Take a look at "Dating Rules for Women"


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
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It's moderately infuriating (if that makes sense), or would be if it weren't so old hat by now. Unfortunately, it reflects to some extent the economic balance in the male-female courtship ritual: women do hold more cards, overall, than men.

Hence: look at the female "rules" -- other than reminding her to look good and be honest about her weight online (and I guess the part about not busting out the desire for a baby right away), all the "rules" are about ways for her to demand more from, or get the upper hand on, guys. ("Don''t put up with a guy who won't buy flowers."). They're hardly admonitions to make her shape up her act, or render herself more desirable to men, or meet men halfway.

Then look at the rules for men. Almost all of them, by contrast, are urging him in some way to change his behavior. Get new clothes. Bathe and use cologne because you probably stink. Don't talk about yourself. Don't expect sex. You have to refrain from talking about sports a lot even if you like it. You have to learn to dance, no matter what, even if you don't like it.

The lack of reciprocity is obvious -- nowhere does he (and sadly, it's a man who wrote both) admonish women "Men are interested in sports, so it's your job to learn about football and get interested in his games" or "Men don't like to dance, so for God's sake don't be so rude as to pressure him into it, or go off dancing with someone else and leaving him high and dry." And while some probably-accurate male-specific "bad" behavior is singled out ("Don't drink a lot,") nowhere do the female "rules" contain such obvious admonitions as "don't stand him up" (actually, they're told they ought to be late for dates) or "don't flirt and c__k tease him just to get some ego-boosting attention.").

And it's not as if the one-sidedness of the rules is rectifying some longstanding imbalance in the dating equation that had unfairly privileged men. Men in general have never held the upper hand in this area. Telling women how to milk to the maximum their existing advantages (and insisting that men not only play along, but meet the women well over halfway) is hardly progress.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
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You know, this is really just a subset of the larger "rule" that when there are differences between the male and female approach to something, the "compromise" or proper "rule" is, invariably, for the men to do it the way women would -- thus, the whole world, not just including but especially men, simply accepts this as a given (sort of like my buddy, who loves red wine and hates white, while his girlfriend loves white -- three guesses what they drink every night they go out).

Here's some recurrent news stories you'll see:

"Studies show that men don't go to the doctor nearly as often as women. Experts warn that men stay away from the doctor only because of masculine stereotypes against admitting weakness, and that more work needs to be done to get men to shed their macho posturing and to become more willing to listen to the possible warning signs of illness."
You won't ever see the same story reported this way:
"Studies show that men don't go to the doctor nearly as often as women. Experts warn that women are going to the doctor with trivial ailments and hysterical attention-seeking behavior, and that more work needs to be done to get women to stop imposing such enormous, and pointless, burdens on our healthcare system.


"Management experts say that women and men communicate differently in the workplace. Women tend to adopt a much more personal view of workplace relations and communicate in an emotional, rather than strictly factual, fashion. Experts warn that for men to keep up with women in the workplace, they need to adapt from their cold, impersonal, factual approach to management and become more concerned with their co-worker's feelings and inner motivations."

But not:

"Management experts say that women and men communicate differently in the workplace. Women tend to adopt a much more personal view of workplace relations and communicate in an emotional, rather than strictly factual, fashion. Experts warn that billions of dollars of productivity are being lost to women's catfights caused by dragging personal issues and concerns into the workplace, gossiping on the phone, and by their inability to communicate simple concepts and instructions without half an hour of chitchat and meandering around the issues."

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
After reading her bullet points I was asking myself why she didn't expound on her reasoning. It just seemed like a bunch of stupid rules. It made me wonder if ideas like that is what make most women seem as if they are confused and do things for no particular reason.

Just a thought...


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, Ma
Originally posted by Alonso

But not:

"Management experts say that women and men communicate differently in the workplace. Women tend to adopt a much more personal view of workplace relations and communicate in an emotional, rather than strictly factual, fashion. Experts warn that billions of dollars of productivity are being lost to women's catfights caused by dragging personal issues and concerns into the workplace, gossiping on the phone, and by their inability to communicate simple concepts and instructions without half an hour of chitchat and meandering around the issues."
Hahaha this is so true. I've been unfortunate enough to work in a department where i was the ONLY male. Females basically, create the drama in the workplace for their own emotional catharsis.

I basically got fed up. The manager was a female as well and basically did the gossipy emotionally attached BS as those who worked there. Everything was about yada yada that person is bad, this person did that blah blah blah.

