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    Deadlift question... HELP ME WARBOSS ALEX!

    Hey guys, Whenever I do stiff legged deadlifts, I straighten out the natural arch along my lower back. Am I supossed to keep this natural arch throughout the lift, or is it OK to flatten it? I'm concerned because lately I have had a sharp pain in the posterior (back) end of my waist, and...
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    When you DJ multiple girls (very short)

    hey thanks for the replies I met one through a college movie presentation ( we kinda talked throughout the movie) I later met her at a speech given by an author who we both liked. This girl has started calling me just to "chat." Antoher i met through a intro to chem study group I...
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    When you DJ multiple girls (very short)

    Alright so i have about 5 girls really interested in me. If i want to begin dating one, how do i play it off with the other girls without being mean/ hurting their feelings? I feel responsible because I reciprocated attraction and kino thanks
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    where do i meet goody goody girls?

    Hi, where do you guys find the highest concentration of goody goody girls?
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    Christian dating

    nice, i'm so glad that i've found some christian djs on this board.
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    Why Asian guys can't hook up with fine ass white girls.

    Dude, white girls get yellow fever too. You're just being a stupid kid. Albeit an old one.
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    Whens the best time to BUST And be C&F

    Soma (or anyone else), how do you go about building rapport?
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    push ups and sit ups..

    how do you do them in handstand positions?
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    Golden Advice On Long Term Relationships (LTRs)

    then why have they not added this excellent thread to the "Bible"?
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    Golden Advice On Long Term Relationships (LTRs)

    sosuave needs new HS mods
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    Small bone structure - need an experienced builder's knowledge

    Why should ectomorphs limit training
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    Uneven Forearms....

    wrong thraed
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    Reduced Calorie Diet = Longer Life

    It's a catabolic state (there are anabolic steroids which build muscle) Anyways, 1300 is wayyyy unhealthy, you must be like 5', 75 lbs
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    I'm a skinny asian with a small frame

    Wow Soma, calm down man, I'm just a newbie looking for pointers. lol.
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    DJ's in Massachusetts

    same as bear, in the Greater Boston Area. i'm seventeen btw, AIM: BABEMASTER2k
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    the day after a workout, are your muscles SORE?

    then what is a sign of a good workout?
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    I'm a skinny asian with a small frame

    Hey, I have a really small frame and I'm pretty skinny, 5' 11'' (154 lbs). Anyways, what's the best way to get broader shoulders?
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    the day after a workout, are your muscles SORE?

    is a sign of a good workout soreness the next day? or does your body eventually cope with it? ( even if you always work until failure)