Of the top 20 members by reputation-

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Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
TheRealSupreme said:
You know what this surprised me about fingz. I had thought we were cool. And I got this in my ebox:

Re: Hey man
Oh yeah and you might of been cool in the past with him but keep in mind you have your own "learning the game" website which is a competition threat to fingz's site Next Level Game which is why he attacked you on one of his fake accounts.
This just keeps getting dumber. Fingz was going to shut the site down. The members decided to keep it going. Fingz could give a fvck about competition from another site. :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
KontrollerX said:
Also you refer to Player Supreme just now as "sub-prime".
I found that pretty funny. Didn't you?

I don't like his advertisment (like: hey - I'm superman - and it's only five bucks), among other things about his overall approach. But so far: Live and let live. To learn you need a variety of influences. Some will show to be promising but wrong direction after all.

KontrollerX said:
over me as being the mature one, the one thats in the right etc
IMHO, you cling way to much to this self-definition.

KontrollerX said:
so that this site in particular can move in a new and fresh direction.
It's not your site, you're not even a mod here. And no, the pun is not intended.

But honestly, if you see yourself as a leader, why don't you try it out and learn to be one, for instance by founding your own community?


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
Belle Vernon, PA
Wanna see how much rep and post count mean to me? I been here for almost 3 years, look at my rep and post count. lol and no they ain't disabled.

This whole time I actually never even realized there are little green lights by our names until you pointed it out in this thread karma.


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
Reaction score
This is honestly some of the lowliest, most pathetic crap I've seen in a long time, and on a site like this, about bettering yourself and rising above petty shyt, being men, and all that. Jesus, guys....


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
they need to turn the green lights into pink hearts, then everyone will shut the fvck up
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Solomon said:
Here is the deal "supereme"

Look kid here is the deal. You didn't like the way I returned my answers to you and look at what you did. Didn't you say it's lame beefin on the net?

I don't believe field reports without photo proof. With guys making up screen names on here to attack or support it's easy to fake it.

If you wanna prove ya self then send me to my pm box real proof not some he said she said crap.

I will read your post later on this weekend. It looks like your pretty angry for some reason.

As I stated my post wasn't ment to threaten you I have been curious about why a black man would be on sosuave learning pua game.

I am hoping that you answered that above.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
I haven't really gone through the whole thread, but I just caution people to not get a big head and inflated egos nor to put anyone else on here up on a pedestal because then you'll feel as if you have a reputation to protect and will no longer can learn or be teachable because you'll be afraid to ask for help when a situation you don't know how to deal with comes up.

I don't care how much game you have, even David DeAngelo, Mystery or the other so called gurus will have to go through bouts of AFCism and be single from time to time.

So just be humble and learn as brothers so we can figure out the sisterhood.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
I guess after all this argument we can all agree that we are all equal as human beings no matter how much skill you got as a Don Juan.

So respect to all who are trying to improve, or trying to help others improve. Keep up the good work.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
honestly who cares about reputation in an online forum. I used to come here alot and post my advice from my experience, but it was was ignored or flooded by ignorance. Having been in college since august i have been around to much this is my first log in for months. Now i just come here for enterainment, and to check out the community. I must say it's not as bad as it used to be, thats for sure. Anyway fuuck reputation on an online forum go out thier and do something in the real world. For those of you who have good job keep it up, but for the keyboard jockeys keep living in a dream world spreading your ignorant trash as advice because you title on an online forum says "master don juan" your still a scared little boy inside and you know it.

I don't know my ranking nor the amount of dots i have and nor do i care. I only care about my progress as a man and the helping of other guys acheive their dreams and goals. The rest is just garbage.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"This just keeps getting dumber. Fingz was going to shut the site down. The members decided to keep it going. Fingz could give a fvck about competition from another site."

Now that I've had a chance to read the thread over I think you are off the hook as far as this "Mistic" account name is concerned fingz. In truth reading over all the garbage posted by "Mistic" in this thread its become obvious to me that this account belongs to that troll who is your best friend and who you let pollute Next Level Game and who also continuously auditions here to try and get the leading role as Str8up's next girlfriend. Yeah its the infamous female troll of this site and yours and of course we all know that troll by the name of iqqi.

You know iqqi neither admin cares enough about the quality of their particular site to ban your worthless ass so why not just post this sh!t on your proper account? That would be swell.

And to respond to what you have said with this post directly I will again point out how the majority of Next Level Gamers are mental simpletons that utterly fail to detect subtlety and tactics.

