Trends I've Noticed While Clubbing Over the Years...


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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wait_out said:
Ok OP. I'd like you to write that list again.... but from more of a girl's point of view, who wouldn't mind meeting a decent guy, but finds the club environment more than a little discouraging to that end. Hyper aggressive roid monkeys are really not every girls cup of tea.

I find music-focused club nights are fine. It's the mainstream ones that are a passive-aggressive, socially retarded mess where the guys are choking each other out and in bracelets at the end of the night, and the girls are running around in bunches of 3, crying. I'll pass on that, thanks
Do you really think so?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Roid monkeys everywhere. 5 years ago you’d see normal guys dressed in conservative button-downs. Now, every club I walk into now feels like the Jersey Shore. Muscle-bound roided up wannabe MMA fighters with short faux hawks and tattoos draped in tight affliction shirts are all over the place at at every club.
Well, come to this forum and what's the first thing you're going to see?
Fifty guys telling you to get into the gym, go lift, go bulk up, and build muscle. That's almost universal within the pickup community, they all tell you that. A guy wants to know how to pick up girls, and that's the first thing he's told. So it's no surprise you see so many juiceheads at the club, since that's the home of PUAs anyway.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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zekko said:
Well, come to this forum and what's the first thing you're going to see?
Fifty guys telling you to get into the gym, go lift, go bulk up, and build muscle. That's almost universal within the pickup community, they all tell you that. A guy wants to know how to pick up girls, and that's the first thing he's told. So it's no surprise you see so many juiceheads at the club, since that's the home of PUAs anyway.
When did becoming a jacked roid monkey become a prerequisite to scoring with girls? It's the media propogating the Jersey Shore phenomenon.

Not that I'm opposed to working out, but men should be encouraged to focus on their careers just as much as the gym.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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spinaroonie said:
When did becoming a jacked roid monkey become a prerequisite to scoring with girls? It's the media propogating the Jersey Shore phenomenon.
If my memory serves me right it was only a few years ago that guys like these were thought of as nothing more than "guidos" and were often ridiculed. Now Jersey shore came along and now they're the mainstream. Years ago you would only see this sort of style in the clubs and now it's everywhere.

Funny how times have changed. Actually it's not funny it's scary how men just follow along like robots whatever trend they see on tv. This is why I only watch tv for sports and that's it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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zekko said:
Well, come to this forum and what's the first thing you're going to see?
Fifty guys telling you to get into the gym, go lift, go bulk up, and build muscle. That's almost universal within the pickup community, they all tell you that. A guy wants to know how to pick up girls, and that's the first thing he's told. So it's no surprise you see so many juiceheads at the club, since that's the home of PUAs anyway.
There's a world difference between lifting weights at the gym for a healthier life and better physique, and taking drugs.

Jeffst1980 nailed it. That's the approach I'm taking as well: social circle game.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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When did becoming a jacked roid monkey become a prerequisite to scoring with girls? It's the media propogating the Jersey Shore phenomenon.
Guys were telling other guys to "get in the gym" on this forum long before Jersey Shore ever aired. As were most pickup sites. With the internet more prevelant now than ever, if a guy Googles attracting women, he's liable to hit a page telling him to go lift weights. Guys wanted to be muscular long before Jersey Shore came around.

Also, most time I hear any discussion about Jersey Shore, it's usually people bashing it. Saying the guys are all douchebags and losers and such. And that watching the show is a waste of time. So why do you think it is such a huge influence that more men are turning up in the clubs bulked up?

Attracting the opposite sex is such a universal desire in males, I can't imagine that most guys won't Google the subject at some point or other. At some point I bet the whole AFC phenomenon will be largely stamped out, and in its place will be a bunch of would be DJs. Then what is a guy going to do to stand out?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
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You raise an interesting question. While I think a lot of the basic tenets would remain the same, such as not sucking up to women and being ****y, I think sincerity would rule in this scenario. Heck, it already does. Rather than the lame cheesy outdated stuff that Mystery does, I'm developing a style of game based on psychotherapy techniques, building a connection, and sincerity.

