Tenacity's Pictures (View and Post Opinions)


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Creatine holds in water, depending on what type, sometimes much of it sits outside the muscle, which draws in water to the surrounding area giving the puffy look. I personally prefer Magnesium Creatine Chelate which uses magnesium to bind the creatine. Magnesium is found in abundance in all cells so it gets absorbed much better than normal creatine in clinical trials.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2015
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Look good and lean tenacity. However my opinion I would cut out any fasting BS. Throw on 10-15 pounds of lean mass on your frame over the course of the next year and you will be stout as a brick shiat house.

I dont know what your current diet looks like. I would guess you could stand to add in another 2 meals per day, even if just a protein source along with healthy fat source.

Lift big, eat big but lean, plenty of rest. I have a similiar build as you although your metabolism is probably slightly higher than mine.

Good work though


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Gman21 said:
Look good and lean tenacity. However my opinion I would cut out any fasting BS. Throw on 10-15 pounds of lean mass on your frame over the course of the next year and you will be stout as a brick shiat house.

I dont know what your current diet looks like. I would guess you could stand to add in another 2 meals per day, even if just a protein source along with healthy fat source.

Lift big, eat big but lean, plenty of rest. I have a similiar build as you although your metabolism is probably slightly higher than mine.

Good work though
If you think fasting is BS I probably wouldn't want any advice from you. Just saying.


Jun 23, 2014
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Yeah, I can't eliminate the Fasting because that's been working for me. I also don't really want to get "big" per say, my goal has always to be "lean and mean" :).

What I want to do is work on the following:

- How can I keep my current lean/mean status, but just increase muscle size? I'm actually at the point where my strength has not been increasing and I haven't added weight in awhile.

- How do you guys deal with fatigue? Sometimes I just feel fatigue for some reason.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Tenacity said:
Yeah, I can't eliminate the Fasting because that's been working for me. I also don't really want to get "big" per say, my goal has always to be "lean and mean" :).

What I want to do is work on the following:

- How can I keep my current lean/mean status, but just increase muscle size? I'm actually at the point where my strength has not been increasing and I haven't added weight in awhile.

- How do you guys deal with fatigue? Sometimes I just feel fatigue for some reason.
Gotta get some bulk bro...people should be able to tell you work out without having to take your shirt off. Just my opinion tho, lol.

1) You need to eat more. Specifically carbs.

2) You rest or sleep more. It's always counterproductive to go against what your body wants. The body always tells you, but most people don't pay attention. Gotta know the difference between true fatigue and just not feeling like working out.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2015
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Marmel75 I didnt intend to suggest fasting is BS as a whole, some people do benefit from it no doubt. Worded poorly on my part.

I look at tenacity, solid base with relatively low bodyfat wishes to add lean mass. As you eluded to I would recommend uping the calories (still whole, clean foods) to grow simply put. Lift heavy, try to make time for more rest it really is essential.

At any rate you have the right mindset, marathon not a race. Good luck look forward to future progress


Jun 23, 2014
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I don't want to go to a "bulky" look per say, I honestly like the lean/toned black guy look. Sort of how Trey Songz has his look.

What I want to is basically put more muscle mass on, but if I started eating more isn't that going to destroy the abs visibility and lean/mean look, and shift me more into a "bulky" look?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Tenacity said:
I don't want to go to a "bulky" look per say, I honestly like the lean/toned black guy look. Sort of how Trey Songz has his look.

What I want to is basically put more muscle mass on, but if I started eating more isn't that going to destroy the abs visibility and lean/mean look, and shift me more into a "bulky" look?

Try eating more carbs on workout days, specifically within a period 2 hours before and 2 hours after the workout.


Jun 23, 2014
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So here's the thing. As you guys know from my pics, I have my abs showing pretty well. I will look at snapping some more pics tomorrow, the most recent pics are in this thread and from 8/24/2015.

So I'm wondering if you guys have concrete ideas on gaining more mass, but here's the thing, I'm talking MUSCLE MASS. I'm NOT trying to lose my 6 pack, I need the 6 pack to remain but I'm looking to "fill out more" with more Muscle Mass all around.

I'm thinking of adding Creatine, but I'm not sure?

My eating and exercise plan has been the same, it's still as follows:

- I do about 30 workout sessions a month. 10 sessions are Chest/Tri/Shoulders, 10 sessions are Legs/Back/Biceps, and 10 sessions are just Abs.

My eating plan goes as follows:

Meal One: Protein Shake

3-4 hours pass

Meal Two: Small piece of baked pork chop, corn, apple, and water.

6-8 hours pass

Meal Three: Baked chicken wings, green beans, apple, and water.

6-8 hours pass but this is usually sleep time or nape time give or take

(repeat above)


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Way to go Tenacity. I just caught wind of your latest workout. Keep up the good work!


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Tenacity said:
So here's the thing. As you guys know from my pics, I have my abs showing pretty well. I will look at snapping some more pics tomorrow, the most recent pics are in this thread and from 8/24/2015.

So I'm wondering if you guys have concrete ideas on gaining more mass, but here's the thing, I'm talking MUSCLE MASS. I'm NOT trying to lose my 6 pack, I need the 6 pack to remain but I'm looking to "fill out more" with more Muscle Mass all around.

I'm thinking of adding Creatine, but I'm not sure?

My eating and exercise plan has been the same, it's still as follows:

- I do about 30 workout sessions a month. 10 sessions are Chest/Tri/Shoulders, 10 sessions are Legs/Back/Biceps, and 10 sessions are just Abs.

My eating plan goes as follows:

Meal One: Protein Shake

3-4 hours pass

Meal Two: Small piece of baked pork chop, corn, apple, and water.