What you saw your buddy fingz do with the whole "I'm thinking of shutting down the site" spiel is he was fishing for the compliments that he needs as a megalomaniacal personality.

It was a deceptive tactic on his part to get the worship that he needs basically.

In reality he'll never shut down his praise farm.

He wanted you mental titans to say things like: "Oh no fingz don't do that Next Level Game is awesome and you're awesome, we love you man, don't shut it down, please oh please god my life would not be the same without this site where we get to live in the past era of Sosuave and talk about the same tired old things that have been done to death over and over again!!!"

Seriously iq use that brain of yours for once.

I know you as a typical NLG member are not all that intelligent but even you can't be THAT stupid.

Well on second thought...

"I found that pretty funny. Didn't you?"

Sorry brah it came off as extremely corny, immature and assh0lish in my opinion but hey we all have different tastes when it comes to comedy now don't we?

"I don't like his advertisment (like: hey - I'm superman - and it's only five bucks), among other things about his overall approach. But so far: Live and let live. To learn you need a variety of influences. Some will show to be promising but wrong direction after all."

Thats fine but to openly hate on the guy as you did in the thread is unproductive crabs in a barrel mentality where you have to pull the crab down thats trying to get out of the barrel to make yourself feel better and equal. In order to feel like you are not inadequate you had to tear Player Supreme down. Not cool man. It was total player hatin hateration. And whats more the guy never did anything or said anything bad to you at all to deserve something that assh0lish said to him.

You actually should of apologized to the guy already for that but I won't wait for hell to freeze over for something that gracious and polite to escape from your keyboard.

No, no what is more likely to happen is either more insults or evasions or you'll just magically dissapear doing your whole "above it all" routine.

"IMHO, you cling way to much to this self-definition."

Put down the bottles of Jim Beam and percocets my friend and try and create something for me to reply to that makes any sense whatsoever.

"It's not your site, you're not even a mod here. And no, the pun is not intended."

Dude, no one has to be a mod here to realize the users have moved in a new direction and want to talk about something new. I don't want to read the same Pook material over and over and over again from you and neither does Str8up, Rollo, keto and many many others. Even the real Pook has moved on to more interesting subjects. Its clear though that you and those of your mindset love that sort of thing and will fight like hell to keep it so I say enjoy and be happy on your NLG website for it and keep that old crap off of here. I don't think thats asking for too much from you.

I mean sh!t man we already have the archive forum as well the DJ Bible which means we basically have enough old sh!t as it is. We don't need more.

"But honestly, if you see yourself as a leader, why don't you try it out and learn to be one, for instance by founding your own community?"

Fingz despite the portrait you and your sycophants have tried desperately to paint of me I am in no way shape or form a narcissist or even a megalomaniac such as yourself and for that reason I do not desire to be the leader of any website and be worshipped by the membership base of my proposed site because they might come to like the site and associate their love of it with my being its founder. No thank you sir. Worship like that sickens me. In truth I wish I could just give new posters advice in peace without you and your sycophants trolling people and myself as you try to bring back the age of Pook.

See the difference between you and guys like Allen and Player Supreme is their sites exist to make money as well help people while your site only exists to give yourself narcissistic supply.

And as for being a leader the users have spoken with their vote how good of a leader I am and that is via these rep bars that you are so jealous of me for. See fingz I don't care about rep at all, it is you and your followers who keep making topics and complaining about my being at the top spot because its something you could never attain here, its you all that care about rep. You all need to get over that sh!t. Get your egos in check and find some self worth apart from trying to pull me down so you can lift yourselves up. I didn't once complain when KarmaSutra was at the top spot but suddenly oh no KontrollerX got the top spot that suddenly means every NLGer in existance needs to start making topics decrying rep and b!tching about whose the top dog king sh!t poster in these parts.

Its all a bunch of garbage for you to get your drama and narcissistic supply fix from creating all this conflict over something that only means a grand majority of users got help or inspiration from me in some way. Thats all the rep bar means. It doesn't mean you are a better person than anyone else it just means a certain number of people found what you said helpful and valueable to their lives.

So yeah get over your obsession with my rep being at #1, get over your misplaced hatred for Rollo Tomassi and get over your wanting to be the second coming of Pook.

You'll be healthier and happier once you do.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Sipping on my morning coffee I find this rant.

Can it get more obvious?

It's not a paedagogical case anymore, it's psychopathic. We can not help this guy.

I stand to my opinion that KontrollerX should be banned asap.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
KontrollerX you gave me sound advice when I had drama with my lady.

