it is to a man. A man could get a picture of a vagina or cawk in the email that was sent to them and laugh it off. It's just how men are brought up. Stuff like that doesn't bother most men. I don't really believe most men need to get an apology for something like that because we are not supposed to worry about something so trivial. A women on the other hand is not generally used to that kind of thing and considering the amount of rapes that occur on a daily basis around the world, could even be considered as a threat. At the very least its just childish.

What you call WKing? I call being a decent human being. I'm surprised you can't tell the difference. That is actually pretty sad and a condemnation on society today, when the sending of a cawk pic to a woman who you have never met in this type of scenario is considered ok to do. I realize that some guys send that to a girl they are dating or sexing, and if the woman is ok with it, that is fine. But that isn't what happened here.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Danger said:
A decent human being would reserve comments and assumptions until hearing both sides of the story.

But when a girl is involved, you don't care. Because you are a white-knight.

it isn't the sending of the cawk photo that is the point, because it never happened and most anybody should have been able to see that fact. That is just react to a alleged woman's claims without thinking about what is likely going on. THAT is a white knight.

Your emotional response outweighs your ability to critically think about the situation at hand. The world is an awful place precisely because of said mentality.
See you are wrong. Refer to my earlier post ITT where I went over what I said and what I meant by it. I said IF IF IF IF IF what she said was true, then I apologize. I prefaced my statement with IF. I never said it was true. So actually, I had no emotional response. If anyone here is having an emo response, it's you for labeling a person something that is so obviously not true and which is further illustrated by your multiple insults to me via PM. All because of a grudge you yourself even admitted to via PM, a grudge from years ago, a grudge that you said you can't even remember where it started from. You are the one being emotional for holding onto something so long.....just like a girl :).

You know, I am just going to end this here. If you want to judge me as a white knight for apologizing to what we thought was a girl at the time for having a cawk pic sent to her from a complete stranger on a bettering of mens website, then fawk it, call me a WK all you want.

The end.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Danger said:
  • You started with the PM insults. So besides being a WK, you are also a liar.
  • The "If" doesn't change that you reacted emotionally. The emotional part was your falling for an obvious troll masqerading as a girl and further assuming that she went through some kind of hardship, with no evidence whatsoever, just an accusation. You were taken in and fooled, because your WK tendency is flamingly strong.
  • WK's get taken in by a crying woman who presents no evidence. Rational people request evidence or it's a bunch of bull$hit. If you were rational, you would not have been apologizing on behalf of all men and linking her situation to rape and other things that poor "princess women are not used to".
  • I told you that you were a douche in the past, you are a douche now, and you will always be a douche. I don't recall the exact instances of you being a douche, but I will continue to treat you like the douche you are. Starting an insult PM war is what douche's do. You further prove your douchery.
  • There was no "we". There was "you" who was taken in by the damsel cry for help. Typical WK who cannot see past the women crying. That is the epitome of the WK.
  • Cry more.
Do you want me to bring out the PM's? I can. In the meantime I will paraphrase.


WTF is your problem? I don't believe I have ever said a remotely negative or critical word to you.....ever.


Yes you have been a douche to me I remember.

I really don't know what you are talking about. When have we really even conversed? Maybe in a stock thread? Either you have a better memory than I do or you are being way overly sensitive because I have no recollection of anything.


I remember douche people, and you were to me a few years ago, I dont forget.

I dont remember what it was about, but im sure it was you.


A few years ago haha? Are you sure about that? You seriously hold a grudge from a message board post that may or may not have happened from a few years ago?

Awesome way to go through life man.


I am sure it was you. You were a douche, are a douche, so I will treat you like one.

That is exactly should live life. You give people what they earn.

From there we went back and forth. So tell me, who started the insults here again? Who is the liar here?

As for everything else you said:
1: I don't think anyone here thought that that girl was a guy. If you were so smart and thought so, why didn't you speak up Smart guy? And actually the IF takes all emotion out of the equation. Think of it as geometry. An IF THEN statement until the equation is proved. I am not rushing to judgement. I said IF, as in I don't know all the facts.

2. You continue with the insults. Even on the public forum. Very mature.

3. Again, as for the WE or YOU. IF you were so smart, why didn't you point out the fact that she was really sage? Why? Because you had no fawking clue.

Now go get your shine box.

