Trends I've Noticed While Clubbing Over the Years...


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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Jeffst1980 said:
It's a popular notion that a girl winds up with a beta/ provider when she's ready to "settle down"--as if there's some kind of tacitly understood game plan for women during their 20's.

I think, if you examine things closely, you'll find that MOST relationships are a lot more arbitrary: people wind up dating the people that are AROUND them.

It is a bigger handicap to be a STRANGER than an AFC when it comes to hooking up with girls. AFCs get girls in their social circles ALL THE TIME. The problem with being an AFC is NOT that you can't get laid or attract women; it's that you'll let women walk all over you when you DO get them, and that leads to all sorts of problems.

If you're doing cold approaches, you NEED to run tight game, because you will not get another chance. Phone numbers are useless; club makeouts are useless. But, if there's a single girl in your social circle, all you really have to do is MAKE AN EFFORT and you will *probably* sleep with her eventually. I puzzled over the fact that so many of my AFC friends were getting laid by running "AFC game" (basically, do everything WRONG) until I realized that it's a different ballgame with women that you see regularly.

A thought experiment for you all: Imagine an AFC and a hot woman are the sole survivors of a plane crash on a remote desert island, and live there, stranded, for the rest of their lives. Will they sleep together, or will he get friendzoned?

An extreme example for sure, but the core principle holds true: when you get a man and a woman together, sex happens. It's simply biology. Want to hook up with a woman? Just isolate her. No fancy tricks needed.
I'm not going to hijack this thread, so this'll be my last post because I'm not a clubber, but I'm going to have to disagree with almost everything you said in that post, with the exception of this:

[Betas] let women walk all over you when [they] DO get them, and that leads to all sorts of problems.

If you're doing cold approaches, you NEED to run tight game, because you will not get another chance. Phone numbers are useless; club makeouts are useless.
I'd much rather be a mysterious stranger than a well-known loser AFC in a room full of women. I've seen AFCs in social groups who never get laid even though they've known the women forever and have put in tons of "effort." Once a woman pegs you as an AFC/beta you will almost assuredly never sleep with her, even if you are the last man on earth. If you don't make her "'gina tingle" then it doesn't matter how many times she sees you, you ain't gettin' any. And yes, if a woman and a man she thought of as an AFC were stranded on a desert island, the woman would become completely nonsexual and the man would go to bed unsatisfied for the rest of his life.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Just got home from the club guys

Just a word of advice guys, IF you don't know how to dance (that includes grinding) take some classes or learn from someone who does, It was really painful to see beautiful girls grinding their ass's on guys, and guys awkwardly trying to keep up but to know avail cause they were out of rhythm.

It makes me wonder if some guys have rhythm in the bedroom or just pumping away



Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
OP, I had to rep this post!

I also noticed women in clubs gravitating to these types of guys the quickest for obvious reasons:

1. Mr. drives a Ferrari, Lambo, Bentley, Phantom, Etc.
2. Mr. Money Bags/ VIP
3. Mr. Guest celebrity
4. Mr. Club Owner
5. Mr. Club Staff member.
6. Mr. Muscleman
7. Mr. Drug Dealer
8. Mr. I walked in here with multiple girls
9. Mr. Handsome hunk
10. Mr. Well-Known DJ

If you aren't any of these, getting women there is a crap shoot all the way. You may get lucky, but the house has an advantage.
This is a well-known fact in the clubbing community staying the same. I DJ and it's unbelievable how many thighs split open when you got your game together and can show social value. When I'm at the club I go up and greet people and ask them if they're having a good time and thank them for coming. I crack a joke or make a comment and walk away, which then results in females approaching me cause the "know me."

Try treating people at the club like guests at your house; you'll be amazed with the results you will get.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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nismo-4 said:
OP, I had to rep this post!

I also noticed women in clubs gravitating to these types of guys the quickest for obvious reasons:

1. Mr. drives a Ferrari, Lambo, Bentley, Phantom, Etc.
2. Mr. Money Bags/ VIP
3. Mr. Guest celebrity
4. Mr. Club Owner
5. Mr. Club Staff member.
6. Mr. Muscleman
7. Mr. Drug Dealer
8. Mr. I walked in here with multiple girls
9. Mr. Handsome hunk
10. Mr. Well-Known DJ

If you aren't any of these, getting women there is a crap shoot all the way. You may get lucky, but the house has an advantage.
Keep in mind that women rule this scenario completely. You and your buddies wait in line while the hott-ass chicks just walk in at the front of the line. This is a well-known fact in the clubbing community, and it's staying the same. I DJ and it's unbelievable how many thighs split open when you got your game together and can show social value. When I'm at the club I go up and greet people and ask them if they're having a good time and thank them for coming. This approach of familiarity creates rapport and the psychological image that I'm some kind of owner of the club. I crack a joke or make a comment and walk away, which then results in females approaching me cause they feel like they "know me."

Try treating people at the club like guests at your house; you'll be amazed with the results you will get.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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South Bend
More whales. Lots of big girls at clubs these days. With rising obesity rates, it’s not a surprise. But rather than being sweet and pleasant to compensate for their lack of desirable physique, these girls generally exhibit the worst behaviour. They’re also generally loud, aggressive, show fattitude, and are the biggest c*ckblocks – pun intended. Sadly, the widescale (pun intended) prevalence of big girls also artificially inflates the value of the skinny girls. And while fat girls are everywhere, it’s comparatively rare to see a fat guy at a club. Fat girls go to clubs. Fat guys stay home.

This is the some more of the truest **** I ever read. My ex wife is that dominant type (she couldn't dominate me). She's a big girl also her friends are better looking. She is the type that all the skinny girls look up to but that is some faux confidence.