Since women are more preoccupied than men with relationship crap, since the age of ten, they are able to key in really quick on those who aren't sincere. So building a connection, being able to talk in a way that women relate to, puts you miles ahead of the guidos. I think this is kind of what Roissy does. He has a good mix of masculine and feminine qualities that can be very seductive. Robert Green's The Art of Seduction has a much more varied array of seduction styles than what is talked about here. One of them is to focus on that person and get them to talk about what's interesting to them. Contrarily, talking too much about yourself is anti-seductive. There's more to it but I don't feel like going into it here.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
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I don't do club game often, but I am persuaded by what teacha said.

Do you guys really think no one is tapping these club girls? Some dude is drilling that hottie tonight. And it's not you. So figure out how to make it YOU.

Don't think they are all going home alone. Somebody is coming over and tapping that @ss. Figure out how to be that guy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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tihash said:
I don't do club game often, but I am persuaded by what teacha said.

Do you guys really think no one is tapping these club girls? Some dude is drilling that hottie tonight. And it's not you. So figure out how to make it YOU.

Don't think they are all going home alone. Somebody is coming over and tapping that @ss. Figure out how to be that guy.
It's the guy in their social circle whom they likely came to the club with. Did you even read the thread at all?


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
zekko said:
Well, come to this forum and what's the first thing you're going to see?
Fifty guys telling you to get into the gym, go lift, go bulk up, and build muscle. That's almost universal within the pickup community, they all tell you that. A guy wants to know how to pick up girls, and that's the first thing he's told. So it's no surprise you see so many juiceheads at the club, since that's the home of PUAs anyway.
Yeah that's fair to say. But back to the t-shirt thing, I blame that on dress codes becoming more lax and/or not enforced. Years ago, it was unthinkable to go to a nightclub in a t-shirt. You had to have a conservative button-down shirt. Today, except for some really high end clubs, almost anything goes dress code wise. And people wonder why there are fights. I believe in a strict dress code because it attracts a better crowd and makes for a safer environment.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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I don't do clubs because I'm short and skinny and getting way too old. I do online dating but I thought I'd chime in anyhow with this:

In summer of 2008 I banged six chicks within about 10 weeks. Since the beginning of 2009 things have been going downhill and 2010 has been crap: 2 really mediocre new lays (not counting my MLTRs).

My point is, I am guessing that ALL venues are tapped out right now. Chicks were hooking up like crazy when they saw the economy tanking about 2 years ago. Now they're waiting it out with a LTR/beta shlub.

One of the 6 chicks I banged that summer isnow married and two are engaged. That's of the 4 I still keep in contact with, the other 2 may be as well.

The last time I went out to a bar with some buds for the purpose of scoring broads was literally about a year and a half ago. It was 80% dudes, and I thought "no more of this."

So it ain't just the clubs. I think the economy has made women find a beta shlub and curl up with him. Kind of like what happens during the winter, only extended over years rather than months.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I think the economy has made women find a beta shlub and curl up with him.
He's the guy the girls have all run to, yet he's a "beta shlub". Interesting.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Zarky said:
I don't do clubs because I'm short and skinny and getting way too old. I do online dating but I thought I'd chime in anyhow with this:

In summer of 2008 I banged six chicks within about 10 weeks. Since the beginning of 2009 things have been going downhill and 2010 has been crap: 2 really mediocre new lays (not counting my MLTRs).

My point is, I am guessing that ALL venues are tapped out right now. Chicks were hooking up like crazy when they saw the economy tanking about 2 years ago. Now they're waiting it out with a LTR/beta shlub.

One of the 6 chicks I banged that summer isnow married and two are engaged. That's of the 4 I still keep in contact with, the other 2 may be as well.

The last time I went out to a bar with some buds for the purpose of scoring broads was literally about a year and a half ago. It was 80% dudes, and I thought "no more of this."

So it ain't just the clubs. I think the economy has made women find a beta shlub and curl up with him. Kind of like what happens during the winter, only extended over years rather than months.
Dammit. I find myself agreeing more and more with Zarky. It's the worst recession since the depression. It's hit men mostly which is why it's been called the mancession. There are two types of women out there I run into, those who have a job and are pretty recession proof and don't want to get saddled with some unemployed loser, or those who seek security and are getting serious with some average joe that is stable (and if worse comes to worse they can take for a ride after the divorce). PUA and DJs in America act like the world isnt happening, like dating lives in some bubble outside of the real world.

