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  1. B

    Stop pedestalizing chicks with high number based off her looks.

    IMO: to pedestal is to value a girl above yourself, not other girls. The minute this mentality manifests itself it's usually game over anyway (be it immediately, or be it a painful end to an unbalanced relationship where you have been the less-dominant particpant). If you can't overcome the...
  2. B

    Her looks DO NOT matter

    Yep, right from the start, simply giving a girl a HB rating is pedastalisation IMO. Attaching a value f*!ks with your outcome dependence and self respect as you go up your own scale. As a youngster, I'll never forget an experience with an incredibly pretty girl. she was telling my female...
  3. B

    Jesus christ there's some pandering guys out there...

    The thing that does't add up here is that no girl is ever more than 30cm from her phone... Move on, she might have intimated to these guys that you are some kind of nuisance. Don't shoot the messenger! just how it looks from what you've given us.
  4. B

    It's tough not to pedestalize when you approach women

    There's something somewhere on the main site relating to this. The answer was to just act like you know she already likes you, basically going down the self fullfilling prophecy route with your attitude. I see pedastalling as your brain convincing you that she has qualities other girls dont...
  5. B

    That's probably why you don't have a GF

    In my experience, the only girls who question why you have no girlfriend are accidently letting on that they think you are of sufficient quality to have a girlfriend. I've always seen it as a compliment.
  6. B

    Should I try it on my Lodger Mixed signals

    Agree 100%, if you have read the "hot" signals completely wrong she could quickly become uncomfortable. Yes on the face of it; worst case she could simply move out. However longer term through idle conversation with her friends you could become known as some notoriously sleezy landlord among...
  7. B

    Girlfriend problem guys, what do?

    The inherant core benefit of plate theory illustrated perfectly. Don't get too invested in this other girl though, if she's your mum's friend can we assume she is a little older? Not usually sustainable, use it as an exercise in how to have fun without getting attached. Also don't be surprised...
  8. B

    She has a boyfriend. But I think she wants me...

    ...and your face (OP) might be hard to fix when her boyfriend has busted it. Realise that at your time of life now you will never be surrounded by so many unattached female choices as you are now, is it really worth it?
  9. B

    I'm losing out on average looking's killing my confidence

    I'd hazard a guess the fact you think you can do better is coming through in your interractions. You'd be amazed what kinds of subliminal cues people will pick up on despite your best efforts. If fact, you'll likely have more joy going for someone you think is "in your league".
  10. B

    This girl embarrassed me infront of everyone

    Why is everyone else skipping over this!? where is Human Resources? WHAT IS GOING ON! Is the OP A) in the slave trade B) in the army?
  11. B

    Pursuing Girls.

    Sounds like the first girl was feeling lonely and went through her phone book for a bit of a validation/attention from someone she knew was interested in her. I'd concentrate on the new one.
  12. B

    PROOF that chix are after STATUS AND MONEY

    I don't think it's quite so straight forward: A) Despite the obvious improvement in appearance, you will naturally carry more inner confidence, better posture etc in your expensive gear, this needs to be taken into account as a factor. B) I swear to god a woman wouldn't know a £5,000 suit...
  13. B

    The truth about office romances

    Yep. If she can't be discreet, you have to wonder if the 'relationship' is merely a vehical for peer attention. Seen it before, been approached before too, when you say no they just go off and find someone else, it's all about her.
  14. B

    Letting your girlfriend hang out with other men (orbiters) is a stupid thing to do

    Let 'em hang out with who they want, your frame should always be that you can take her or leave her. The bi-product of said frame is that she will avoid male company for fear of losing you because your attitude constantly reminds her she doesn't truely have you. It's when that frame slips and...
  15. B

    One method to CATCH women for romance for noobies

    I can attest to this too, when a woman, especially a good looking woman is not being checked out by a guy something is badly wrong in their universe, it's at odds with their ego. It's not playing beta games, it's an excercise in self control. I've used it several times to stand out in group...
  16. B

    Crying women will affect beta men

    Is right, and if you don't get yourself wise to it now, your future kids will pull the same sh!t because you're a soft touch!
  17. B

    This is unchartered territory for me; LTR asked me for a two-week break

    Bounce, you're done. ...and don't let her have her cake and eat it by keeping you around during her transition to another castle.
  18. B

    Workplace: why is she acting so distant around me?

    Arrange to see her privately out of work. Sounds like somebody has made a comment about both of your antics at the party and she's now conscious about her reputation.
  19. B

    Correcting Bdp, cluster b, Passive Aggressive Behaviour?

    Never found a way to correct this as such, but I've had success not calling it out, but mirroring it, it's pretty easy to master tbh. This is in no-escape situations like work btw, given a choice, recognise it early and gtfo.
  20. B

    Thoughts, advice?

    So simple, unanimously it seems I've lost sight of the actual goal of this exercise! I do find an alarming amount of people uninteresting, repetitive, boring and selfish... like 90%, is that normal?