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
Jeffst has it down. Great post. And Soloman too. Most guys will never listen to us vets, but if you don't know or don't want to dance at a club, you will go home empty handed eight out of nine times.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
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wall street
Falcon25 said:
Jeffst has it down. Great post. And Soloman too. Most guys will never listen to us vets, but if you don't know or don't want to dance at a club, you will go home empty handed eight out of nine times.
stop pulling numbers out of your ass, dancing or being a good dancer is not & has never been a prerequisite to getting laid in clubs.

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
if you have game you dont have to dance in the clubs to bag females.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
Zarky said:
I'm not going to hijack this thread, so this'll be my last post because I'm not a clubber, but I'm going to have to disagree with almost everything you said in that post, with the exception of this:

I'd much rather be a mysterious stranger than a well-known loser AFC in a room full of women. I've seen AFCs in social groups who never get laid even though they've known the women forever and have put in tons of "effort." Once a woman pegs you as an AFC/beta you will almost assuredly never sleep with her, even if you are the last man on earth. If you don't make her "'gina tingle" then it doesn't matter how many times she sees you, you ain't gettin' any. And yes, if a woman and a man she thought of as an AFC were stranded on a desert island, the woman would become completely nonsexual and the man would go to bed unsatisfied for the rest of his life.

Sure, I'd much rather be a mysterious stranger, too, but that doesn't change the reality factor here.

Women CONSTANTLY sleep with beta guys- some examples: a beta is almost ALWAYS sought for a rebound relationship. Also, that orbiter AFC that's always hanging around a girl? If he's persistent enough, he'll get her when she has a big fight with her BF, or when she's drunk and feeling bad about herself at 2 am. Ever hear of a woman sleeping with her best guy friend? It happens more often than you think. These are all examples of "AFC game."

Now, your thoughts are spot on about why it's better to be an alpha--we are in complete agreement on that. "AFC game" is certainly not optimal! But, we have to acknowledge that cold approaching puts one at a huge disadvantage. You are likely facing down a wall of opposition from her friends, and every last bit of her social conditioning will try convince her that she should not trust you. In fact, the smoother you are, the more ASD will kick in.

Women ALL want an alpha. But, they also have a way of sabotaging things for themselves. You will find that many women are not happy in their relationships, and many more hook up with guys that are textbook AFCs and regret it later. There's lots of random aberrations to social dynamics that the theory buffs don't discuss.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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It's Sunday afternoon. For you boys who went clubbing Fr/Sat night, what was your experience?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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spinaroonie said:
It's Sunday afternoon. For you boys who went clubbing Fr/Sat night, what was your experience?
I took home an over 30s drunk smelly-assed slvt sat night. I fvcked her every which way, but it was a chore, but I'm glad I did. Will report later maybe, really not worth a report.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
Reaction score
spinaroonie said:
Dude, how many girls have you taken home from a club in the last 6 months?
I'm living in HK now and Japan before that (within the last 6 months). I can only assume things are different over here than they are in the US where most of you guys are based, because:

  • Friday I took a girl home I met in a club
  • Saturday I met a girl in a bar that we are planning on going out again in the future, looks very positive but no results yet
  • Two weekends back I met a girl in a club, then took her back to her apartment, then went back to the same club again after and met another girl there. Took her out last weekend and shes super into me also.
  • The night before that I got 2 numbers from girls who wanted to meet up after (I didn't have time to arrange anything so didn't bother)
  • Two weekends before that one I met a Japanese girl at a bar, went back to her place. Saw her the following weekend and stayed at her place again.
  • The weekend before that one I met a Korean girl and made out with her. Sadly couldn't take her back home that night as logistics weren't good, though we've kept in touch since.
  • Before that when I was in Japan, met plenty of girls in clubs/bars. Can't be bothered listing those out now.

I've not been able to go out every weekend, but each time I do I go out with the mindset that something is going to happen and it usually does. I'm still not as good as I want to be and am learning all the time, but unless things here are very different to how they are in the US I don't believe that there's no opportunity in clubs anymore.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Tesl said:
I'm living in HK now and Japan before that (within the last 6 months). I can only assume things are different over here than they are in the US where most of you guys are based, because:

  • Friday I took a girl home I met in a club
  • Saturday I met a girl in a bar that we are planning on going out again in the future, looks very positive but no results yet
  • Two weekends back I met a girl in a club, then took her back to her apartment, then went back to the same club again after and met another girl there. Took her out last weekend and shes super into me also.
  • The night before that I got 2 numbers from girls who wanted to meet up after (I didn't have time to arrange anything so didn't bother)
  • Two weekends before that one I met a Japanese girl at a bar, went back to her place. Saw her the following weekend and stayed at her place again.
  • The weekend before that one I met a Korean girl and made out with her. Sadly couldn't take her back home that night as logistics weren't good, though we've kept in touch since.
  • Before that when I was in Japan, met plenty of girls in clubs/bars. Can't be bothered listing those out now.

I've not been able to go out every weekend, but each time I do I go out with the mindset that something is going to happen and it usually does. I'm still not as good as I want to be and am learning all the time, but unless things here are very different to how they are in the US I don't believe that there's no opportunity in clubs anymore.

Good stuff bro, but you're a white guy in Asia.

Come back to the US. Let me know how you do. :up:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
Reaction score
spinaroonie said:
Good stuff bro, but you're a white guy in Asia.

Come back to the US. Let me know how you do. :up:
I'm not from the US anyway - but yes being a white guy in Asia does probably make things a whole lot easier. That's why I'm never going to leave!