Trump's Travel Ban


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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DHS Issues Sweeping New Rules On Deportation Of Illegal Immigrants

The Department of Homeland Security released on Tuesday documents translating President Trump’s executive orders on immigration and border security into policy, providing details on how it will prosecute undocumented immigrants and criminal immigrants, repealing nearly all of the Obama administration's guidances, and bringing a major shift in the way the agency enforces the nation’s immigration laws.
As the WSJ notes, "almost everybody living in the U.S. illegally is now subject to deportation, and more undocumented arrivals at the southern border would be jailed or sent back to Mexico to await a hearing rather than released into the U.S." according to the new guidance.
“The Department no longer will exempt classes or categories of removable aliens from potential enforcement,” the enforcement memo says. “Department personnel have full authority to arrest or apprehend an alien whom an immigration officer has probable cause to believe is in violation of the immigration laws.”


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
And I thought the libs were the anti-war party???
I'm against Border Patrol using the Mexican kids as target practice, which is what the case is about.

Border Patrol is one of the lowest rungs of law enforcement jobs. It's one step up from shopping mall security guard. People take that job only because they couldn't get a better one. If there are any cops indiscriminately committing murder, it's going to be Border Patrol.


Bible, could I just ask you what you would do about illegal immigration? I do apologize if you've clarified it already and I missed the post, but we have 330 million people in our country already. Up to 10% of them are illegal aliens from Latin America, and that's before you count the Muslims in Dearborn Michigan trying to implement local Sharia laws, Clinton's former proposed 500% increase in Syrian refugees, etc.

Your white, Judeo-Christian traditions are being weeded out. Whites have gone from 90% of the population to 63% in 40 years. Now, IF the left's idea of tolerance and diversity was just multiple cultures living and working together in harmony, it would be no issue at all. But many of these people are openly hostile to you. What that means is you might be a persecuted minority in your own country in another 40 years.

Why are Europeans wanting to preserve their heritage the only ones who face a Goebbels-like propaganda backlash for it? We're told about "imperialism" and "colonialism" and slavery. Let's clarify something here, there is no country on earth who has colonized, enslaved, and raped than the Republic of Turkey. To this day, they are exponentially more nationalist than Americans. We've had 60 years of reparations for our history, they deny their history (the Armenian Genocide) happened and put people in prison who acknowledge it. And not one word from leftists on it. Why? Because this facade of multiculturalism is about sabotaging white people. Same reason why the entire world is obsessed with the Israeli occupation of Gaza, but not a word on the Turkish occupation of Greece/Cyprus. It's all because 50% of Jews are Europeans..


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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I'm against Border Patrol using the Mexican kids as target practice, which is what the case is about.
Then you'll be glad that Trump put Homeland Security in charge of getting rid of illegals, and not the border patrol.

As an aside, once a LOOOONG time ago I went a job fair, and the most eager people who wanted to hire me was the border patrol. I got the impression from the guy I talked to that they pretty much hired all comers.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Bible, could I just ask you what you would do about illegal immigration?

First of all, I don't understand why anyone cares what color, or what religion the world is going to be after you're dead. If you believe in your religion, whatever it is, then that fate is out of mankind's control. And if you're Atheist, then when you're dead, you're dead; game over.

About immigration, common sense policy would be a dollars and cents approach. Trump is about to trick America into blowing countless billions that will all go to his cronies in the prison state business. No one can see it happening, because they are so blinded by their hatred of them damn far-ners. This is exactly what Dubya and Rove did with the Iraq war - blind 'em with fear, and siphon off government resources into their buddies in the military-industrial complex business. I was against that bullsh!t when it was happening, and 90% of America was in favor of it. What's happening right now with Trump is the exact same sh!t.

Illegal immigration is an economic issue. Not that you'll hear this little non-alternative fact at a Trump rally, but we hardly get any Mexicans sneaking into the US right now, because their economy has improved. The illegal border-crossers being arrested right now are mostly from Guatemala and Honduras originally. They are illegal in Mexico, and the Mexicans don't want them there, either. So let's all hate Mexicans, right? That is the obvious solution here, for minds that are not exactly into complex thought.

The real reason we have let all the illegals stay this long is that they work and pay taxes. They pay a lot more in taxes than they take in social services, another non-alternative fact. They especially get screwed on Social Security, because they have to pay into it without ever being able to draw benefits.

Trump's climate of fear is going to wreck local communities. He's going to give ICE free reign to raid schools, churches and hospitals. Local police are already saying this is going to be a disaster. Community-based policing is the new paradigm of law enforcement, and Trump is going to set back years of progress.

We're embarking on a new Dark Age for this country. Of course Trump is killing the National Endowment for the Arts immediately, despite his own security cost being higher than their funding, because that's what happens in a dark age. It's not any different than the Taliban smashing up museum artifacts. We don't want art to distract anyone from their state-induced hatred and fear.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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They pay a lot more in taxes than they take in social services, another non-alternative fact.
I would very much like to see how you came to this conclusion. If you have actual statistics (not links to journalist mentioned these statistics) but the statistics themselves.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Taliban smashing up museum artifacts. We don't want art to distract anyone from their state-induced hatred and fear.
I would argue that the "artifacts" being smashed by the Taliban and the "art" created through government funding are in two completely different categories.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I would very much like to see how you came to this conclusion. If you have actual statistics (not links to journalist mentioned these statistics) but the statistics themselves.

