FR: The most ridiculous lay ever - too ez

May 23, 2006
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Ok stand, you have my attention, I'm reviewing all your frigging threads from the time you joined this site and your posts to see if anything clicks with me.

Firstly, I'm a skeptic and believe that your success is based on looks or some genetic thing where you are getting strong IOI's or women that are very receptive and open to you. If this is the case, this would sort of make you a natural -- my question would be why are you here then if you are just posting about easy conquests from women who just virtually throwing themselves at you?

Anyone here can be successful if women are thowing themselves at them unless:

1) for religious reasons they don't want to have sex with her.
2) they don't like the woman enough to have sex with her.
3) not hetrosexual.

But even if the above three are true, sure it's an ego-boost, but you really have to post this stuff to brag about your easy conquests on here?

However, I do notice a pattern that I can connect with.

You appear to be confident and assume interest.

For example, I would be too hesitant to mention the word "fun". It's not even in my vocabulary, but you seem to be recklessly using that word in interactions. So, maybe I should start learning some of this vocabulary such as 'hanging-out', 'chilling' and 'fun' and start playing around with it, if I were serious about this. I'm confused on this part since it seems you put 'confident vocabulary diction', but I still think you have high interest levels to start out with on receptive girls.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Luke...use the force. because that was one of the nerdiest post I have ever read. You gotta tap into the flow man.....sounds like you THINK a whole lot. the OP probably is a person who just goes with the flow.

Try meditations and relaxation exercises to get in touch with your inner self and your body. and stop thinking so much. it is all for fun! we go to work all day (or school) for our goals and survival, we hangout with women for the fun of it. women are fun, sex is fun, dating is fun. it shouldn't have to an exact science like the pua gurus try to make it out to be.



Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
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mistake by the lake
Maxtro said:
Lishy you seem to not understand that the very reason this board exists is to help men get laid.

In other words, most men come here because they want sex which is something they are most likely not getting.

Because you are a woman who can have sex with just about whomever you what whenever you want just because you are a woman there is no way you can comprehend how the men on this board think.

i disagree with this statment. though several men DO come here to simply learn ways/tricks/etc to get laid, i would have to seriously deny that ALL men that come here are trying to conquer this task. Especially myself.

Alot of men are looking to better themselves and find out how to become a better MAN, not just bang any women. im personally looking for something ALOT GREATER.

as far as lishy, i DO think that the OP is fair and with all support post this encounter. I may not agree in his activities but i DO think it provides HOPE and DISCUSSION.

there are several men that have given up on women, life, etc because they feel they are too ugly, not witty, boring, etc,

but when discussions like this come up, you see from REAL LIFE experiences that THINGS CAN HAPPEN. ( if this is the type of thing you are looking for)

so i have to say i disagree with both of you all to an extent on this.

i do think that if the OP desires to post this type of thing, then by all means post it. i even think it has the potential to help and inspire others.

but i also think that Maxtro's assesment of this board is WAYYY OFF. i look to better myself as a MAN, not try to find any women for me to stick my slick in.

WHATEVER YOUR GOAL IS FOR COMING HERE, take something positive from every post
May 23, 2006
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I'm sure Maxtro will reply to this, but I just wanted to add my two cents in further.

DavenJuan said:
ibut when discussions like this come up, you see from REAL LIFE experiences that THINGS CAN HAPPEN. ( if this is the type of thing you are looking for)
Debatable. THINGS seem to be happening more often to some people and not to others. I've compared Maxtros posts to the OP and believe me, even Maxtro would be successful if women in his environment were throwing themselves on him rather than giving him some cold shoulder treatment.

The question is whether looks or confidence is involved, because the OP's approach is confident, obviously he doesn't assume any woman are prudes, while I may make that assumption, or may make a negative assumption that they are prudes with me but hoes to someone else because of looks or whatever.

The OP doesn't have any rags to riches story from his pasts threads, but those are the types of stories that are inspiring.

DavenJuan said:
i do think that if the OP desires to post this type of thing, then by all means post it. i even think it has the potential to help and inspire others.
So, these posts actually do not really give hope to anyone who doesn't have women throwing themselves on them, it just points again to the fact you either have it (i.e looks, charm, confidence, etc...) or you don't.