IN EDIT I responded here to the post below this because I am out of posts:

Vidrio said:
Cordon it was blatantly obvious that that girl was a troll, and you played the WK role perfectly. You're a white knight, and its not just because of that troll thread. There have been other topics, like the one where that guys wife was hanging out with a guitarist all night, and the one where the guys wife was drunk with some guy and ended up "kissing" (which we all know means ****ing) him., where you have taken the woman's side when all evidence has pointed to the woman being in the wrong. There are numerous other examples I can't think of right now, but the first step is acceptance. Accept that you still have a lot of blue pill tendencies, and move on to try and correct yourself.
Haha ok my young little friend. That was a long thread about a guy who he thought was losing his wife to another man because she was losing IL in him. Mainly due to his lack of focus in keeping the frame of his marriage alive and vibrant.

Here are my comments, please tell me where there is any WKing in any of this? Bear in mind this was a guy who was married for 17 years and who had kids together with his wife and who wanted to save the marriage. And as it turns out, he took some of my advice, and others, and totally turned things around and per his last update, was very happily married again. With his kids. I will cut you some slack because you are 17 and don't know any better, let alone what it means to be married as long as you have been alive. If he had listened to some of you, he would be divorced now and his kids would be without a stable home life. Again, there is a difference between being a WK and doing what is right. Some of you guys come to this site and go wayyyyy to far of an extreme in how you treat women (badly). I am guessing because you perceive yourself as having been treated badly by women all your life...hence why you are here.
I've stayed out of this thread and tried not to say anything, but I have to say this. So many of you are acting all high and mighty, telling him what he should and should not do, most of that involves divorce/hiding his money/preparing to leave etc. Hello??? This man has been married to this woman for 17 years. 17 years!!!!! Some of you guys freak out over a problem you are having with your gf of 2 months! And you are giving that kind of advice (divorce) to a guy who has shared every day of his life with this woman for the last 17 years?? And they have kids together? Most of us cannot relate to that. Most of us have no clue as to where this guy is coming from. It's very easy to tell this guy that his wife is fvcking the dude, or he should divorce her, but go be in a marriage for that long and than tell him that.

I'm not even saying his wife isn't cheating. Hell she could be. From what I can read of this, she probably isn't, but ya never really know. And I congratulate the OP for starting to remove his head from the sand and stand up for himself. I know that no wife of mine, or gf for that matter, is going to be hanging out with some guy like this guys wife is. Especially a wife with children. But he let it happen and now he is paying for it. But I really think that until we have definitive proof that this guys wife really did cheat, we should come up with some more constructive ways for this guy to deal with this in SAVING THE MARRIAGE rather than all of the ways he should plan for divorce. He obviously still loves her, still wants to be with her, wants to save his family....lets find ways to make it work, instead of destroying it.

PS: I realize some of you have done that (come up with ways to save the marriage).....thank you.


Originally Posted by heroshima
and dropping hints that I've been talking to other women.


IMO this is not a path you want to go down. This is your wife, the mother of your children, not some wh0re you've been fvcking for the past few months.

What she did was wrong, that doesn't mean you have to do the same.


Originally Posted by heroshima
I thought that part of upping my value and turning the tables was letting her know that she can be replaced.

I haven't been overt about it just stuff like "This mom at the McDonalds play area was talking about a park near the hospital. Do you know the one she's talking about?"

I'm just realizing that I've been being a "good boy" and not talking to women much at all while she has gone and made a VERY good friend of this single male guitarist.


Ok no problem with that. I do that kind of stuff all the time with my gf. Tease her, tell her how this hot girl was staring at me, how she wants me, or I'll comment on a hot girl i see walking by, all in a teasing manner with a smile. That way they know you are the king, and always ready to search for something new if need be, and that you would be successful. Just dont start playing games out of the blue, saying how this girl or that girl was hitting on you point blank...your wife will read right through that.

BTW these are all things you should have been doing throughout your marriage.
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Cordon it was blatantly obvious that that girl was a troll, and you played the WK role perfectly. You're a white knight, and its not just because of that troll thread. There have been other topics, like the one where that guys wife was hanging out with a guitarist all night, and the one where the guys wife was drunk with some guy and ended up "kissing" (which we all know means ****ing) him., where you have taken the woman's side when all evidence has pointed to the woman being in the wrong. There are numerous other examples I can't think of right now, but the first step is acceptance. Accept that you still have a lot of blue pill tendencies, and move on to try and correct yourself.
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