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  1. M

    Too Much Chauvinism Around Here

    Is anyone else sick of the chauvinistic attitudes being displayed around this place lately? Frequently I read threads about how a man should act, what he should do etc which is all well and good yet at the same time I hear about how women are b*tches and can't be trusted and are inferior to us...
  2. M

    Derek Vitalio?

    What do you guys make of Derek Vitalio? I think he's the guy behind the Seduction Science system. When the forum was down I went and checked out some of his articles on So and I think some of the advice he gives is pretty sound. I don't agree with everything he says but some of his...
  3. M

    Throwaway Compliments

    If you're having trouble approaching girls a good thing to do is to give some girl a throwaway compliment. For example, if you're standing beside some girl be it at a bus stop, in a queue, whatever and you can't think of anything to say, simply say something complimentary to them. eg. "That's a...
  4. M

    I Need Your Advice

    Well, I returned to College today and my day was pretty lousy. I only had four hours sleep so I was not in a very talkative mood but there is this one girl that I have my eye on (I rate her a 9.5). We are in a tutotial group together and she sits opposite me in my lecture hall. (she has waved to...
  5. M

    Discomfort Zone

    As someone who has been around this site for many months and who has started his own approach journal it is clear to me what the biggest stumbling block is to progress for guys on this site - the comfort zone.What is 'comfort'?It sounds like a nice word but when you analyse it,you realise that...
  6. M

    Mr.Style's approach journal.

    Hello to you all.I have been a visitor of this site for about two months and found it through Google as I sought to improve my life.It's fair to say I have been an AFC all my life. I am Irish and went to an all boys school so my first semester of college was a bit of a wake up call for me as I...