Like I said, if I blew off girls who were throwing themselves on me (and the OP is claiming HB 9s, etc...), that's the ONLY WAY YOU COULD FAIL on the type of threads the OP is posting. It makes people feel worst who feel they are consistently getting the cold shoulder.

So, what is there to learn here? Not to blow off girls who are throwing themselves on you? I don't notice anyone throwing themselves on me, and I'm sure allot of people on here don't either.

Maxtro said:
but i also think that Maxtro's assesment of this board is WAYYY OFF. i look to better myself as a MAN, not try to find any women for me to stick my slick in.
I'd let the threads and posts here speak for itself, and most of the threads are either people putting out a bragging stick like the OP, people making pity-parties, or people looking for help.

Being a man is usually premised with the goal of finding a girl who will be attracted to alpha-maleness so it's just another branch of the same political party.
May 23, 2006
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Lishy said:
Errrrrrrrrrrr no! I have never met a guy at traffic lights, gave him my number and gone and fkd him! ANd I never would!

I cant give him props as he should be ashamed, not bragging about his dirty encounter!

I am just picturing the crabs running aorund in his pants ::Shudder::
How do you know she's not a virgin looking for a deflower from a random stud?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Lishy, why would a guy be ashamed at getting easy sex? Once again, most men want sex. I bet a very large percentage of men would have sex with almost any woman that offered it to them, as long as the girl was cute and didn't look dirty. Because you are a woman, you can not relate to that.

DavenJuan, please reread the post you quoted. Did I say that ALL men come here to get laid? No I used the word most. I know very well that men come here for different reasons. That is why I did not use the word ALL.

As to what Luke is talking about, several of Stands threads are about easy lays where he has had to make a minimalist effort then the girls go crazy for him. He describes himself as 5'10, good looking, blue eyes and an athletic body. Obviously his looks are helping. But what's most important is that he is not blowing the many opportunities that are thrown at him. He also takes some initiative when needed. He is basically a good looking natural, who likes to get an ego boost from posting about his almost effortless conquests.

BTW I do think I would have similar levels of success as Stand if women were throwing themselves at me. Being 4 inches taller, having more muscles and being better looking wouldn't hurt.

But unfortunately I have what God gave me and I can't use my looks to me advantage which means women won't be throwing themselves at me or be much more receptive to what I say. I would need to work much harder than Stand to enjoy his level of success.

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Basically... Everywhere
Lishy said:
Ewwwwww I hope you used a condom ... Over your whole body!

That girl is a major tramp and probably riddled with disease! Yuk Yuk Yuk!
Just because you are not getting laid doesn't mean you cant be happy for others. You have no right to say such a ridiculous thing, you need a lay girl.

As for you guys debating over stand:
Faking all this would be extremely retarded, going to all that trouble just so he gets some creds on an online forum? I dont believe that someone would be as pathetic as to something like that. On the other hand; I wouldnt be surprised if there ACTUALLY was someone who would do that. But in this case, I doubt it.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake

i think you are missing my point.

i wanted to leave my PERSONAL opinion out concerning the OP but i guess i will elaborate.

IMO i think that it is a bit "convenient" that the OP always seems to get laid pretty easy. i think i remember a cubs home opener post that he created.

now im not saying its not plausable, nor am i saying that is, its not for me to judge how legitimate his threads are.

WHAT i am saying is that regardless what i think, others may appreciate his threads.

of course some are going to see him as simply bragging for no reason, but if not only for entertainment purposes, SOME others may be able to relate to these stories.

DONT JUST ASSUME that these things happen to him (if true) because he is good lucking, a natural, etc.

you have absolutely no idea. maybe its his precense. maybe there is something that people can take from this. ask questiosn, dissect the situation.

again...i am not promoting this specific situation, all im saying is NO MATTER what anyone posts here, SOMEONE may be able to relate and take something from it
May 23, 2006
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Believe me, I'm trying to see as to how to relate to this thread -- if it's totally on looks, then it's easy to be dismissed, but if there is some other element on here, such as this OP is a 'go with the flow' type of presonality that has likes to use the word 'fun' in his vocabulary to imply the obvious, hey, I guess it's just interesting I guess, but you are obviously going to be confident if girls throw themselves on you and treat you like a sex object.

