The absolute insanity of what's happening in the world right now


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Yesterday, the Russians bombed a military base in western Ukraine. The Ukrainians have a number of military bases in close proximity to the Polish border, which are being used to train foreign volunteers and stockpile weapon supplied by NATO. Poland is a NATO member. It is entirely conceivable that a Russian missile could miss a Ukrainian base and accidentally land in Poland. The U.S. announced today that even an accidental strike on NATO territory would trigger a "full scale response". A full-scale response is NATO declaring war on Russia. And If NATO attacks Russia, there is a very high probability that Russia would respond with nuclear weapons, as they would not be able to win a conventional war against America.

Basically, we are one accident away from a nuclear war that could wipe out mankind. And because of what? Competition between Russia and USA over who will control Ukraine, a country that is of no strategic significance and one that the average American could not even find on a map. The absurdity of this situation is just mind-boggling. Yes, Putin deserves blame for starting this pointless war but so do Western (and particularly American) politicians who have been using Ukraine to fvck with Russia for years and who have been needlessly expanding NATO towards Russian borders.

The fact that there is a military rivalry between USA and Russia 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union does not even make any sense. Communism is not a thing anymore. There are no major ideological differences between Americans and Russians. Culturally, Russians are far closer to Americans than many American "allies" (i.e. the Saudis). The only people who benefit from this pointless rivalry are the ones that Eisenhower warned us about (the military-industrial complex). Trump understood this and wanted to improve relations with Russia. He was brutally criticized for it, including by his own party, and accused of being a Russian puppet. His own “intelligence” agencies staged a soft coup that led to his first impeachment.
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Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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Yesterday, the Russians bombed a military base in Western Ukraine. The Ukrainians have a number of military bases in close proximity to the Polish border, which are being used to train foreign volunteers and stockpile weapon supplied by NATO. Poland is a NATO member. It is entirely conceivable that a Russian missile could miss a Ukrainian base and accidentally land in Poland. The U.S. announced today that even an accidental strike on NATO territory would trigger a "full scale response". A full-scale response is NATO declaring war on Russia. And If NATO attacks Russia, there is a very high probability that Russia would respond with nuclear weapons, as they would not be able to win a conventional war against America.

Basically, we are one accident away from a nuclear war that could wipe out mankind. And because of what? Competition between Russia and U.S.A. over who will control Ukraine, a country that is of no strategic significance and one that the average American could not even find on a map. The absurdity of this situation is just mind-boggling. Yes, Putin deserves blame for starting this pointless war but so do Western (and particularly American) politicians who have been using Ukraine to fvck with Russia for years and who have been needlessly expanding NATO towards Russian borders.

The fact that there is a military rivalry between USA and Russia 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union does not even make any sense. Communism is not a thing anymore. There are no major ideological differences between Americans and Russians. Culturally, Russians are far closer to Americans than many American "allies" (i.e. the Saudis). The only people who benefit from this pointless rivalry are the ones that Eisenhower warned us about (the military-industrial complex). Trump understood this and wanted to improve relations with Russia. He was brutally criticized for it, including by his own party, and accused of being a Russian puppet. His own “intelligence” agencies staged a soft coup that led to his first impeachment.
I couldn't agree more, I want to but I can't. That's how much I agree.

The irony of all this is that generally speaking, the world only sees the bad guy and the good guy. It's totally okay for the US to invade sovereign nations like Iraq (among many others over the last century) under false pretenses. But when the good guys have been dipping their hands all over the world, the bad guys cannot respond in the same way the good guys have in the past.

It's an irony, a sh*t show, a circus, a distraction. It is all dumbfu*kery.

Modern Man Advice


Aug 29, 2021
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The real enemy we should be focusing on is China, they are about to invade Taiwan while the world is distracted by Russia.

China controls the manufacturing of most countries, it has made America entirely dependent on cheap chinese junk. They have bought off most celebs in america too to spread their propoganda.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Competition between Russia and USA over who will control Ukraine, a country that is of no strategic significance and one that the average American could not even find on a map.
This is just nonsense. There is no “competition” over controlling Ukraine. Russia invaded the country, and the civilized world looks at full scale invasion of a democratic country with contempt.

Trump understood this and wanted to improve relations with Russia. He was brutally criticized for it, including by his own party, and accused of being a Russian puppet. His own “intelligence” agencies staged a soft coup that led to his first impeachment.
No, Trump and the pro-Russian wing of wealthy American oligarchs have personal business interest in Russia. It had nothing to do with competent foreign policy.

It is amazing how many are gulping down Kremlin propaganda.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
This is just nonsense. There is no “competition” over controlling Ukraine. Russia invaded the country, and the civilized world looks at full scale invasion of a democratic country with contempt.
Are you interested in dying for Ukraine?


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Yesterday, the Russians bombed a military base in western Ukraine. The Ukrainians have a number of military bases in close proximity to the Polish border, which are being used to train foreign volunteers and stockpile weapon supplied by NATO. Poland is a NATO member. It is entirely conceivable that a Russian missile could miss a Ukrainian base and accidentally land in Poland. The U.S. announced today that even an accidental strike on NATO territory would trigger a "full scale response". A full-scale response is NATO declaring war on Russia. And If NATO attacks Russia, there is a very high probability that Russia would respond with nuclear weapons, as they would not be able to win a conventional war against America.

Basically, we are one accident away from a nuclear war that could wipe out mankind. And because of what? Competition between Russia and USA over who will control Ukraine, a country that is of no strategic significance and one that the average American could not even find on a map. The absurdity of this situation is just mind-boggling. Yes, Putin deserves blame for starting this pointless war but so do Western (and particularly American) politicians who have been using Ukraine to fvck with Russia for years and who have been needlessly expanding NATO towards Russian borders.

