The absolute insanity of what's happening in the world right now


Sep 10, 2014
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What source do you have for this? You realise they banned all Russian media and have been using a massive amount of anti russian propoganda. Remember the Ghost of Kiev myth? Or the whole snake island thing which turned out to be false with none of them being killed?

The reality is, Russia is actually winning the war and Ukraine is ready to negotiate for peace.
All of the intelligence reports coming out and how they have not taken really anything of note in almost 3 weeks when Putin thought it would be over in 48 hours.

Of course Russia is going to win but they are having much heavier losses than expected, their troop morale is in the gutter because most of them had no idea what they were actually doing there, and many of them are sabotaging their own missions.

They haven't gotten air superiority yet which is hilarious, they are suffering huge damage from Turkish drones that are slow and should be easy to combat, and they are in general showing gross incompetence in what they are doing. Extremely unorganized and really had no backup plan when Ukraine didn't just "give up" within 48 hours.

They were not prepared for the fierceness with which the Ukrainians are fighting back with.

They are going to face constant insurgency from Ukrainian forces as long as they are there, which isn't enough to win a war but it is enough to inflict casualties strategically and then disappear.


Sep 10, 2014
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What source do you have for this? You realise they banned all Russian media and have been using a massive amount of anti russian propoganda. Remember the Ghost of Kiev myth? Or the whole snake island thing which turned out to be false with none of them being killed?

The reality is, Russia is actually winning the war and Ukraine is ready to negotiate for peace.


Aug 29, 2021
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All of the intelligence reports coming out and how they have not taken really anything of note in almost 3 weeks when Putin thought it would be over in 48 hours.

Of course Russia is going to win but they are having much heavier losses than expected, their troop morale is in the gutter because most of them had no idea what they were actually doing there, and many of them are sabotaging their own missions.

They haven't gotten air superiority yet which is hilarious, they are suffering huge damage from Turkish drones that are slow and should be easy to combat, and they are in general showing gross incompetence in what they are doing. Extremely unorganized and really had no backup plan when Ukraine didn't just "give up" within 48 hours.

They were not prepared for the fierceness with which the Ukrainians are fighting back with.

They are going to face constant insurgency from Ukrainian forces as long as they are there, which isn't enough to win a war but it is enough to inflict casualties strategically and then disappear.
The war was never to conquer Ukraine, also you cannot conquer an entire nation in 48 hours that isn't possible. America was in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years and still failed, wars are never easily won.

Zelensky is willing to negotiate, his willing to drop Ukraines NATO and EU ambitions. Putin has almost achieved his goal.

7000 are we sure it's not 70 thousand? Lol. American propaganda is getting desperate at this point.


Sep 10, 2014
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The war was never to conquer Ukraine, also you cannot conquer an entire nation in 48 hours that isn't possible. America was in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years and still failed, wars are never easily won.

Zelensky is willing to negotiate, his willing to drop Ukraines NATO and EU ambitions. Putin has almost achieved his goal.

7000 are we sure it's not 70 thousand? Lol. American propaganda is getting desperate at this point.
Nah, you can create you own narrative if you want but every report from anyone of note is saying the same thing. You seem to just love going against the grain and creating conspiracy theories.

If someone tells you the sky is blue, you argue it's black.

If someone tells you it's going to be 35 and sunny out, you'd argue it's going to be 50 and rainy.

If you asked for directions, you'd argue with the person giving them to you that you knew a faster way.

Believe whatever you'd like, but it's pretty clear Russia is suffering heavy losses and is completely incompetent in terms of military strategy. It's so obvious the fact you want to argue it is actually comical.


Aug 29, 2021
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Nah, you can create you own narrative if you want but every report from anyone of note is saying the same thing. You seem to just love going against the grain and creating conspiracy theories.

If someone tells you the sky is blue, you argue it's black.

If someone tells you it's going to be 35 and sunny out, you'd argue it's going to be 50 and rainy.

If you asked for directions, you'd argue with the person giving them to you that you knew a faster way.