I was actually called lazy and incompetant by a group of 4 of them straight to my face. Funny thing is that about a month later I was voted employee of the yearly quarter. Basically I got this distinction out of a place that has 3000 employees. Just goes to show how women are.

Anyways towards the end of my tenure. They put a male in charge of the whole department and the managers. Suddenly things started to clear up like never before.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
That was the most erroneous and misguided dating tips/article that I have ever read. The author ought to be shot, for misleading impressionable minds!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jvesti
Hahaha this is so true. I've been unfortunate enough to work in a department where i was the ONLY male. Females basically, create the drama in the workplace for their own emotional catharsis.

I basically got fed up. The manager was a female as well and basically did the gossipy emotionally attached BS as those who worked there. Everything was about yada yada that person is bad, this person did that blah blah blah.

I was actually called lazy and incompetant by a group of 4 of them straight to my face. Funny thing is that about a month later I was voted employee of the yearly quarter. Basically I got this distinction out of a place that has 3000 employees. Just goes to show how women are.

Anyways towards the end of my tenure. They put a male in charge of the whole department and the managers. Suddenly things started to clear up like never before.
Word dude, SAME crap here. I work in an office environment filled with women. 50% of productivity is wasted on backstabbing, backtalking, gossipping, etc. If there's a clear case why women are inferior to men in the business world, take yours and my example.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, Ma
Originally posted by DJ_Dork
Word dude, SAME crap here. I work in an office environment filled with women. 50% of productivity is wasted on backstabbing, backtalking, gossipping, etc. If there's a clear case why women are inferior to men in the business world, take yours and my example.
Case and point: Women have that emotional rollercoaster urge they need. They need to be in some kind of drama or conflict.

I'd go as far to say that office jobs aren't places for women. Management is definitely not a place for women.

They might do a whole lot better in more entertaining or emotional rollercoaster jobs such as sales, psychiatry, social worker and so on.

Attractive women make great sales people. IF they can handle it without cracking. Just take a look at the apprentice on NBC and how the women use their sexuality to win the challenges.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but a job such as sales of high end products where it can be emotional rollercoaster up and down might fulfill that need within women? and shut them up.

If i am not far off, i think if women want to work they should be pushed into these type of jobs.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Alas... another thing to ruin my gender. :(

Some of them DO make sense though and I think most of you will agree with me.

Always look great, whatever your income. Gorgeous hair and some lipstick and wearing rags will still turn his head. You have the advantage, you are the woman. Look your best as you could meet a potential Mr. Right anywhere at any time
This one makes sense. For everyone, not just women. You always want to look your best. (key word being YOUR best... you don't have to have expensive stuff, but you should look like you at least make an effort to take care of yourself).

Never reveal information you don't have to. An enigmatic woman drives men wild.
This is just the basic "don't ask don't tell" policy. I don't necessarily think it "drives men wild" but there is such a thing as too much unnecessary info.

Keep dates brief but your men interested. Less is always more
Is that in the bible? ;)

Try and stay in shape and involve some fitness regime at a gym. However much you hate it, your Mr. Right loves your body as much as your mind.
Makes sense. Take care of yourself. This isn't even for dating... it's for general well-being.

Let your man pay. If he is interested, he is interested enough to ensure you eat well and get home safely in a cab.
Now this is the part that's wacked. Yes you can LET your man pay... if a guy offers to pay for me, I'm not going to say no. It's disrespectful even at times to refuse something like that, which is a gesture he's making. But being interested enough to ensure that I eat well? What the ****!? I make it a point to contribute money (or at least offer to) once in a while and to also pick places to go that are inexpensive. I don't want to date someone for their wallet. It's teaching **** like this to women, that makes so many girls so ****ed up... which gives us all a bad name.

Ensure you receive flowers, if he doesn't know what a florist is, dump him.
Ok, flowers CAN be nice once in a while, or for special occasions, but this has to be the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I'm not into the cliche quasi-romantic gesture of flowers. It's really a no-brainer gesture... I want a guy to do something for me that shows he put in thought or that he knows me (read: he listens)... not waste money on some overpriced roses that are going to wilt in a few days anyway.

Never ever sleep with a guy until he has fallen for you. Sex early in your dating game plan will ruin everything.
Yeah, this one makes sense. But really... I think people should just go with their instincts and their feelings... Do what you feel is right for the situation... I can't imagine being like "hmmm I'd LIKE to **** him now, but the rules say I have to wait a little longer" ... just like I'd never think "well I'm not ready, but I better have sex with him soon because he DID buy me that expensive dinner" :rolleyes:

Always keep a guy waiting and never turn up early. It is a lady's perogative.
No. It's a lady's inconsideration. I hate lateness.

