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  1. M

    ***The best advice you’ll ever receive in regards to improving yourself***

    Sounds like you have the diseased mind trolling a forum each day. It's just Naughty Ninja trolling again. He's the only peson that babbles on about diseased minds.
  2. M

    30 reasons chicks themselves give you to never take online dating to heart =)

    I've never seen a guy so obsessed with online dating who never goes out with any women. Every person is going to bvllsh1t about themselves in order to look better on dating sites. This really isn't anything new.
  3. M

    Chick broke up with her Ex.. What's my best move?

    What are you smoking? She is telling you about the future instead of having sex with you now. It's an easy way for her to get out of having sex. How would her ex know if she was banging another guy? The ex should be irrelevant when she broke up with him. You believe all that...
  4. M

    I held the chick I'm datings purse while playing minature golf the other day..

    Still here trolling I see. How can you go mini golfing when you're trolling on here? Naw, you're a bigger AW than she is. I don't think she'll mind. Get some new troll material, seriously.
  5. M

    Very New Territory For Older DJ

    19 years old? A co worker? You're crazy. She's old enough to be your daughter. Where are you going to take her out to? The aracde? Some IL doesn't mean she wants to go out with you. She might think that's creepy. A little office flirting is one thing, dating is another. If she gets turned off...
  6. M

    Coworker with BF

    Terrible advice. He already has two strikes against him, having her as a co-worker, also the boyfriend. Anything that goes sour will have repercussions at work where he will have to see her everyday. It's easy for guys to give out bad advice when it isn't their job and reputation on the line...
  7. M

    VIDEO: Texting Sucks Pt 2 (Brigham Young University Study + Links to Back It Up)

    Brigham Young also did studies that smoking causes cancer and kills you. So what? Not everybody that smokes gets cancer just like everybody that texts doesn't have a relationship go sour. I have friends who have been in LTR's for years who text with their girlfriends not one of them are...
  8. M

    VIDEO: Texting Sucks

    Girls text when they can't use their mouths, it's an easy way for them to talk. I think that you think texting is the ONLY way people are talking, that isn't true. Texting is just another way to talk when you can't really talk. You're supposed to be a relationship expert?
  9. M

    Got dumped because she felt I didnt appreciate her or spend enough time with her

    You're writing all of this over a girl you had for just one month? Leave her alone, start getting involved with other women, this one doesn't want you after just one month. If a girl dumps you that fast she doesn't want any part of you. She should be fu*king your brains out in the first month...
  10. M

    Texting game is horrible, guidance on what to do next please!!

    Why didn't you go out on a night when she doesn't have to work? If things start getting hot she is going to need to leave right in the middle when things are getting good. I would want a whole night with her so sex can happen she will have to leave in the middle to sling drinks for some drunks.
  11. M

    Another fat *****...

    Nice double chin she has going there. How come you wanted to chat with her? Talk with chicks you want to bang not some ugly fat ass that turns your stomach when you picture her naked. She looks English and who cares what her opinion is. You need to care less about what some 1 thinks about you...
  12. M

    Online Dating in the late 90s/early 2000s-Why was it so much easier back then

    I think more girls now are using online dating for entertainment rather than going out and dating. There are girls at work who use the site to just pass the time when they get bored. They talk to guys on the site but don't have any real intentions of going out on any dates. Facebook makes it...
  13. M

    Some of you guys are dumb. You should text women

    You're a relationship expert? I guess you don't get out too much to see what girls are doing these days. I went clubbing last week with some people in my social circle where one girl in my group gave out her # to 8 guys that night. Do you think all 8 of those guys are important to her who she...
  14. M

    why cheating hurts the cheater most

    Cheating only hurts the cheater when the cheater feels regret and remorse for cheating. Otherwise, that person is not going to care that they cheated. People will always justify their reason for cheating. Women will blame men and tell that is was their fault that they cheated. Cheating affects...
  15. M

    I broke up with my GF. Good Choice?

    It's always a friend that does it. This is exactly how women behave, they do what they want and don't care about your consent. As long as they are doing what they want to do, they feel that is right no matter if it is disrespectful or not. If you go against what they want, then you are at fault...
  16. M

    How much to be "Indifferent"

    Don't you think that an interested girl would contact you if she was truly interested? Lowered interest means she doesn't dig you like she used to. No point in flirting and calling until she reaches out. The boyfriend is just an excuse because she was hooking up with you already before. Her...
  17. M

    How to treat a flake at work

    I figured someone would post something like this. This sounds like a butthurt comment. I watched a co-worker get fired over a little banter at work. The girl cooled on him, she made him out to be a pervert when he really wasn't doing anything wrong. He lost his job and has a nice sexual...
  18. M

    How to treat a flake at work

    How about leaving her alone? Both of you are giving some bad advice. You play with fire when you hit on chicks at work. She could complain to the boss and accuse you of harassment if you become rude. She has your texts as evidence and can make sh1t up. I wouldn't put it past some of these girls...
  19. M

    I go down but she wont?

    She is adding insult to injury with that comment. If a chick said that to me, she would be gone in a second. Arguing over why she won't blow him doesn't even matter. What matters is that she isn't blowing him while she insults him. Do yourself a favor and dump this chick, she dosn't respect you...
  20. M

    Should we amend the two strikes rule into a one strike rule?

    It depends on what the situation is. If you get a blatant lie, then yes, she should be ruled out. If she calls you back and wants to reschedule then you should give one more strike before calling her out on strikes.