They pay a lot more in taxes than they take in social services

The precise definitions of the underlined terms are going to dictate the answer to the question. Both sides are going to twist them as they see fit. And maybe the states get screwed by the Feds in the taxes to services ratio, but that isn't the immigrants' fault.

Look at how poor people live their lives - they spend every cent they make, including a lot of bad financial decisions. Fools and their money are quickly parted. And where does it go? Taxes and profits for rich (mostly white) people would be my guess.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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The precise definitions of the underlined terms are going to dictate the answer to the question. Both sides are going to twist them as they see fit.
So within a few minutes you've gone from calling it a "fact" to a statement that "both sides can twist to their own ends."

Got it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Look at how poor people live their lives - they spend every cent they make, including a lot of bad financial decisions. Fools and their money are quickly parted. And where does it go? Taxes and profits for rich (mostly white) people would be my guess.
Just to be clear, we're talking about immigrants, or would be immigrants. Not poor citizens. These are two different arguments.

Are you advocating to bring in more poor immigrants so rich white people can continue to make money off of them?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
So within a few minutes you've gone from calling it a "fact" to a statement that "both sides can twist to their own ends."
You asked for a statistic, which is very much something that can be twisted one way or the other. And both sides do. Poor people of all colors live the same way in that they blow all their money on stupid sh!t. My broke-ass state just legalized slot machines as a way to raise money. Do you think they check for citizenship status before you gamble? Or before you buy tax-heavy items like lotto tickets, alcohol, gasoline, or tobacco? Somehow I doubt it.

Are you advocating to bring in more poor immigrants so rich white people can continue to make money off of them?

That's who harvests your food and works the hellhole slaughterhouse jobs right now. You just described modern agriculture.


Bible, could I just ask you what you would do about illegal immigration?

First of all, I don't understand why anyone cares what color, or what religion the world is going to be after you're dead. If you believe in your religion, whatever it is, then that fate is out of mankind's control. And if you're Atheist, then when you're dead, you're dead; game over.
You're probably right that I'll be dead long before any real persecution occurs. The only reason I care is because I don't want my children and grandchildren to be targets in the country built by their ancestors.

And when you say you don't care why "anyone" cares what color or religion makes up their populations, your ire ought to be at every country but the United States. I pointed out that Turkish nationalism dwarfs the USA's. The Japanese are incredibly racist against non-Asians and even other Asians. North Koreans are literally the modern manifestation of the Nazis and actually believe they are a master race. It's the United States that has been so magnanimous that its majority has declined 25% in two generations.

The thing is, racism as it is defined, is actually relatively natural. Now I don't mean acceptable in a civilized society, but natural in that it occurs in nature all the time. It's rampant in the animal kingdom. So preserving one's heritage is a perfectly normal thing for a people to do. Africans are explicit in their Afro-centric haircuts, clothing, music. And there's nothing wrong with that. There IS something wrong with the double standard that it's all okay unless you're European.

Trump is about to trick America into blowing countless billions that will all go to his cronies in the prison state business. No one can see it happening, because they are so blinded by their hatred of them damn far-ners.
Very little evidence of this in such a short time. This is the same nonsense that the anti-Obama crowd came out with a month after he was in office - he was coming for your guns. The Hitler posters were abound just like they are now. It's pure propaganda.

And for the record, you've mischaraterized the hatred of "them damn far-ners". There is a big difference between a Mexican family who comes here to work and takes 4 years to go through the system, and a drug dealer sneaking across the border that you pay for with your tax dollars. There is a big difference between an Indonesian Muslim coming here on a college scholarship and a Syrian "refugee" who is disproportionately likely to go postal, if not from Islam itself then from severe PTSD, and everyone but the 3,000 people left in the KKK will make this distinction. You've slandered about 98% of the people concerned about illegal immigration. Most are not simply xenophobic, it's that these immigrants are currently a net negative for our country.

This is exactly what Dubya and Rove did with the Iraq war - blind 'em with fear, and siphon off government resources into their buddies in the military-industrial complex business. I was against that bullsh!t when it was happening, and 90% of America was in favor of it. What's happening right now with Trump is the exact same sh!t.
No it isn't. It's not the exact same thing, and 90% of America wasn't in favor of the Iraq war. Very few actually were. The Afghan war was justifiable unless you're a 9/11 truther kook.

The illegal border-crossers being arrested right now are mostly from Guatemala and Honduras originally. They are illegal in Mexico, and the Mexicans don't want them there, either. So let's all hate Mexicans, right? That is the obvious solution here, for minds that are not exactly into complex thought.
Very surprised at you Bible. The flimsy, $1, Made in China "not all" argument you're making has been dealt with already. The fact that not every Muslim is a suicide bomber doesn't mean that you should import Sharia law into your country. And Trump never said "all Mexicans" or anything close.