Kama Sutra magick is real, but it comes from the devils.

The Real Supreme, Solomon took your jive the wrong way.

Reputation? Every man is entitled to a good name, never mind the slander.

Giving advice on dating? If you speak the truth, the truth sells itself.

Merry Christmas.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
MoveYourAss... said:
Sipping on my morning coffee I find this rant.

Can it get more obvious?

It's not a paedagogical case anymore, it's psychopathic. We can not help this guy.

I stand to my opinion that KontrollerX should be banned asap.
Thats it?

Out of ideas finally huh??

And why coffee???

Why not "your morning latte???"

That sounds way more "full of class" and "above it all" which is the image you are trying to project here after all.

"It's not a paedagogical case"

I finally went and looked the word up and you proved an old point I made about you NLGers yet again and that is you worship stupidity.

if i be'se startaed talkinn liek sum ghet toe streate reetared you'se b taken a fast liekin 2 me fo'sho mang.

You and your ilk are untermensch as well troglodytes and always will be.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
this thread fails. Look i'll be all nerdy and even say EPIC FAIL. rep, respect, blah blah blah. Like any of that matters on such anonymous forum board.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
ready123 said:
they need to turn the green lights into pink hearts, then everyone will shut the fvck up
Actually not a bad idea.

Dannyrt34 said:
Wanna see how much rep and post count mean to me? I been here for almost 3 years, look at my rep and post count. lol and no they ain't disabled.

This whole time I actually never even realized there are little green lights by our names until you pointed it out in this thread karma.
Good. This was the entire point anyway. Don't believe a guy knows what he's talking about or has any sort of real life experience strictly because he has some Hulk droppings under his virtual name.

MoveYourAss... said:
But honestly, if you see yourself as a leader, why don't you try it out and learn to be one, for instance by founding your own community?
Great question. I think an answer begs to be given on this. I am actively working on my own forum. Which will not cost fvcking $5 per month to remain a member.

Mistic said:
This just keeps getting dumber. Fingz was going to shut the site down. The members decided to keep it going. Fingz could give a fvck about competition from another site. :rolleyes:
Brother Mistic, you need to consider the source. Garbage in/ garbage out. You and I know that Fingz isn't threatened by this numbnutt or anyone else. I don't see PS with a book as highly regarded as Weapons of Mass Seduction. If you look, PS doesn't have a book at all. He also plagiarizes the snippets on his website from other guys. Look at his NLP (I had to spell N-L-P out for him) post. One can tell immediately that he's a thief.

His own people are turning against him and his paranoia is running amuck. There's one in particular who is feeding me inside info from his forum via email almost on a daily basis.

The Bottom Line:

Is that all of this derailing with NLG vs SS is nothing more than a smokescreen. It's a way to avoid the issues. Like Republicans saying the "foundations of our economy are strong".

It's bullsh!t. I just want you guys to think for yourselves instead of relying on someone with dots under their name to lead you.

That is the point of my thread. Don't follow anyone or anything. Be your own person. Respect your decisions. Have confidence in who you are and, more importantly, always strive to be better than where you are right now.

Grow, motherfvckers, go out and grow.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
jacob said:
KontrollerX you gave me sound advice when I had drama with my lady.

Kama Sutra magick is real, but it comes from the devils.

The Real Supreme, Solomon took your jive the wrong way.

Reputation? Every man is entitled to a good name, never mind the slander.

Giving advice on dating? If you speak the truth, the truth sells itself.

Merry Christmas.

1. Maybe I did take his "Jive" the wrong way, maybe I didn't

2. I'm not a pua once again

3. I don't have beef wit you anyone just wanted to clarify this



Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
New jersey
What a bunch of nerds...just give me my weekly Interceptor fix and the rest I can figure out on my own. :rock:


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
DonS said:
I've been on this site for around 10 years and the quality has slipped considerably. It has become sloppy and redundant. I've been to other forums and a couple are fresh; others are just has-beens from other sites who put out the same material with a new html layout. The trend of these new 'leaders' to attach their egos to their positions is faulted. How can you learn and grow if any challenge to your position is not seen as an opportunity for all to grow, but a personal attack on your self-worth. The result is hating on everyone else with hopes that you'll be the best loser -"Crabs in a barrel". Oh, you all put on a good front, but when your position is challenged, your inner-game is exposed as a house of cards and you experience an existential meltdown as you call each other names and challenge penis size. Enlightenment is the lack of ego.