Believe whatever you'd like, but it's pretty clear Russia is suffering heavy losses and is completely incompetent in terms of military strategy. It's so obvious the fact you want to argue it is actually comical.
This is the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) debunking a lot of the Myths against the Russians. The west is using a lot of fake footage to support their agenda against Russia.

At one point Americans claimed 12 thousand russians died lol. You can't trust anything that comes out of America.


Sep 10, 2014
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This is the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) debunking a lot of the Myths against the Russians. The west is using a lot of fake footage to support their agenda against Russia.

At one point Americans claimed 12 thousand russians died lol. You can't trust anything that comes out of America.
They don't need to have any propaganda. The Russian military has shown itself to be incompetent in a multitude of ways and also hugely corrupt and there is no hiding from it.

Massive supply line issues with troops having no food and no gas for vehicles.

Troops not being told anything about what they were supposed to be doing there.

Military planning equivalent to that of a 5th or 6th grader

Large number of troops that have no experience fighting and who are afraid to be in combat.

Vastly superior technology but yet not understanding how to use it and suffering massive losses to guerilla tactics in terms of both people and equipment

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Aug 29, 2021
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They don't need to have any propaganda. The Russian military has shown itself to be incompetent in a multitude of ways and also hugely corrupt and there is no hiding from it.

Are you just pulling random articles you find on google again? Please at least read them before you post it this time.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
you cannot conquer an entire nation in 48 hours that isn't possible.
Ask anyone from Denmark that question. Nazi Germany took it in a few hours and then proceeded north to attack Norway on the same day.

Putin may have thought his military was superior and that Ukraine would surrender quickly when faced with it. It's totally possible to conquer a nation in a very short time if the government capitulates for one reason or another, such as being intimidated by a seemingly superior military force.

At one point Americans claimed 12 thousand russians died lol.
Those are numbers from the Ukrainian government, but they have always been stated to be inaccurate approximations. Nobody knows the exact number, hard to count how many men the blown up chunks used to make up.

The west is using a lot of fake footage to support their agenda against Russia.
Yeah, I've seen a few clips that are clearly not from the war. Funny thing is though that we don't really need to use fake footage because there's an abundance of real footage. Perhaps at the start of the war there wasn't that much footage so someone used something else to illustrate, but by now the only party who would benefit from such footage would be Russia. Spread seemingly pro-Ukraine footage that is known to be fake, wait for someone to inevitably find out and sow doubt in the western world.

Only thing there's little of is footage from the Russian side, more probably exists, but they're not releasing much of it. We can speculate on the reasons for that...


Sep 10, 2014
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Are you just pulling random articles you find on google again? Please at least read them before you post it this time.
Yeah I did...did you read the quotes from officers in the Russian military? Line up pretty perfectly with what multiple sources have said and what they have said when captured.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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Putin is a monster and he is solely responsible for the death of every Ukranian man, woman and child, not to mention the refugee crisis and the billions of dollars in property damage.

He also has the blood on his hands of the thousands of Russian soldiers who have died for absolutely nothing. Think about it, what motivation or benefit is there for the average Russian soldier to attack your fellow Eastern Slav neighbor who hasn't attacked or wasn't a threat to your own country?

Deep down, perhaps Putin unconsciously has Short Man Syndrome.

Like a cornered rat, he will keep doubling down and could very well launch chemical weapons or Nukes.
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Aug 29, 2021
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Russian side, more probably exists, but they're not releasing much of it. We can speculate on the reasons for that.
Because all the Russian media was banned, but if you do want to see the Russian prespective here is a link. In fact RT has been posting livestreams of the invasion since the very start. Funny how Youtube banned them for supposedly spreading "propoganda".

In war the first victim is always the truth



Aug 29, 2021
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Putin Praises Russia for Ukrainian Operation, Glad to see many Russians supporting a great leader like Putin.



Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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Ask anyone from Denmark that question. Nazi Germany took it in a few hours and then proceeded north to attack Norway on the same day.
Yep, it only took a few hours for the Germans. We might as well been doing nothing but we did because we wanted to show some kind of resistance at least. but we were no match for them. Same thing for today for smaller nations vs. current Russia.