The real reason we have let all the illegals stay this long is that they work and pay taxes. They pay a lot more in taxes than they take in social services, another non-alternative fact. They especially get screwed on Social Security, because they have to pay into it without ever being able to draw benefits.
That's not true, not in the big cities anyway. I lived in NYC, where Walmart doesn't exist and small business is abound. The vast majority of them are paid cash under the table by the shop owner, whether his workers are moving furniture, cutting lawns, or stocking coolers. You're from Florida and you know it's relatively the same in Miami.

We're embarking on a new Dark Age for this country. Of course Trump is killing the National Endowment for the Arts immediately, despite his own security cost being higher than their funding, because that's what happens in a dark age. It's not any different than the Taliban smashing up museum artifacts. We don't want art to distract anyone from their state-induced hatred and fear.
The false equivalence thing is very common from your side isn't it? No, Trump is not like the Taliban, who throws acid in little girls faces and prevents women from being educated. Outrageous comparison.

You also didn't answer the original question of what YOU would do about illegal immigration. Do you want to stop it or are you an open border NWO anarchist?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
90% of America wasn't in favor of the Iraq war. Very few actually were.

I don't know what you were doing in the summer and fall of 2002, but I was an internet news junkie as always. In order to find any media piece that was anti-war....from that liberal "fake news" activist had to go to a radical left-wing site like alternet or the nation. The country believed the lie that Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction." The same gullible country now believes the lie that them immigrants is out to get your jobs! Same sh!t, different day.

The vast majority of them are paid cash under the table

And what do they do with that cash? They blow it, typically on high-tax items.

what YOU would do about illegal immigration.

Like I said, I think on a purely financial basis, many of the people who are facing deportation are paying into the system more than they are taking out of it. I posted earlier a story about the mother of two small children who are citizens, but she is not. So because we is gonna git them damn farners(!), we are going to deport her, make her kids wards of the state, and spend a million bucks raising them. Yes! Brilliant!!


I don't know what you were doing in the summer and fall of 2002, but I was an internet news junkie as always. In order to find any media piece that was anti-war....from that liberal "fake news" activist had to go to a radical left-wing site like alternet or the nation. The country believed the lie that Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction."
Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons that he got from the French and the Germans, and was murdering an average of 3,000 Iraqis a week. He also violated 14 UN resolutions. On the first violation, UN countries had the authority to remove him from power.

It wasn't that hard to believe that he may have had weapons of mass destruction. With that being said, I was thoroughly against the Iraq War myself as a teenager. It was very unlikely that he would ever use these supposed weapons against us, and it wasn't worth the American and Iraqi civilian lives.

We all know now this was a vengeance war for Bush and simply a stock option for the monster Cheney. But it's disingenuous to suggest 90% of Americans supported it. Most didn't, and even many that did turned on it instantly the moment they realized it was a lie.

And how this has anything to do with Trump is a mystery. Until he invades a sovereign nation under false pretenses, there is really no comparison.

The same gullible country now believes the lie that them immigrants is out to get your jobs! Same sh!t, different day.
Are you telling me that the 15-20 million illegal aliens are here are not taking American jobs? I mean, we both agree they're working because you acknowledged they're getting paid cash under the table. Those are jobs that an American COULD be working but for that immigrant being here illegally, YES?? Dude, this is like 2+2. Illegal aliens do take jobs away.

And what do they do with that cash? They blow it, typically on high-tax items.
You just diverted from income tax to state tax. They don't PAY taxes on their income because it's never reported, which is the difference between them and a citizen.

Like I said, I think on a purely financial basis, many of the people who are facing deportation are paying into the system more than they are taking out of it. I posted earlier a story about the mother of two small children who are citizens, but she is not. So because we is gonna git them damn farners(!), we are going to deport her, make her kids wards of the state, and spend a million bucks raising them. Yes! Brilliant!!
Again, this isn't intellectually honest. You're using an extreme example to fear monger yourself. Trump wants to get rid of the CRIMINAL ELEMENT, and most reasonable people in the country and in Congress (even Neo-Cons like Cruz and Rubio) are for a pathway to citizenship for the mother with anchor babies that is already here. The point of cleaning up immigration is to STOP MORE FROM COMING IN so the 15-20 million doesn't become 50 million in another 10 years.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
GOP Congressman Warns of Mexican Marijuana Nukes
Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) made the comments Wednesday in a discussion with CNN's Brianna Keilar about President Trump's proposed $21 billion border barrier.

"The reality, Brianna, is that we have to measure all of the costs, ancillary and otherwise, and make the best decision that we can. But I can suggest to you that there are national security implications here for a porous border. We sometimes used to make the point that if someone wanted to smuggle in a dangerous weapon, even a nuclear weapon, into America, how would they do it? And the suggestion was made, 'Well, we'll simply hide it in a bale of marijuana,'" Franks said.


The Bible is not our founding document, and has no relevance to public policy. I might as well tell you that we should govern based on what Poseidon or Zeus would have wanted, and that would be identical.