I suppose I'm a bit confused as to what to make of this, because I may also have an invisible wall around me because I'm the nerdy type that likes to stay inside the head (not good as I'm too selfish in my thoughts to socialise or connect), and maybe there is something there to look at. But if the OP just looks like a stud and women are throwing themselves on him and he's writing about some easy conquests, then, I'd dismiss it as whatever.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
stand said:
L777 - Need not reply - you're not even on the same atmosphere as me bud.
On the same atmosphere? Yes that makes perfect sense.

In all seriousness though mate. I've probably slept with more girls than you. Congrats on the fools mate though. Good stuff.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
because I may also have an invisible wall around me because I'm the nerdy type that likes to stay inside the head and not have fun so to speak...and that has nothing to do with looks.
this is my point exactly.

MAYBE (who knows) there may be something that is more than just assuming this guy is a greek god handsome mo-fo.

maybe he is maybe he is not, but if there is something more to just what we assume is the reason why this happens, then its okay for us to debate.


Nov 21, 2007
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DavenJuan said:
how old are these little tramps??

im guessin you couldve told thme both to get back in the car when you met and banged them both. lol
She was 18 years old.. Graduated early from HS. I might have been able to, but I have stated many times on this site that the days of banging girls in the back seats of cars are long over with.

Lishy - You know you would f.uck me. Not my fault I crush a lot.. Don't hate.


Nov 21, 2007
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mackdaddy27 said:
whats your process of escalating it?
make out, tits, *****, etc.

Once the finger is in its over.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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i'm having a hard time buying this one, it doesn't add up. if its true, she must half really low standards and very low self-esteem. but if thats your type..
May 23, 2006
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Stand, I challenge you to post photos of each of your conquest with your face and girl and post it somewhere that people can see it. I think you are a fraud and are just posting false lay reports and are getting off on doing them.

Let us all see how you look like, and the next five conquests better have photos of them naked and with you. You may use your cell phone camera or some sort of hidden camera and leave it here.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

I'm putting all this guys threads about his easy lays on here as follows:

Come on -- does anyone take this dude seriously? He's just writing, no photos, it could all be an elaborate hoax or something copied from a word porn site.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Lishy said:
Let me re phrase that


Nothing like some loose easy hos to boost our chance of getting Herpes, crabs, HPV, Syphillis or even HIV ...

You boys crack me up boasting about picking up a free ***** for the night and the classic is all the other boys who crawl out saying congrats!!!


:nono: Just cause you are more sneaky and secretive than men are does not mean that you are less guilty....

And just cause you make up convoluted emotional explanations for your transgressions does not make them ok or less immoral than the actions of men...

Women are not now and have never been innocent , they are just much less likely than a man to tell the world about their "oh soo disgusting" sexual exploits..


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Lishy said:
Yeah help to get laid is fine, but boinking any old skank is just pathetic!

If a guy has to accept any scraps offered to him then he needs to think about his health!
LOL... when you are 55 and demand for you drops to 5% of what it is now, you will be happy for old scraps... Most men have to settle for old scraps at some point... and most women never do..


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
In Motion said:
Just because you are not getting laid doesn't mean you cant be happy for others. You have no right to say such a ridiculous thing, you need a lay girl.
She can get that any time from any of the desperate men begging her for pU$$Y every day.. but she is waiting for Brad Pit... like most over valued women...


Feb 10, 2005
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Rollo can you comment on Lishy's and other's similar nonsense? Your explaination of attraction is best. We can sit here and say these girls are skanks, slvts, etc. While they probably are young and probably being promisuous, the truth is when a woman is attracted to a guy she often times fvcks on the first date. Stand basically had a movie night date at home with this girl. Most girls have fvcked on the first "date", or with 3 dates. If they haven't by then then they never will fvck that guy OR rarely they are holding back and screening him for a LTR. Not every woman is screening for only a LTR.

By the way stand, I think your numerous LR's are proof of the power of looks and appearance.