Russia had a plan (When it still was the Soviet Union), which was leaked when they iron curtain fell 1989 that they we counting on taking over Sweden in about 6-12 hours and Denmark in about 3-6 hours if they ever needed too.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Here's my opinion of the situation in Ukraine, as I have been following the events there.

Contrary to what a lot of media outlets have led people to think, Russia is not losing this war. The force of about 200,000 Russians are not there to occupy the whole country, but in my opinion after studying Russian geopolitics the goal is to break the current regime and to get concessions from the country of Ukraine and ideally make it a puppet state like Belarus. Russian logistics are bad because of old Soviet infrastructure, but people in the West are forgetting that Ukraine also has that kind of infrastructure. Whereas Russia has maintained their logistics system, as bad as it is, Ukraine's infrastructure system is much worse, it's being bombed by the Russians and cut off. People from around the world who decided to join Ukraine's foreign legion have described the situation as a death trap.

Although there is a fog of war and there's no way to know for sure, I'll bet that a lot of these weapon shipments to Ukraine are falling into Russian hands. The Russians have had operations inside Ukraine for years, at least since 2014, and have monitored the weapons that have been shipped there.

The war from Ukraine's conventional standpoint is lost and Zelensky ought to negotiate peace with Russia. The reason why he has not done that is because the west keeps hinting that they will somehow get directly involved thus changing the balance of the situation. The Biden foreign policy regime wants this war to go on as long as possible in order to grind down the Russians; I believe their long term goal is to destabilize Russia since Russia doesn't play ball geopolitically so to speak. However I expect Ukraine's conventional military to fall within the coming weeks, and I don't think the Russians are going to get ground down like western elites are hoping. Then again, who knows.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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They don't need to have any propaganda. The Russian military has shown itself to be incompetent in a multitude of ways and also hugely corrupt and there is no hiding from it.
They always incompetent and corrupt, but mind you that no nation has ever succeeded in taking over Russia. The list is long of failed attempts, here is just a few examples:
  • Charles XII of Sweden tried in 1708 and failed.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte tried in 1812 and failed.
  • Adolf Hitler tried 1943 and failed.
and the reason is simple; they have unlimited amounts of resources, unlimited amounts of man power, the country is so humongous that it is hard to comprehend which creates huge logistic issues for an army and the climate is really harsh with extreme winters.

They don't need to be professional, they just pump out a lot of shiete weapons and send tons of guys as cannon fodder until the enemy is overwhelmed and let nature do the rest for them.
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Sep 10, 2014
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They always incompetent and corrupt, but mind you that no nation has ever succeeded in taking over Russia. The list is long of failed attempts, here is just a few examples:
  • Charles XII of Sweden tried in 1708 and failed.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte tried in 1812 and failed.
  • Adolf Hitler tried 1943 and failed.
and the reason is simple; they have unlimited amounts of resources, unlimited amounts of man power, the country is so humongous that it is hard to comprehend which creates huge logistic issues for an army and the climate is really harsh with extreme winters.

They don't need to be professional, they just pump out a lot of shiete weapons and send tons of guys as cannon fodder until the enemy is overwhelmed and let nature do the rest for them.
They don't have unlimited manpower. Their population is only 144 million people. Basically 40% of what the US population is.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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They don't have unlimited manpower. Their population is only 144 million people. Basically 40% of what the US population is.
Well if anyone here thinks they are smarter than Napoleon Bonaparte (which is considered the greatest military strategist in history), then please go ahead, invade Russia and see what happens then.


Sep 10, 2014
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Well if anyone here thinks they are smarter than Napoleon Bonaparte (which is considered the greatest military strategist in history), then please go ahead, invade Russia and see what happens then.
Nobody is talking about invading Russia. Alexander the Great might have something to say about that. He only built the largest empire in The history of the world.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
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Oh right- the US, not Russia, has a secret plot to invade Ukraine for oil.

Are you suggesting NATO should refuse countries just so not to piss off Vladimir Putin?
The alternative could be world war 3, so......