As for the club scene, I gave that up a while back. I never had a problem in clubs because I always knew everyone, the bouncers, the djs (I used to DJ) the waitresses and bartenders and the owners. Thats pretty decent social proof in the club in a smaller town. And these guys would know people in bigger cities when we went out of town. So if you are really concerned about your club game, get to know people who work in the club, bring your social circle of guys and girls with you and be the life of the party.

Also I found out that if I went to the club earlier, I did better. Lots of girls would come early and dance and leave before "meat market" time. But you have to have the balls to approach tables and groups or sets, keep it light and fun and don't linger...come back around later and close the deal or venue change with them.

If what you are doing isn't working...try something else!


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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I'm going out tonight to my favorite venue, and i won't notice any of these things (doesn't mean they won't be happening).

I'll just notice hot women having fun. I don't care if it's with me or not; i enjoy the vibes of people having fun.

The observation i make the most when im out: 60% of guys stick to the all (or mostly) male groups they show up with the whole night. And 50% of them show up looking like they were expecting a sporting event to be going on (jeans and their favorite sports team t-shirt).
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Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
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You people must not travel to Atlantic City or live semi-close to it. That place is a gold mine for hooking up. I ALWAYS meet new women when I'm out there as well as my friends. All you have to do is have a good time for yourself and they'll notice and either talk to you if you initiate or initiate themselves. Especially at the Borgata and or Harrah's pool at night.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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They run to him for comfort, not for hot sex
Do you think he's banging her, or not?

You're assuming the guy is a beta because he's not on a pickup forum, and doesn't subscribe to your pump and dump philosophy?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
zekko said:
Do you think he's banging her, or not?

You're assuming the guy is a beta because he's not on a pickup forum, and doesn't subscribe to your pump and dump philosophy?
Whoa, got some anger going there. Do I really have to go into why it's better to be seen by women as a sex object than a cuddly beta provider? Do I really?

Here's some shorthand:

Girl = Alpha
Girl = Beta + $$$

Mull that over until you get it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
Zarky said:
Whoa, got some anger going there. Do I really have to go into why it's better to be seen by women as a sex object than a cuddly beta provider? Do I really?

Here's some shorthand:

Girl = Alpha
Girl = Beta + $$$

Mull that over until you get it.

If only the world was that black and white...

It's a popular notion that a girl winds up with a beta/ provider when she's ready to "settle down"--as if there's some kind of tacitly understood game plan for women during their 20's.

I think, if you examine things closely, you'll find that MOST relationships are a lot more arbitrary: people wind up dating the people that are AROUND them.

It is a bigger handicap to be a STRANGER than an AFC when it comes to hooking up with girls. AFCs get girls in their social circles ALL THE TIME. The problem with being an AFC is NOT that you can't get laid or attract women; it's that you'll let women walk all over you when you DO get them, and that leads to all sorts of problems.

If you're doing cold approaches, you NEED to run tight game, because you will not get another chance. Phone numbers are useless; club makeouts are useless. But, if there's a single girl in your social circle, all you really have to do is MAKE AN EFFORT and you will *probably* sleep with her eventually. I puzzled over the fact that so many of my AFC friends were getting laid by running "AFC game" (basically, do everything WRONG) until I realized that it's a different ballgame with women that you see regularly.

A thought experiment for you all: Imagine an AFC and a hot woman are the sole survivors of a plane crash on a remote desert island, and live there, stranded, for the rest of their lives. Will they sleep together, or will he get friendzoned?

An extreme example for sure, but the core principle holds true: when you get a man and a woman together, sex happens. It's simply biology. Want to hook up with a woman? Just isolate her. No fancy tricks needed.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
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Loud music is ridiculous in clubs, yes. But it's even more ridiculous in bars where nobody is fucking dancing. Seriously, I've noticed over the past few years certain bars I go to have been increasing the volume, to the point where I can't even talk to someone. That is fucking ridiculous.