Maybe this immaturity is normal with any group that gets stale -instead of exploring new ideas and learning to become better men.

This site, along with many others need to change direction. If they don't, the greatest fear of the tortured ego will come true -it will become irrelevant.
Here's a brother who fvcking get's what I'm screaming.
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
You guys still fighting on this thread? You fellas must have nothing better to do.


the only reason why I let you snoop around on my site under that stupid name (and yes I can see you when you try to go invisible) is it's better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Yes I stole it from old chinese saying.

Now maybe you need to go back to your temple and meditate harder on my destruction.


thanks for the vote of support and the back up. For you heads on here he and I were at odds many years ago. He was following the leadership of assanova back then and a few others who said I was a bad man until he went and investigated for himself.


I am still waiting for an answer to my question. Sorry I am too busy to really read your post to me. It looks like some ranting shyt and if you do a search of my old screen name on here you will see why I don't have time for rants.


All of you guys are playing Kama doo doo's game here. Your just to slow to catch on.

He is thriving on the attention. Notice when someone talks shyt to him from this group he shuts up and disappears. Right now he thinks he has the power in his hands. He is thanking his magick practice for finally delivering him some power over men.

Basically this is a childish power game for him. Notice his attempt to instill some kind of weak fear that oooohhhh I have a spy on my site?

A spy on my site feeding him some supposed EVIDENCE...ahahahaha.. IS ANYONE SMART ENOUGH TO SEE THIS CRAP?

You guys take a vote and I will let one of you come to my site for free and take whatever you want. Look for whatever you want. Spy on whatever you want and come back here and report it.

But make it someone who is unbiased and isn't from the old days where as Kontrollerx will recall I was called a N11gger, a house N11gger (yeah solo look it up) and a whole host of other derogatory names that assanova the mod who also hated my guts allowed. I used to keep a sheet of the number of times this occured and I would post it on my forum to show the mentality that went on here.


Here is the deal fellas. I know how to play women. As you could see by the photos that I showed you. The kid solomon didn't even see what he saw.

When you have so much game over women that you can get them to wear a sign saying property of "whom ever" then maybe you should of listened to something that person had to say.


Only a few of you were smart enough to ask why does this guy hate my guts so much. All of the rest of you guys who are suppose to be so smart fell right into his play.

You have ask yourself what kind of personality even practices what he does? And worships a mega-maniac like Alister Crowley.

"YOUR" being tools.

I have offered this site good advice in the past and was only shyt on by guys who for some reason on this site alone out of all of the sites wants to keep the members in the dark about really getting women.

I still to this day cannot figure it out.

Look at your main board all of the whining going on. The number of flakes you guys are getting.

Hasn't anyone noticed there is something wrong here?

NO. My site isn't the answer before fingz in one of his many names pop up.

I have stated and just stated that I don't want members from this site on my forum.

I have some of my members who are members here who will attest to that.

As for my site being a cult ...uhh no. In fact there is a guy who is a member here who is arguing with me right now because I have a special section to pok e shots at guys like karma. That person a brutha feels I should be:

Your wrong Supreme. Your own teachings prove you wrong. Your own words prove you wrong.

If you weren't on sites like MASF spreading your point of view I would have never have found this site and benefited from it. I followed what you had to say because to me it made the most sense out of all the BS I read out there.

What did you teach in your lessons? To give back, to help other people. Don't be the guy who trys to have all the game, have gratitude and give back. Those are your words.

What did you tell us to do? You told us to volunteer and help out those less fortunate that us. Your words.

You told us how you were the guy who wouldn't let his nerd and goober friends get picked on. How you used to stand up for those weaker than you. Again your words.

So are your words bull**** or not?
So you guys make up your own mind whether to be tooled by Kama aka assanova or be like a parachute. It's not good unless you open it.

Note* boy do I know you heads :

Why do I have a section for poking fun?

Because it provides me with fodder for my shows.

Now watch assanova do the same crap he did back then.




lol..what a dweeb.

Now watch he will be the first one to post below me cause he has been waiting for me to respond all night long and all morning long....that is creepy!!!! Sick!!!!

Ask yourself why this guy doesn't have a woman since he is 35 years old and has been here so long and right away knew Assanova's first part of his screen name "gio" if he wasn't him.

I have been truthful to you guys. But this guy comes in from the side. Has been lying to you. You have heard from the lips of DAN him self say he was a closet homosexual.

So are you to be tools of this creepy guy or are you going to open your minds and see the truth?
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