6-8 hours pass

Meal Three: Baked chicken wings, green beans, apple, and water.

6-8 hours pass but this is usually sleep time or nape time give or take

(repeat above)

You don't need mass gainer, you just need to eat more. Nowhere near enough calories to support any meaningful mass.


Jun 23, 2014
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Okay guys what I was going to do was increase the meal sizes. I was going to add in additional pieces of meat, a larger size of the veggies and a bigger side cup of the pecans to the regular meals. The protein shakes will stay at the current size because if they go any bigger it will cause stomach issues.

Also in the listing I posted above, note that apples have been replaced by pecans because as you guys know I was having stomach problems from the apples.

I'm going to make these changes immediately and track the progress. The goal though is that I HAVE to keep the abs showing, but I just want to throw on some muscle mass on top of this.

What do you guys think about Creatine though? I tried it before and it made me "puffy" so I was sort of not thinking about going back down that road again.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Tenacity said:
Okay guys what I was going to do was increase the meal sizes. I was going to add in additional pieces of meat, a larger size of the veggies and a bigger side cup of the pecans to the regular meals. The protein shakes will stay at the current size because if they go any bigger it will cause stomach issues.

Also in the listing I posted above, note that apples have been replaced by pecans because as you guys know I was having stomach problems from the apples.

I'm going to make these changes immediately and track the progress. The goal though is that I HAVE to keep the abs showing, but I just want to throw on some muscle mass on top of this.

What do you guys think about Creatine though? I tried it before and it made me "puffy" so I was sort of not thinking about going back down that road again.
I strongly suggest going on a 4 day rotational type diet where you rotate foods to prevent food sensitivity. The more you constantly eat something, the less your body likes it.

Dude, I'm 5' 8" 183 lbs and I have abs. Thick ones, like a big slab of ribs. My trainer is a huge believer in core work. Virtually every workout has core work involved. Muscle mass does not mean you are going to lose abs.


Jun 23, 2014
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Got it, I've been increasing my meal sizes all week. I have also been (as I reported to you guys) having the feeling of fatigue, so I'm wondering has that been a result of the low amount of eating I've been doing?

I had been skipping meals and some days over a 24 hour cycle, I might have only eaten one meal and one protein shake drink.

I'm making these changes this week and I will post some updated pictures as we end the month.

BTW, anybody getting these GNC Cold Calls? My cell would have like 7 missed calls from some strange number, come to find out it's GNC. They are also doing Robocalls. This type of marketing is illegal as it violates Telemarketing laws especially seeing as though I'm a "mobile number" being called by a Robocall.

These guys are insane lol. I know that places like bodybuilding.com are killing their sales at these GNC locations, that's why they are desperately pulling out all of the stops.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2014
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Tenacity said:
Got it, I've been increasing my meal sizes all week. I have also been (as I reported to you guys) having the feeling of fatigue, so I'm wondering has that been a result of the low amount of eating I've been doing?

I had been skipping meals and some days over a 24 hour cycle, I might have only eaten one meal and one protein shake drink.

I'm making these changes this week and I will post some updated pictures as we end the month.

BTW, anybody getting these GNC Cold Calls? My cell would have like 7 missed calls from some strange number, come to find out it's GNC. They are also doing Robocalls. This type of marketing is illegal as it violates Telemarketing laws especially seeing as though I'm a "mobile number" being called by a Robocall.

These guys are insane lol. I know that places like bodybuilding.com are killing their sales at these GNC locations, that's why they are desperately pulling out all of the stops.
There is a saying 'muscles aren't made in the gym, they are made in the kitchen'

In my opinion both are equally important, you should put as much effort into the preparation and volume of food you ingest as you do into your workouts.

Personally when I was younger and trained hard I ate about 6 meals a day, making sure I was getting something down me every 2-3 hours.. But I had lots of free time back then.

Working out, eating, having a day job, having some social life, keeping yourself well clothed and groomed, reading and progressing mentally, and finding time to get good quality sleep..... Its really tough. I need to find a better daily routine.


Jun 23, 2014
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So guys, I wanted to update this thread.

- I finally cut my hair off! OMG this feels so much better, makes me look more "clean cut" and it saves me a solid 20 minutes every morning from having to comb through a pile of nappy hair!

- I just took these pics here this morning on October 11th, 2015. Tell me what you guys think, I'm also in the process of adding some tattoos to finish off my look. I'm going to be looking at some on the chest, abs area, and the arms. I might get an entire sleeve on the arms, not sure yet.

http://s1299.photobucket.com/user/T...- Progressive Pictures/From October 11th 2015


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
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New York, USA
not bad dude. compared to your first pictures, your abs are coming in more nicely. i suggest you rip your chest to bits in the gym. pecs look a little small. but anyways, if you stick to diet and training you will have the body you want.

me, i have to lose a lot more fat than you but that just means the reward will be sweeter. keep it up brah.


Jun 23, 2014
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Yeah, I look a world of difference from my first slideshow on April 5th to the one from today lol.

I mean with the chest, I do a lot of pushups and I also do the Chest Press Machine in the gym. On the Chest Press I have 150lbs on it right now, I do it for 6 sets with reps 6 - 8.

I would like to beef up the chest, arms, back, shoulders and legs, BUT I need to keep the 6 pack showing though. I've increased my meals sizes some over the last couple of weeks, but not really showing any major changes.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2015
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New York, USA
i would throw some more movements in with your chest workouts. i remember shredding up my pec tissue with my old routine of dips, crossovers, incline dumbell press, flat dumbell press. Just try new things. Even though I had a lot of fat on me at the time, my pecs were getting swole. Just work to failure. Feel the burn. Go hard homie.