Never be available when he wants you to be. Never be at the end of a phone when he calls and always let him leave a message or two first before replying.
These sound like DJ games... no offense meant by that statement... ha ha. I understand the "playing hard to get" thing, but c'mon... you play too hard to get and you won't be gotten at all.

If he is available Tuesday, you are available Thursday.

Weekend shopping trips with girlfriends are sacred and not available for dates.
This is the guys-come-and-go-but-friends-are-forever thing. Yes, that's true. But that doesn't mean you have to see your friends every weekend... who can afford to shop every weekend anyway? ha ha... not me.

Keep your man standing on quicksand by shifting landmarks and goalposts constantly.
:rolleyes: are we dating or going on a pilgrimage?

Ensure you are a good kisser. Men will walk away if you cannot kiss. Practise on a mirror if you have to.
On a mirror? I say practice on another guy. ;)

Never ever talk about previous boyfriends and particularly their prowess in the bedroom. The number of ex boyfriends is your business only.

Never pre suppose anything about your date until you choose to know him better. You cannot always tell by looking
Ah. The good old "don't judge a book by its cover"... never assume anything about anything. Period.

If any man shows the slightest signs of possessiveness or insecurity run like the wind. Life is too short for boys.
Um... no comment.

If his shoes or hygiene are a disgrace dump him
hygiene: yes. shoes: no.

Never talk too much about your father and how your date measures up in comparison.
Eeek. I'm not even gonna touch this one. Do girls DO that?

Never ever come across as too available or too desperate, he will run a mile. He is the one doing the chasing remember.
More than not COMING ACROSS as too desperate... how about not BEING desperate.

If the guy in the corner is gorgeous go and get him and create the need in him for you. Never wait for men to come to you because you may watch him leave with someone else.
"create the need in him for you" LOL... but yes it's true... you want something, go and get it.

You may well have all the bodily functions of a man, just try not to demonstrate them early on.
ha ha ha!!

If you are wanting a child, don't mention it on the first few dates.
True. That will scare most guys off... but it is kind of ****ty to drop that on someone afterwards too.

Never ever criticize his mother unless you want to remain single.

I'm not gonna touch the online dating part (I don't do that) or the workplace stuff because I don't wanna get into a debate here, ha ha. ;)

Rico S

Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Never ever come across as too available or too desperate, he will run a mile. He is the one doing the chasing remember.
If the guy in the corner is gorgeous go and get him and create the need in him for you. Never wait for men to come to you because you may watch him leave with someone else.
Does anyone else see the irony here?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Alonso
It's moderately infuriating (if that makes sense), or would be if it weren't so old hat by now. Unfortunately, it reflects to some extent the economic balance in the male-female courtship ritual: women do hold more cards, overall, than men.

Hence: look at the female "rules" -- other than reminding her to look good and be honest about her weight online (and I guess the part about not busting out the desire for a baby right away), all the "rules" are about ways for her to demand more from, or get the upper hand on, guys. ("Don''t put up with a guy who won't buy flowers."). They're hardly admonitions to make her shape up her act, or render herself more desirable to men, or meet men halfway.

Then look at the rules for men. Almost all of them, by contrast, are urging him in some way to change his behavior. Get new clothes. Bathe and use cologne because you probably stink. Don't talk about yourself. Don't expect sex. You have to refrain from talking about sports a lot even if you like it. You have to learn to dance, no matter what, even if you don't like it.

The lack of reciprocity is obvious -- nowhere does he (and sadly, it's a man who wrote both) admonish women "Men are interested in sports, so it's your job to learn about football and get interested in his games" or "Men don't like to dance, so for God's sake don't be so rude as to pressure him into it, or go off dancing with someone else and leaving him high and dry." And while some probably-accurate male-specific "bad" behavior is singled out ("Don't drink a lot,") nowhere do the female "rules" contain such obvious admonitions as "don't stand him up" (actually, they're told they ought to be late for dates) or "don't flirt and c__k tease him just to get some ego-boosting attention.").

And it's not as if the one-sidedness of the rules is rectifying some longstanding imbalance in the dating equation that had unfairly privileged men. Men in general have never held the upper hand in this area. Telling women how to milk to the maximum their existing advantages (and insisting that men not only play along, but meet the women well over halfway) is hardly progress.
i would post, but

A: Alonso beat me to this thread, and

B: that was beautiful. you should rewrite the bible in your attitude/writting style. i would seriously read it.