The fact that there is a military rivalry between USA and Russia 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union does not even make any sense. Communism is not a thing anymore. There are no major ideological differences between Americans and Russians. Culturally, Russians are far closer to Americans than many American "allies" (i.e. the Saudis). The only people who benefit from this pointless rivalry are the ones that Eisenhower warned us about (the military-industrial complex). Trump understood this and wanted to improve relations with Russia. He was brutally criticized for it, including by his own party, and accused of being a Russian puppet. His own “intelligence” agencies staged a soft coup that led to his first impeachment.
Technically, communism still does exist. In fact, the faction is larger today than it has ever been. They reside in many parts of the world, occupy even our own government. And I do not have to tell you about the many communist recruiting campaigns that are public in our own land. There is even a communist party registered with the US.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
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Hasn’t russia been at war with Ukraine for decades? On and off? This is just a distraction from the “thing” that hasn’t been working


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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If NATO has any sense left they'd offer Putin a dignified way out....

If he feels he's been humiliated on the world stage he's gonna launch those nukes and turn earth into a lifeless rock....

Putin is the type of dude that would kill everyone on earth to make sure no one but him can have the last laugh.....

...that's a muthf/cking alpha male right there, son....
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Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
If NATO has any sense left they'd offer Putin a dignified way out....

If he feels he's been humiliated on the world stage he's gonna launch those nukes and turn earth into a lifeless rock....

Putin is the type of dude that would kill everyone on earth to make sure no one but him can have the last laugh.....

...that's a muthf/cking alpha male right there, son....
Putin goes great lengths to portray being an alpha male because he knows a lot of misguided young men get a hard on for dictators. There is no way out of this for him.

NATO should be preparing for nuclear war. You have a troubling recollection of history if you think appeasement is a viable strategy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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The Democrats are using the war as a shiny distraction to take attention from away of the complete and utter failure of the Biden administration at home. If the US would just have kept themselves to sanctions, this wouldn't have happened. It also wouldn't have happened under a Trump presidency. Trump is more alpha than Putin, but only if he's president. By his own admission too.

They've already successfully duped the dumbass 'Team 'Murica' republicans into signing the 1.5 trillion dollar spending bill that just failed to pass a month ago. If this country goes to war, the dollar will crash and your savings will be worth fvck all. Inflation will devalue the money in your bank account and savings.

Oh right you think this stops with Ukraine.
This would have stopped with Ukraine, and it will if NATO stays out of it. All the other countries in the area except Belarus are NATO countries, and Belarus is a puppet state of the Kremlin. Putin is not stupid enough to actually attack a NATO country. He knows DAMN well what he's doing, and it's not world domination or imperialism.

No one made a big deal when the US invaded Iraq and destroyed/occupied that country. No cancellation of a country, no threats of WW3. People are fanning the flames of war over propaganda bullsh!t.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
The Democrats are using the war as a shiny distraction to take attention from away of the complete and utter failure of the Biden administration at home. If the US would just have kept themselves to sanctions, this wouldn't have happened. It also wouldn't have happened under a Trump presidency. Trump is more alpha than Putin, but only if he's president. By his own admission too.

They already have dumbass partisan republicans approving their stupid 1.5 trillion dollar spending bill. If this country goes to war, the dollar will crash and your savings will be worth fvck all. Inflation will devalue the money in your bank account and savings.
Generations of Americans are rolling in their graves right now. Russia attacked a sovereign, democratic, European country yet you are so deep in Kremlin propaganda you actually defend it because “Putin strong!”

This would have stopped with Ukraine, and it will if NATO stays out of it. All the other countries in the area except Belarus are NATO countries, and Belarus is a puppet state of the Kremlin. Putin is not stupid enough to actually attack a NATO country. He knows DAMN well what he's doing, and it's not world domination or imperialism.

No one made a big deal when the US invaded Iraq and destroyed/occupied that country. No cancellation of a country, no threats of WW3. People are fanning the flames of war over propaganda bullsh!t.
Right, just sacrifice the Ukrainian people to pursue a failed strategy of appeasement. How many countries shall we donate to Vladimir Putin?


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Generations of Americans are rolling in their graves right now. Russia attacked a sovereign, democratic, European country yet you are so deep in Kremlin propaganda you actually defend it because “Putin strong!”
I rather doubt it. None of those Americans died to protect Ukraine (which didn't even exist as a country until recently). But they would be rolling in their graves at the thought of some dumb@ss getting their children and grandchildren killed by starting a nuclear war over a country they couldn't give two sh!ts about.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
I rather doubt it. None of those Americans died to protect Ukraine (which didn't even exist as a country until recently). But they would be rolling in their graves at the thought of some dumb@ss getting their children and grandchildren killed by starting a nuclear war over a country they couldn't give two sh!ts about.
Those Americans defeated the Nazis. How many countries should we give to Vladimir Putin?


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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Sadly. I’m in Ground-Zero.
However, I do get sent on business trips to the hinterlands & my GF & I like to drive to remote parts of CA. So…maybe I’ll be luckey.


Aug 29, 2021
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democratic, European country yet you are so deep in Kremlin propaganda you actually defend it because “Putin strong!”
Did you forget about the American backed Coup d'état called Euromaiden which overthrew the legitimate Ukrainian Government and replaced it with an American puppet that looked the other way while bidens son did some shady dealings with a bio lab there?

Did you know that in the 50s there was also an American Backed Coup d'état in Turkey and Greece, right when these countries were warming up to the Soviet Union? They coincidentally both joined Nato right after.

Did you know that Afghanistan had a legitimate Communist government that was allied to the soviet union, until the Americans funded the Taliban to rebel?

Don't even get me started on South American countries and their colourful history with American backed Coup d'états.

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